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View Full Version : anyone from Mass?

05-30-2014, 05:00 PM
Are any of our members from Mass? I have been working to track down a 1967 Fastback I sold. I got a lead it was sold to someone in Lawrence,MA and registered 6/2/1989 and the plate was turned in before it expired, in 1990 (Sold again?) LAST i knew it was white with blue lemans stripes in the turn signal recesses and blue side vents.
Any ideas where to go from here? Sound familiar to anyone?2304

06-02-2014, 08:46 AM
do you know the VIN? I believe there are ways to track a car down that way

06-02-2014, 09:30 AM
Memorized the vin Ian! 7t02s180970 but no leads

Dennis O'Shea
06-02-2014, 10:38 AM
You should be able to locate the car through the vin Have you tried on line
Memorized the vin Ian! 7t02s180970 but no leads

06-02-2014, 11:09 AM
online any vin before 1980 when they became standardized is useless it seems.

06-02-2014, 04:40 PM
after just a quick google search:

http://lost-car-registry.tripod.com/old%20site/ford.html -- that you?

Have you tried this: http://www.massrmv.com/rmv/privacy/obtain.htm

06-02-2014, 06:12 PM
Oh yeah, been there done those.
Thanks. yes that's me.