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View Full Version : Awesome car on way home from SmokinStangs

06-30-2014, 01:28 PM
Randy and I drove back dwon from Weirs Beach together. Just after the Hooksett tolls, one of these caught up to us....
A McLaren 12C. F'ing AMAZING. Gorgeous, gorgeous, car. Sadly, he didn't want to play -- even after two Terminators made screaming-supercharger passes....

It was much like this.


The rear high-mount exhaust sounded awesome.
http://img004.lazycars.info/cars/mclaren_mp4_12c/mclaren_mp4_12c_mp4_12c_black_and_white_edition_ho ng_kong_0009_QeZBtziS.sized.jpg

06-30-2014, 02:25 PM
I'm sure he didn't want to waste his time with you guys.

Dennis O'Shea
06-30-2014, 02:39 PM
You both have great car's but your way out of your league.Even thinking about it

06-30-2014, 04:15 PM
well. duh.

Seriously guys --- you've never tried to egg on something out of your class? What boring lives you must lead....

Dennis O'Shea
06-30-2014, 04:49 PM
Great Car Its the MP-4 12 Spider 3.8 litre twin turbo V8. 616 BHP 413lbs of torque.7 speed gear box ,0-60mph 2.7 seconds It also ran the quarter mile 10.2 136mph And a Top Speed of 207mph.So I think if he did hammer it you wouldn't have seen it:p There was one at Target two weeks ago it was a vert Oh one more thing in the picture what color os that car I can't tell

06-30-2014, 06:22 PM
Unique Car Care in Wakefield, MA just had one of those in for clear bra and something else. Makes you wanna go play Powerball!!

Dennis O'Shea
06-30-2014, 07:13 PM
Or Just be ED
Unique Car Care in Wakefield, MA just had one of those in for clear bra and something else. Makes you wanna go play Powerball!!

06-30-2014, 08:03 PM
Damn, you guys saw my car before I got to. It got delivered Sunday evening that's why I couldn't make it to the lake.
O'well I'll let you come over to look at it from outside the garage.

06-30-2014, 10:36 PM
....and I thought that's what was under Dennis's car cover...

Dennis O'Shea
07-01-2014, 03:12 AM
Black with Red interior its close
....and I thought that's what was under Dennis's car cover...

07-01-2014, 08:39 AM
those things are absolute animals, unbelievable car

and Jim, I would have done the same thing. There's just something about saying you have raced a $250k car.....Funny thing is, you'd probably hang with more than a few car's in that class.

07-01-2014, 09:00 AM
Great Car Its the MP-4 12 Spider 3.8 litre twin turbo V8. 616 BHP 413lbs of torque.7 speed gear box ,0-60mph 2.7 seconds It also ran the quarter mile 10.2 136mph And a Top Speed of 207mph.So I think if he did hammer it you wouldn't have seen it:p There was one at Target two weeks ago it was a vert Oh one more thing in the picture what color os that car I can't tell

Was great looking. Of course it was black. Wasn't the spyder (convertible) though -- was a was a regular 12C.

Yeah, he way outclassed me and Randy. I'm sure he was rolling his eyes, the same way we do when a Hondatard (http://forums.nhmustangclub.com/showthread.php?964-The-Ballad-of-Hondatard-and-the-Muscle-Car)tries to run us....

Dennis O'Shea
07-01-2014, 11:26 AM
I stand corrected by the Administrator the spyder is an conv But it is a hard top when its up.Forgive me "Ole Wise One"

07-01-2014, 02:06 PM
those things are absolute animals, unbelievable car

and Jim, I would have done the same thing. There's just something about saying you have raced a $250k car.....Funny thing is, you'd probably hang with more than a few car's in that class.

There are probably some streetable Cobras that could spank that car too.

07-01-2014, 03:45 PM
oh of course there are...your car being one of them with just a few tweaks.

Dennis O'Shea
07-01-2014, 08:12 PM
And shed about a thousand pounds maybe

oh of course there are...your car being one of them with just a few tweaks.

07-02-2014, 07:42 AM
And shed about a thousand pounds maybe

I know i need to lose a few pounds Dennis..... But a 1000? I'm not THAT far gone yet.

07-02-2014, 08:56 AM
And shed about a thousand pounds maybe

while shedding weight wouldn't hurt....he's just a pulley swap, and fuel upgrade away from breaking that guys heart

Dennis O'Shea
07-02-2014, 10:19 AM
Back in 2012 it ran 10.2 at 136 or 138 I can't remember.Stock as it came from the factory it was the third fastest stock car time ever. And as far as the two of them going head to head both cars are so different.One is nothing but a track car where Kevins preforms better on the strip It like Apples and Oranges My self I'll take the Mclaren as most people would I believe .
while shedding weight wouldn't hurt....he's just a pulley swap, and fuel upgrade away from breaking that guys heart

07-02-2014, 10:38 AM
Mr. O'Shea! What happened? Are you OK? You had a perfectly good opportunity to say "Apples and Lemons" and you totally missed it! I am concerned for your health and mental state. :eek:

07-02-2014, 10:42 AM
You throw enough money at CAR A and you can make it faster than any CAR B. I remember I guy I knew in the 80s who threw a built chevy 350 into a Chevette. The thing ran 9s until it tore itself apart.

