View Full Version : Finally got a job!
05-24-2012, 08:45 AM
After living off of the wife now for 6 monthes I finally found a job.
I will be a vendor sales rep for a company called RSI Cabinets. I will be on familiar ground as I will be calling on Home Depots and Lowes throughout Maine, NH and VT.
Its a huge territory geographically. I will get a company car. Its will be a HHR from Chevy. I'm also excited that I will be working M-F instead of the retail schedule that would always interfere with me to attend alot of the NHMC events.
Also, Before I got this job I bought into a franchise, with a partner, for a company called Floor Hero. The job market is So bleak right now that i didn't think anything was going to break. My partner found the opportunity so we went for it. We bought Hillsborough county as our territory from them. We are just waiting for our LLC paperwork to return and we will start advertising. It will be a situation that he will run the business at first and hopefully it takes off so that I can then work along side of him and grow the business in our market.
It always seems to happen this way. You go from doing nothing, to running 100 mph almost overnight.
05-24-2012, 08:59 AM
Congrats!! Sounds like you got your hand full.
Good luck with it all.
05-24-2012, 09:05 AM
CONGRATS. Now it's time for some training and information overload.
This mean you can now aford 50/50 raffle tickets at shows? lol
05-24-2012, 09:36 AM
congrats Kevin, i am happy for you......its rough out there now, I can relate.
I am glad you landed on your feet!
05-24-2012, 09:46 AM
Great to hear, Kevin! Very happy for you! We should have a quick chat soon - there are a few things I'd like to tell you about that may help with the franchise.
Good Luck!
05-24-2012, 12:41 PM
Excellent news !!! Congrats Kevin !!
That's always the way !! FEAST or FAMINE.....
05-24-2012, 01:33 PM
Nice!! Now you can afford to paint the car black!!
05-24-2012, 03:46 PM
Awesome Kevin! U can't buy a job right now u impressed someone!
red 5.0 bill
05-24-2012, 07:00 PM
good job ,very nice,congrats,its tough out there,by the inch its a cinch,by the yard its hard ,good luck,see ya soon,,,,
05-24-2012, 09:36 PM
Glad you're back to work Kev!
05-24-2012, 11:26 PM
Thank you everyone.
05-25-2012, 12:32 PM
congrats kevin
Dennis O'Shea
05-25-2012, 05:40 PM
Thats great Kev I am happy for you and your family You should take your first Pay check Jesus and get that Car painted
05-25-2012, 09:51 PM
Awesome! I know how happy you must be. Collecting unemployment gets old really fast!
05-25-2012, 10:15 PM
I have connections at Lynn Tech. We could call it Project Fallen ZERO and paint Jibber's car BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!
05-26-2012, 02:24 PM
Nice going Kevin; you must be relieved...
05-26-2012, 02:25 PM
...And I happen to like the yellow !!
Dennis O'Shea
05-26-2012, 09:02 PM
It was nice to see Kevin at the Cruise he seems really happy about his new job thats cool
05-26-2012, 09:14 PM
It was nice to see Kevin at the Cruise he seems really happy about his new job thats cool
It was nice to see him back to normal, he had all kinds of crazy talk about having to move in with O'Shea if he didn't find a job soon!!
05-26-2012, 09:18 PM
It was nice to see him back to normal, he had all kinds of crazy talk about having to move in with O'Shea if he didn't find a job soon!!
His garage was looking good for a while.
05-26-2012, 09:26 PM
It was nice to see Kevin at the Cruise he seems really happy about his new job thats cool
Thanks Dennis.
I actually liked the "vacation" I got done a ton of stuff around the house that I've been putting off. Just need to do two more big projects before I start the new job. Now you guys will have to put up with the yellow car for the rest of the summer.
Dennis O'Shea
05-27-2012, 06:55 AM
Thank You God for getting Kevin a Job thought Of having that "Yellow Thing" any where in my neighborhood started to make me sick Thanks again and yes I will Still Keep praying for his poor soul
05-27-2012, 07:48 AM
thought Of having that "Yellow Thing" any where in my neighborhood started to make me sick
At least the oil it leaks all over the place is BLACK
05-29-2012, 05:20 AM
Congratulations on the job Kevin, good for you.
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