View Full Version : So now that it's over....
06-09-2014, 12:48 PM
Any feedback on Carlisle trip? Was downtown cruz ok? Was there a 50th celebration?
I know it was HOT!!!
06-09-2014, 01:35 PM
George, I think there were actually more cars there last year, but it was great. Many interesting cars and great folks to talk with. I didn't take many pictures at all except for the Matech GTs, but Jay took a ton. Jay actually sort of fit in the one Matech car people were allowed to sit in and I got that picture. But after seeing him getting in and out of it, I didn't even try! Hopefully he will post some of his pictures here. I haven't unpacked enough yet to find my camera for the few I took.
Great weather Friday thru Sunday. We drove in rain Thursday all through Mass, but the top went down as soon as we hit the Taconic in NY and it stayed down for the rest of the trip. The Taconic State Parkway is a beautiful drive and it is limited to passenger cars only - no commercial vehicles or trailers. So we went out to the end of the MA Pike and down the Taconic. Just a glorious drive in the sun both ways. Longer but well worth it as long as you're not trailering.
There was a 50th celebration party Friday night but I didn't go - I met some college friends instead. I think maybe Kevin went.
The downtown "parade" was "meh", but the "special" shirt you get is nice. The snafu this year was that the only shirt size was XL, which is fine for me as that is my size. They line you up an hour ahead of time in a nearby parking lot and you wait with the hot sun in your eyes for an hour. Then you crawl bumper to bumper, stop and go for about a mile and a half to be lined up three abreast down main street. Then you go eat wherever you want and leave your car on display while doing that. It was a good thing to experience once but I won't do it again. Had a really great dinner downtown at the N. Hanover Grille! I will remember that place and make sure to go there next time.
The Bonanza we used to eat at (near the hotel) is gone - it burned down last fall. The Walnut Bottom Diner just across the street from where Bonanza used to be is excellent! Will go back there again!
Jay scored a "like new" fuel tank with full evap setup for his 03. I scored an original 94 sales brochure for my 94 which I have been hunting for - had everything else already from when I bought the car but the dealer was out of those. I also found a 1994 Indy Pace Car press kit and a 30th anniversary key fob I've been looking for.
Jimmy took third in his class - don't know about anyone else.
06-09-2014, 04:50 PM
It was a great time. As you know George, there is always something new and fresh there. Weather was really hot. My neck got fried.
I did meet an SVT engine builder. He was not one that worked on my specific engine, but it was really cool to talk with him.
06-09-2014, 08:58 PM
Results are posted on the Carlisle web site. Looks like Jackie won her class: 1992 - 1993 GT - STOCK
06-10-2014, 08:41 AM
It was a great time. As you know George, there is always something new and fresh there. Weather was really hot. My neck got fried.
I did meet an SVT engine builder. He was not one that worked on my specific engine, but it was really cool to talk with him.
that's pretty cool....which guy was it?
06-10-2014, 08:47 AM
George, I think there were actually more cars there last year, but it was great.
Probably because most of the people went to Charlotte. This was one of my thoughts deciding not to go this year.
But the key down there is just to walk around and see different cars, get some ideas and meet some really cool people. And that's what it sounds like happened.
06-10-2014, 10:25 AM
Probably because most of the people went to Charlotte. This was one of my thoughts deciding not to go this year.
Those were my thoughts, too. I just read on their web site that they had record breaking attendance. So much for seat-of-the-pants estimation!
But the key down there is just to walk around and see different cars, get some ideas and meet some really cool people. And that's what it sounds like happened.
Yes and Yes! :)
06-10-2014, 01:47 PM
Well when I went to Carlisle last couple years & went to tables to pick up my trophies I'd ask them what the attendance count was. Last time it was ~ 3,200.
Now getting my car ready for SKIP's MEGA CRUZ.
06-10-2014, 09:35 PM
Looks like club members:
Jackie Brown, she one 1st in 92-93 stock GT
Dave Gagnon 3rd 94-95 modified mustang
06-10-2014, 10:09 PM
Looks like club members:
Jackie Brown, she one 1st in 92-93 stock GT
Dave Gagnon 3rd 94-95 modified mustang
And Jimmy Mirras 3rd in 2007 GT HARDTOP - MODIFIED
07 stang gt
06-12-2014, 05:31 AM
I thought it was one of the best trips I have been on.Everything was great-weather, people, events,downtown cruise,cars !! I even met a guy who is flying me to Pittsburg to detail his car (s) !! It was nice to get a trophy but my intent for this trip was the event for sure. Some of the cars were amazing and was really cool to see the new 2015 Mustang and some of the vendors displays was fun to watch as well. They were installing an aluminum drive shaft in a new Shelby at the Ford tent at one pomt,an awesome burnout contest, Miss Carlisle was nominated, Steve Saleen and Hubert Pratt a famous Mustang drag racer from the 60s and 70s signed my radiator cover as well as a signed poster from Steve Saleen, it was all good !! Here are some pics I took, I think I took about 100 photos. If you have never been you need to go.One more thing off my bucket list:o 24072408240924102411241224132414241524162417241824 19242024212422242324242425242624272428242924302431 243224332434243524362437243824392440244124422443
06-12-2014, 08:44 AM
flying you to Pittsburgh eh? That's interesting....will be a fun trip
nice pic's
06-12-2014, 11:44 AM
Nice pics, Jimmy! Thanks for posting. I still haven't unpacked my own camera! LOL!
06-20-2014, 12:11 AM
For those that may not be on Carlisle email, I got this today. 2014 was 2nd best turn out. Come on 2015.
Over 3,000 cars! Over 50,000 guests! Perfect weather! You! The 2014 Carlisle Ford Nationals broke all types of records and ultimately chimes in as the second biggest specialty show ever held at Carlisle! With the multiple numerical celebrations (20 years of the Carlisle Ford Nationals, 40 years of Carlisle Events, 50 years of the Mustang and 110 years of Ford), plus the all-new 2015 Mustang and F-150 onsite, there was a lot to see and do. As the past, present and future of the brand was showcased, your enthusiasm was on full display too. For all of this, we simply can't thank you enough and we can't wait to do it again in 2015!
06-20-2014, 08:39 AM
Nice pics, Jimmy! Thanks for posting. I still haven't unpacked my own camera! LOL!
Still waiting for your pictures Bruce.
For those that may not be on Carlisle email, I got this today. 2014 was 2nd best turn out. Come on 2015.
Over 3,000 cars! Over 50,000 guests! Perfect weather! You! The 2014 Carlisle Ford Nationals broke all types of records and ultimately chimes in as the second biggest specialty show ever held at Carlisle! With the multiple numerical celebrations (20 years of the Carlisle Ford Nationals, 40 years of Carlisle Events, 50 years of the Mustang and 110 years of Ford), plus the all-new 2015 Mustang and F-150 onsite, there was a lot to see and do. As the past, present and future of the brand was showcased, your enthusiasm was on full display too. For all of this, we simply can't thank you enough and we can't wait to do it again in 2015!
DIdn't I tell you the 50th was gonna be big....
06-20-2014, 10:13 AM
DIdn't I tell you the 50th was gonna be big....
Knew it would be. I've gone there ~ 14 times. Including the one OVER 3,000.
06-20-2014, 11:32 AM
Still waiting for your pictures Bruce.
Unfortunately there was a problem with my SD card. The ONLY pics that I got were of the Matech GT1 cars. :mad:
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