View Full Version : Tough times on the forum
07-10-2014, 08:45 AM
... and you wonder why I do not like to use the forum ... the number of irrelevant comments Jim deleted outnumber the serious responses .... eadb5ac23f86db.jpg
You have about 15 active members on this forum.........coincidentally it's probably a grouping of the most active members over all in the club minus one or two people who aren't on either FB or Forum.
07-10-2014, 08:51 AM
So do people not joke around and tease each other on FB? This is a serious question (not looking to make trouble) since I'm not (and won't be) a member of FB. How would it be different to conduct a poll on FB? Trying to understand... :confused:
07-10-2014, 08:57 AM
Randys comment was a bit over the top....IMO But i certainly see where he is coming from....
Last line in his initial post (for the Sunapee cruise get together idea) said to post up only if YOU ARE INTERESTED in going. He didn't want to hear about anything else.... yet there were posts made that have been deleted or better yet answering NO when he was only looking for YES responses to get a idea of who would go.....
I've got to ask.... Do people really read the post in it's entirety before responding?
07-10-2014, 10:30 AM
So do people not joke around and tease each other on FB? This is a serious question (not looking to make trouble) since I'm not (and won't be) a member of FB. How would it be different to conduct a poll on FB? Trying to understand... :confused:
More people VIEW FB posts, but don't do a ton of commenting. Looking back at who is actually making posts, 90% of that is done by Rick or Randy.
There is ALOT more viewership of posts on FB compared to the forum. For example, on FB, the post Randy made about the dinner cruise was seen by 40 different people, that's different from views on the forum. Another example, ricks post about Smoking stangs was seen by 73 people........
To answer Kevins question, I only respond to event threads if i am attending.
In my opinion, the forum would be dead if people weren't making comments in the threads, but i understand the concept of not cluttering up a thread.
07-10-2014, 12:35 PM
Forum is a place to chat,bs, and offer help to each other time to time. A light hearted forum it should be.
We're NOT communicating to The White House, so lets not go overboard about being serious.
Jim has done a fine job of expanding and adding subject tabs. We all obey basic rules, play nice, All good!
If a few don't like what's posted or the chatter, don't read it.
Here's a thought for anoucments, if you don't want bogus feedback, make posting a "stikey" and lock the post.
07-10-2014, 01:41 PM
Forum is a place to chat,bs, and offer help to each other time to time. A light hearted forum it should be.
We're NOT communicating to The White House, so lets not go overboard about being serious.
Jim has done a fine job of expanding and adding subject tabs. We all obey basic rules, play nice, All good!
If a few don't like what's posted or the chatter, don't read it.
Here's a thought for anoucments, if you don't want bogus feedback, make posting a "sticky" and lock the post.
You're absolutely right. And compared to some forums, I have a very light hand.
Since the subject has been broached... There is good reason for "staying on topic". There are times when we -- or even some poor soul on the internet may want to search the forum for a specific topic. When our threads go immediately off the rails, it makes that search worse than useless.
Another thought: The idea behind an internet forum is not to act as a private club, but as an open venue where Mustang people from anywhere, can come and chat and feel welcome. (Case in point -- our new forum member "Mike" -- the guy from France who is in the area looking for a muscle car.)
In general, I will not interfere in general conversation or light-hearted messing around with people. But when the topic is informational, or someone is asking a question, and it goes off the rails... well then I have to be the big bad administrator. I don't like to do that. I just want to post here and mess around with people too. But since I asked for the responsibility in order to make the forum better (at all of your request, I might add), I kinda have to take responsibility.
Do we need to run this forum like it's something the size of SVTPerformance? No, of course not. But if we're going to have the forum, we might as well follow the simple rules that most forums follow in order to make it fun, useful and a nice place to visit.
If any member wants to suggests changes to the forum structure, management or policy -- or disagrees with my actions -- feel free to PM me.
...Stepping off my soapbox now......
Now, where's Dennis been? It's not like him to stay away for a whole day.....
07-10-2014, 03:50 PM
Well said Jim, here here!!!
07-10-2014, 09:27 PM
Last thing I will say on this....
I was curious, so I went into FB through my wifes account and took a look at the post that Randy made regarding the idea of a cruise on Sunapee. His Post on FB was verbatim to the post that he submitted on the forum.
