View Full Version : cruise night
kirk perry
06-02-2014, 05:40 PM
Dont want to start any trouble and I appreciate all the work that goes into cruise night but the music is just too loud for me to even stay there with my 3 yr old son. I feel that the whole idea of cruise night is to hang out and talk to people about their cars. The music is played so loud that I cant go down to half the cars because it bothers my son and you cant talk to anybody without yelling.
06-02-2014, 08:50 PM
Don't drive behind me!!!! Lol
06-02-2014, 09:17 PM
I have a cousins little bit younger than me who used to like loud music. Well he now for many years has had hearing aids in BOTH ears. Regrets the past with loud music.
06-02-2014, 10:25 PM
Kirk, I'm with you. I have thought the music was too loud at cruise night since I joined the club - and I like things loud - just ask anyone who has been in my media room at home. We had cruise night at Londonderry HD back then.
Out at Hooksett I always park in the third of the parking area farthest from the speakers for just that reason. I rarely give the cars anywhere closer than half way to the speakers more than a glance because it's actually painful to be there. I do go up to the table, but it's not so loud there because you're behind the speakers and can talk there. I don't think the folks running it at the table realize how loud it really is because they're behind the speakers.
Dennis O'Shea
06-03-2014, 06:15 AM
So its real easy solution just ask Randy to turn it down a little I am sure he won't have a problem with that
06-03-2014, 07:44 AM
I agree with this.
Sometimes I feel like I come across as Anti-Social because I hang out up near the Dunkin Donuts ALL THE TIME. That is how I have to cope with the music being so loud. I would love to hang out near the table but just can't bring myself to do so except for stopping by for a quick hello.
Not sure if it's the positioning of the speakers or the volume. Maybe it's both. It would be an easy fix.
kirk perry
06-03-2014, 08:14 AM
Dennis I will speak to randy next time I go
06-03-2014, 08:54 AM
I am sure Randy will see this and adjust accordingly. Randy is into his music, that's his thing so to him it's probably not a big deal.
Thanks for posting up
06-03-2014, 10:18 AM
Randy is into his music
Yes, and he's a great DJ! The choices are amazing! They just sound better at the other end of the parking lot! :o
06-03-2014, 01:36 PM
Well guys, I am surprised at some of these comments for one reason -- NO ONE HAS ASKED FOR THE VOLUME TO BE TURNED DOWN. If you noticed, our table is about 10 feet in back of the speakers, so I do not know whether the music is too loud or not. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS ASK.
Kirk - I appreciate you telling me this, and the volume will be turned down; and if it is still too loud, then please let me know at cruise night so I can do something about it right away.
George -- You probably are right as well. I have moderate hearing loss in one ear, and slight hearing loss in the other; probably a contributing factor to my inability to determine how loud the music is.
Bruce and Kevin -- I have been doing the cruise night music for three years; why haven't you approached me about this in the past, rather than just jumping on the bandwagon when someone finally does speak up????
ANYWAY, the volume will be turned down; but tell me at the time if it is still too loud. We are trying very hard to make cruise night a pleasant event for everyone. I did some research on what factors make a good cruise night. The first three are location, location and location. The 4th is the music. So constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcomed if it is designed to make Cruise Night a better experience for everyone.
06-03-2014, 01:44 PM
Bruce and Kevin -- I have been doing the cruise night music for three years; why haven't you approached me about this in the past, rather than just jumping on the bandwagon when someone finally does speak up????
Simple answer, Randy. I thought it was just me. No one ever voiced a similar opinion within my hearing and when I mentioned it to whoever I was with at the time, I don't recall that anyone ever said that they agreed. Thinking I was the only one who had an issue, I didn't want to be a squeaky wheel and ruin it for others if they had no issue with it. That's just speaking for myself - I can't say why others didn't speak up, or respond to me when I mentioned it in passing.
06-04-2014, 07:46 AM
Randy, I Just dealt with it in the way I stated. I just hang around up top closer to Dunkin Donuts. It's not bad up there. It's only a couple of hours long so it was never a big deal for me personally.
I can see Kirks point of view bringing his son and having that reaction. So I wanted to ensure that there was some support for him. Again, It's NOT a pressing issue for me... but i can certainly see the Point that was made.
kirk perry
06-04-2014, 09:17 AM
Randy thank you
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