Yes, any of our Cobras is a couple thousand dollars away from taking that McLaren down... IN A STRAIGHT LINE... but you're probably talking several times a Cobra's value to get it to stay with the McLaren in the twisties.... At which point you might as well go buy yourself a used Porsche Turbo or something and be a hell of a lot closer to the right class.

Dennis O'Shea
07-02-2014, 12:31 PM
I must have misunderstood I thought this was stock for stock I guess I misunderstood I'LL still take the Mclaren all day long
You throw enough money at CAR A and you can make it faster than any CAR B. I remember I guy I knew in the 80s who threw a built chevy 350 into a Chevette. The thing ran 9s until it tore itself apart.

Yes, any of our Cobras is a couple thousand dollars away from taking that McLaren down... IN A STRAIGHT LINE... but you're probably talking several times a Cobra's value to get it to stay with the McLaren in the twisties.... At which point you might as well go buy yourself a used Porsche Turbo or something and be a hell of a lot closer to the right class.

07-02-2014, 01:41 PM
oh no doubt the car's are on different levels.........the Mclaren is an absolute beast in every aspect, its a killer car. If I had the choice, there's no doubt in my mind which way I'd go and it wouldn't be the cobra.

There's just something about taking an 11 or 12 year old 20k car and beating up on something that's brand new and costs $250k.... that makes me giggle :)

Dennis O'Shea
07-02-2014, 02:08 PM
Its kinda like taking 1966 Shelby Cobra Mustang with that little 289. And I watched at Watkins Glenn two years ago and they beat everything Gt5oo Bosses the new shelby gt 350 that was driven by Gary Patterson from shelby I asked how come all he said those car's are unbeatable in there class .And those are car who's technology is over 50 years old Just doesn't add up
oh no doubt the car's are on different levels.........the Mclaren is an absolute beast in every aspect, its a killer car. If I had the choice, there's no doubt in my mind which way I'd go and it wouldn't be the cobra.

There's just something about taking an 11 or 12 year old 20k car and beating up on something that's brand new and costs $250k.... that makes me giggle :)

Dennis O'Shea
07-02-2014, 02:10 PM
Dr Bigelow I need more of those special pills can you help me please
Mr. O'Shea! What happened? Are you OK? You had a perfectly good opportunity to say "Apples and Lemons" and you totally missed it! I am concerned for your health and mental state. :eek:

07-03-2014, 08:53 AM
oh no doubt the car's are on different levels.........the Mclaren is an absolute beast in every aspect, its a killer car. If I had the choice, there's no doubt in my mind which way I'd go and it wouldn't be the cobra.

There's just something about taking an 11 or 12 year old 20k car and beating up on something that's brand new and costs $250k.... that makes me giggle :)

+1 Ian. For us NON 1%ers out here the Cobra is an awesome car to have.

Thinking about his more.... If you bought an 03 Cobra for $40k and invested another $40k you would still have a car that is still relevant today. (in both Straight line power and in the Twisties!) Mustangs were never meant to be the car of the few. It was always and still is an everyday mans/womans car. This car was built and developed along side the FORD GT which I would take anyday over the McLaren. That said, after reading the book "Iron Fist, Lead Foot" I believe the Cobra was built with the after market in mind. (think Ford Racing, Whipple...as well as the known shortfalls it had but couldn't be addressed because of costs, this generated a massive aftermarket industry...again this is a car that was SUPPOSED to be attainable by the Masses.) Nothing at all wrong with that, think about how many jobs and companies that were started because of this. (Did I mention that an 03 Cobra hit over 200 mph with a few bolt ons?)

If your comparing stock vs. stock then yes, it's obvious..... McLaren wins. Then again, we're not all in the same league as the 1%ers either, so is there really a comparison?

07-03-2014, 10:24 AM
Many good points there, Kevin. But I have a hard time with the idea that pricing of the 2015 makes it an "everyday mans/womans car" in the current economy. The price of the Mustang has been rising quite a bit faster than inflation and definitely faster than wages. I'm beginning to fear that pricing may start to do what the insurance companies could not - kill the pony.

07-03-2014, 11:32 AM
well just like everything else...the bubble will burst at some point. When the average every day Joe's mustang GT costs $50k...guess what, people WILL stop buying it. Just like with college tuition prices, there WILL be a bubble that bursts in the next 15 - 20 years and those costs will come down.

