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View Full Version : lawnmower engine help?

05-11-2014, 07:56 PM
So a year or two ago I bought a new Craftsman lawnmower. When I first got it I had trouble with it starting up. Brought it right back and the tech told me I can't tip the lawnmower over, which I had never done!
Last year at the end of the year I noticed that it started hard after I had been running it for a while. Today I mowed the lawn for the first time of the season. Put gas in it, started up on the second pull. Mowed my front lawn. Stopped for a minute to do the back and when I went to start it again. It wouldn't start. It almost sounds like it's just not getting a spark, it's a fairly new plug and I cleaned it before I started it up. I waiting about 5 minutes and it started up.
You think that somehow it's flooding? or maybe just over heating (but then wouldn't it die before I turned it off?)
Any suggestions?

Bob Comire
05-11-2014, 08:10 PM
Assuming you have new gas, I would check the air filter.

05-11-2014, 08:56 PM
Yup, Gas was bought last weekend to run the pressure washer.
i'll take a look at the air filter, but it should be good, it's only been run for one full season.

05-11-2014, 08:58 PM
So a year or two ago I bought a new Craftsman lawnmower.
Thats your first problem.

Related to the issue at hand:
Turn throttle/choke to off, or minimum, and pull start cord 15-or 20 times to clear in case it's just flooded. try starting.
Take the air filter out. Try starting. If it starts, your filter is clogged, buy a new one.
Gas -- Drain all gas and put in new. (unless that's what's in there)
Gas -- check fuel filter (assuming it has one) see if if gas come out of the fuel line when you pull starter.
Spark -- verify that have spark when you pull starter.
If none of those work:
Kick it -- really hard.
Talk to it -- explain to it it, that it's ancestry is in somewhat of disrepute, and perhaps it should act nicer before you send to meet those actual ancestors.

If it still doesn't work, invoke warranty, if its still covered.

05-11-2014, 09:44 PM
I'd go buy another spark plug. They go bad. Can check easy, pull to start several times, then remove spark plug, if wet, plug not firing. If not wet, Spray starting fluid into plug hole and put plug back in and try to start. Should for a few seconds. Then you know carb issue , like maybe you left odd gas in it.

You have fresh gas in it and ran it for at least a few minutes so new gas run thru carb.

Jim, Craftsman brand or any other brand for that matter, most all are using a Briggs engine or a Tecumseh engie think own by them. All the same when comes to just the engine.

05-11-2014, 09:53 PM
I always at the end of the year put stabilizer in the engine and then run it dry. So the gas is now new and ran for about 15-20 min no issues.
The new mowers have no throttle or choke so I can't test that.
I'll get a new plug again. they replaced it the first time I had this issue and they told me not to tip the mower over (again, which has NEVER been done).
I guess at this time the plug and filter are the easiest to test.

05-11-2014, 09:59 PM
Todd, my Toro (which I am replacing tomorrow for other reasons) has behaved this way for years. After running for a while, won't restart. It's a Tecumseh engine with the little priming bulb on the side (when cold push the bulb three times then try to start.) The solution I arrived at is to give the bulb ONE push before trying to restart. Works most of the time on the first pull, sometimes on second or third. If it just pops and doesn't start, give the bulb ONE more push and try again. This works 99% of the time for me. I think the carb just gets a bit hot after it has run a while and if you shut it down for a minute or two the gas evaporates quickly from the carb so there's nothing there to restart, but it doesn't need a full prime. Give it a try - it may work for you too.

05-12-2014, 07:15 AM
I always at the end of the year put stabilizer in the engine and then run it dry. So the gas is now new and ran for about 15-20 min no issues.
The new mowers have no throttle or choke so I can't test that.
I'll get a new plug again. they replaced it the first time I had this issue and they told me not to tip the mower over (again, which has NEVER been done).
I guess at this time the plug and filter are the easiest to test.

Todd do starting test I mentioned above 1st, try to start then pull & inspect plug. Also can spray starting fluid right into cylinder, put plug back in and try. This will help decide if a fuel delivery issue or bad plug issue.