If he thinks our comments are off base I wish everyone could see the posts made on FB..... Here are a few that jumped out at me (Not quoted exactly because I can't remember all the nonsense that people shared. Haha).... "I don't want door dings on my car", "Is there parking there", "we do things like this down in Florida", A few people said NO or NOT Interested, "I never leave my mustang unattended in a parking lot", "Don't forget the car show sponsored by the East Coast Camaro club on that day"....... I think you get the picture. There is no difference IMO between the people who primarily use FB and the Forum. For anyone to say otherwise is just BS. I don't like BS.
Bruce, you are spot on. Same BS different venue!!!! Seems like the FB in crowd was trying to keep their little secret to themselves. Now that's BS. In my opinion of course. :-)
Maybe FB needs the Forums "TA" -Thug Administrator.... to police those posts.....(Now that was an uppercut. Not even a jab, Jim. Haha. Of course I am only kidding TA.)
07-10-2014, 10:04 PM
Kevin, all the "quotes" you quoted have to do with the event and asking questions about it. I did see the post that Jim delete and will say that it didn't have to do with the thread's topic.
This has been an issue on the forum. One thread that I posted on some topic ended up an a completely different topic about someone else's idea.
Am I saying this doesn't happen on FB? No,In Fact I don't know if you can do topics on FB. But it does happen on here and that's what this thread topic is about. Try to keep a thread on topic and not start another topic within a thread.
07-11-2014, 08:19 AM
Kevin, all the "quotes" you quoted have to do with the event and asking questions about it. I did see the post that Jim delete and will say that it didn't have to do with the thread's topic.
This has been an issue on the forum. One thread that I posted on some topic ended up an a completely different topic about someone else's idea.
Am I saying this doesn't happen on FB? No,In Fact I don't know if you can do topics on FB. But it does happen on here and that's what this thread topic is about. Try to keep a thread on topic and not start another topic within a thread.
OK. Thanks Todd. I didn't see the offending Posts nor did I see who made those posts. (although I have a good idea in my mind who did) I'm sure it'll be swept under the rug though and we can move forward as we always do.
We've all made comments in threads that weren't relevant to the thread itself. That's why we have TA leading the charge. I love TA.
07-11-2014, 08:47 AM
I also think it boils down the fact that we all are friends here on the forum and have known each other for a good number of years. I have a comfort level with all you guys.
Facebook is a different story, there are people posting on the NHMC facebook page that I have never met before.......therefore I am not as friendly, outgoing and "ball busting" because I don't want to offend anyone.
On here, the forum, well all bets are off with you bastids.
07-11-2014, 09:02 AM
I'm not Anti-Facebook -- I have an account and check it occasionally -- I just don't get enough value-added benefit from it to pay it any serious attention or time investment. I prefer the "community" of a forum to the anonymity of FB.
There was a discussion about Facebook on another, non car related forum where I spend a lot of time. These guys are all pretty thoughtful (not like you dumb asses ;) ) and make some interesting points.
some of their observations:
Facebook casts a very wide net - your neighbor, your co-workers, that girl you dated for two months in 11th grade, etc. are all on Facebook sharing the minutiae of their lives. That's its strength, and its weakness. It can be very valuable for allowing far-flung families to stay in touch and see pictures of children and grandchildren. You can reconnect with distant relatives or old friends. Of course, that's also the downside. People change and you end up seeing strange posts about conspiracy theories and gluten-free diets. There are filters but most people don't bother with them.
I watched a friend "do" her Facebook the other day: it was an endless stream of notes, comments, jottings, pictures, opinions, rants, pleas. Nothing bad, really, just so much of it, all of it seemingly too trivial to think about. But it churned on endlessly.
I also think it's no good that Facebook exists to sell to advertisers all the personal information you gave them in return for free kitten pictures.
The new terms of service allow Facebook to use your phones microphone to listen to your surroundings anytime you post a status update. They use the background noise to better understand your habits to send ads to you.
So they say.
If that's not reason enough to delete it then I don't know is.
(note: yes, that last one is true -- although you have to "opt in" for them to do so. Read here: )
07-11-2014, 11:27 AM
The new terms of service allow Facebook to use your phones microphone to listen to your surroundings anytime you post a status update. They use the background noise to better understand your habits to send ads to you.
So they say.
If that's not reason enough to delete it then I don't know is.[/I]
(note: yes, that last one is true -- although you have to "opt in" for them to do so. Read here: )
Some of my most finest FB'ing happens when I am on the can......I'd love to see what kind recommendations they make off that!!
07-11-2014, 01:53 PM
Some of my most finest FB'ing happens when I am on the can......I'd love to see what kind recommendations they make off that!!
Ian, I was going to make a comment about joining FB and farting for them, but you beat me too it! I'd probably get ads for Gas-X! :D
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