Car prices overall have been rising faster than inflation...that trend will end at some point as well. Just like this current muscle era we are in......everything is cyclical.

Dennis O'Shea
07-03-2014, 02:43 PM
Show me were car prices have come down ever I must have missed that one
well just like everything else...the bubble will burst at some point. When the average every day Joe's mustang GT costs $50k...guess what, people WILL stop buying it. Just like with college tuition prices, there WILL be a bubble that bursts in the next 15 - 20 years and those costs will come down.

Car prices overall have been rising faster than inflation...that trend will end at some point as well. Just like this current muscle era we are in......everything is cyclical.

07-03-2014, 05:27 PM
Show me were car prices have come down ever I must have missed that one

oooooooo I get to be the one that says it :D

Dennis, you've been around to see all the pricing of the cars, so you'd know! :p

Dennis O'Shea
07-03-2014, 06:06 PM
Why do you hurt me SOOOOOOO And yes remember the Model t was what color
oooooooo I get to be the one that says it :D

Dennis, you've been around to see all the pricing of the cars, so you'd know! :p

07-03-2014, 06:12 PM
Why do you hurt me SOOOOOOO And yes remember the Model t was what color

Someone was going to say it, I just happen to have no one to treat right now so I beat everyone to it. And if I remember Mr Ford said you could get the Model T in "Any color" ;)

kirk perry
07-07-2014, 06:34 PM
My 1987 buick grandnational killed many cars that people said should of been faster than me. Kevin your car might of beencloser than you think to that car. Most of those guys inthose 250000.00 wont rip on it .....

07-08-2014, 09:02 AM
My 1987 buick grandnational killed many cars that people said should of been faster than me. Kevin your car might of beencloser than you think to that car. Most of those guys inthose 250000.00 wont rip on it .....

Thanks Kirk.... I don't rip on it either (as ED would say... "You granny shift your car") I have a phobia against jail cells too. Haha.

Dennis O'Shea
07-08-2014, 10:55 AM
Someone was going to say it, I just happen to have no one to treat right now so I beat everyone to it. And if I remember Mr Ford said you could get the Model T in "Any color" ;)The quote by Mr Ford was you can get the Model T in Any Color as long as it is Black :p

07-08-2014, 01:31 PM
The quote by Mr Ford was you can get the Model T in Any Color as long as it is Black :p

Well now your just nit picking. I started the quote correctly :cool:

07-08-2014, 01:47 PM
Thanks Kirk.... I don't rip on it either (as ED would say... "You granny shift your car") I have a phobia against jail cells too. Haha.

than what's the point in having it?

<------ feel's this thread being moved to the Rotunda :P

Dennis O'Shea
07-08-2014, 03:10 PM
This is from a guy who's put 8 miles on his car in the last 5 years Oh I know he's been shot Im Bad I forgot I am Sorry Ian
than what's the point in having it?

<------ feel's this thread being moved to the Rotunda :P

Dennis O'Shea
07-08-2014, 03:12 PM
Well now your just nit picking. I started the quote correctly :cool:And to think that you might perscribe medication that scares me One can only hope you get that correctly

Dennis O'Shea
07-08-2014, 03:18 PM
Thanks Kirk.... I don't rip on it either (as ED would say... "You granny shift your car") I have a phobia against jail cells too. Haha.Yes you would go to jail. But not for speeding. It maybe because of The color of the Big Banana I can see that its a public neusence :p

07-08-2014, 03:33 PM
Ian might have the right idea -- lets move the trash talk to the Rotunda and if we want to keep talking about awesome cars like McLaren's we can continue that here............

07-08-2014, 03:50 PM
And to think that you might perscribe medication that scares me One can only hope you get that correctly

Nope, not me. I don't do meds or needles.

07-09-2014, 06:07 AM
Saw this at Kimballs in Jaffrey. My wife and I wondered where the shoe horn to get in was kept.2515

07-09-2014, 07:51 AM
Saw this at Kimballs in Jaffrey. My wife and I wondered where the shoe horn to get in was kept.2515

I have ALWAYS wanted the T-Rex. Since they came out I've loved the way they look. But they are still a motorcycle so I'd look silly driving around with a helmet in MA with it.
After I win the lottery that is one of the vehicles that will be in my storage shed.

07-09-2014, 08:28 AM
Ian might have the right idea -- lets move the trash talk to the Rotunda.

Jimbo, can you give this thread a http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/funny/2/big-dancing-banana-smiley-emoticon.gif

07-09-2014, 10:08 AM
Ok -- Thread closed. I'll set up a specific daily trash-talk thread in the Rotunda and a "I spotted this" thread in the Paddock.