Dennis O'Shea
05-12-2014, 07:35 AM
Todd these are all good idea's and they may help I have a Honda that is in its 22nd season.Have never had a problem Change the oil every year and the plug and wash the air filter. I too do the stable thing but I never heard of running it dry. After listening to all the suggestions I have the one fool proof method Ditch the Craftsman and by a Push Mower.

05-12-2014, 08:02 AM
Bruce, I have no primer bulb on it. I love technology!!!!! (sarcastic)
Dennis, it is a push mower.
George, i'll give it a try.

05-12-2014, 08:23 AM
Todd these are all good idea's and they may help I have a Honda that is in its 22nd season.Have never had a problem Change the oil every year and the plug and wash the air filter. I too do the stable thing but I never heard of running it dry. After listening to all the suggestions I have the one fool proof method Ditch the Craftsman and by a Push Mower.

Dennis, neither Honda or Craftsman (Briggs) makes spark plugs. So IF it's ends up being a plug issue, that's not the engines fault. Sometimes you gotta try diff plug brand as well. I just believe in troulbeshooting, not guessing. As the mechanics saying my son always uses, "KISS", Keep it simple stupid. Go for the lowest cost part first.

05-12-2014, 08:34 AM
you can always bring it to Ed's lawn mower / small engine over in tyngsboro, he's about ten minutes from your house


05-12-2014, 09:06 AM
you can always bring it to Ed's lawn mower / small engine over in tyngsboro, he's about ten minutes from your house


That's who I use for all our issues. My dad's been using them for YEARS! Bought my snowblower from them. Great people there and always giving you a good price and the right fix.
I just looked and I have a few months left on my warranty. But I bet if I go they will just replace the plug and filter again and not fix the issue, then charge me for it.

05-12-2014, 10:08 AM
Go for the lowest cost part first.

I have to agree with George on this, and it's what I do. Though in my case with my luck with mowers, this often results in my spending the maximum amount of money because after working my way through all of the cheap fixes, I need the expensive one anyway. That's why I'm replacing the Toro. Tecumseh engine runs great but I've had enough of throwing money at the rest of the mower to try to keep it from falling apart around the engine. Will most likely end up with a Honda or Husqvarna (uses Honda engine).

05-12-2014, 10:11 AM
I have a Honda that is in its 22nd season.

Impressive! Even Honda doesn't make 'em like that any more.

05-12-2014, 11:49 AM
IJim, Craftsman brand or any other brand for that matter, most all are using a Briggs engine or a Tecumseh engie think own by them. All the same when comes to just the engine.

Yes, I know. Briggs and Stratton and Techumseh are workhorses. But my experience with Sears yard equipment is that the craftsman models always seem to have a few replacement parts details that are non-standard and when you go back for spare parts -- and it's more than 5-8 years old -- the part is specific to that model and they mysteriously don't carry it any more. A little too obviously planned obsolescence. After having that experience with mowers twice, I never bought another small engine-based Sears/Craftsman machine again. Maybe they're better about that now -- dont know.

My 17yo Yard Machine/Techumseh snowblower still has easily found parts. Same with my 10 year old Toro push mower, and so far with my 8 year old Deere riding mower and with 6 year old Briggs and Stratton generator.

For what it's worth -- one of my first mowers when I bought my house was a 15 year old beat to hell Honda push mower. Thing started on the first pull every time. Burned oil like a mad man, but it ran. Got a couple of years out of it and then bought a Craftsman. ;(
I'd buy another Honda in a second if I need a replacment.

05-12-2014, 12:16 PM
Yes, I know. Briggs and Stratton and Techumseh are workhorses. But my experience with Sears yard equipment is that the craftsman models always seem to have a few replacement parts details that are non-standard and when you go back for spare parts -- and it's more than 5-8 years old -- the part is specific to that model and they mysteriously don't carry it any more. A little too obviously planned obsolescence. After having that experience with mowers twice, I never bought another small engine-based Sears/Craftsman machine again. Maybe they're better about that now -- dont know.

YUP! 'Nuf said!

05-12-2014, 12:48 PM
this is why i pay landscapers.........lol

05-12-2014, 01:02 PM
this is why i pay landscapers.........lol

I am coming to view this as a not unreasonable alternative. :(

05-12-2014, 01:12 PM
Yes, I know. Briggs and Stratton and Techumseh are workhorses. But my experience with Sears yard equipment is that the craftsman models always seem to have a few replacement parts details that are non-standard and when you go back for spare parts -- and it's more than 5-8 years old -- the part is specific to that model and they mysteriously don't carry it any more. A little too obviously planned obsolescence. After having that experience with mowers twice, I never bought another small engine-based Sears/Craftsman machine again. Maybe they're better about that now -- dont know.

My 17yo Yard Machine/Techumseh snowblower still has easily found parts. Same with my 10 year old Toro push mower, and so far with my 8 year old Deere riding mower and with 6 year old Briggs and Stratton generator.

For what it's worth -- one of my first mowers when I bought my house was a 15 year old beat to hell Honda push mower. Thing started on the first pull every time. Burned oil like a mad man, but it ran. Got a couple of years out of it and then bought a Craftsman. ;(
I'd buy another Honda in a second if I need a replacment.

Nothing against other brands, just that over the yrs equip I bought, some from Sears & some not, all have had Briggs in them. And when you order replacement parts whether on line thru Sears Parts replacement or any small engine repair shop, many times parts in bag labeled Techumseh so must be one in the same now. Since I do my own repairs I've always found it easy to look up Briggs parts on line thru Sears Parts & then go to small engine shop like East Coast Lumber and can order almost anything. So has been convenient for me to maintain my fleet of equip most of which 15-20 yrs old.
A log splitter from 70's, couple diff snowblowers, pressure washer, generator, weed wacker, push mower, leaf blower, roto tiller, all running with a Briggs. Not all of these from Sears. Nothing newer than 15 yrs.

05-12-2014, 01:44 PM
this is why i pay landscapers.........lol

I love doing the lawn. If I had your yard I'd have a nice ride on (with a cup holder of course) and would be out there all the time. Gets me out of the house and enjoying life.

Dennis O'Shea
05-12-2014, 03:02 PM
Just change the plug cleaned the air filter and changed the oil filled the tank six pulls and we start the 23rd year I think this mower will out live me
Impressive! Even Honda doesn't make 'em like that any more.

05-12-2014, 09:49 PM
Air filter is brand new and little to no dust on it at all.
the thing with the start test George is that if cool, it will start in one pull. It has no choke, throttle, or primer bulb. It's all automatic. So for me to test I pulled the wire and it was dry after 5-6 pulls. I'll go get a new plug, but I would think that if it were a plug issue it wouldn't start so easily at the beginning?

05-13-2014, 08:12 AM
Air filter is brand new and little to no dust on it at all.
the thing with the start test George is that if cool, it will start in one pull. It has no choke, throttle, or primer bulb. It's all automatic. So for me to test I pulled the wire and it was dry after 5-6 pulls. I'll go get a new plug, but I would think that if it were a plug issue it wouldn't start so easily at the beginning?

That would seem to mean its not getting fuel. Or else the plug would be wet.

05-13-2014, 08:39 AM
I love doing the lawn. If I had your yard I'd have a nice ride on (with a cup holder of course) and would be out there all the time. Gets me out of the house and enjoying life.

I think I would too IF I had a lawn. The sand lot that I call my lawn just blows. Maybe some day I'll spend the money to get a new one....but we'll see. I keep thinking of other ways to spend $8k - 10K lol

05-13-2014, 10:09 AM
Air filter is brand new and little to no dust on it at all.
the thing with the start test George is that if cool, it will start in one pull. It has no choke, throttle, or primer bulb. It's all automatic. So for me to test I pulled the wire and it was dry after 5-6 pulls. I'll go get a new plug, but I would think that if it were a plug issue it wouldn't start so easily at the beginning?
* In general, sometimes electronics & in a rarer case electrical components (as in case of your lawn mower) can work fine cold but start to fail when hot. Not saying is your case in regards to your plug.
Forget air filter in this case. We're talking plug or carb.
Now one sure way to narrow down is the can of starting fluid. When mower warm, won't restart. Plug plug right then, spray starting fluid into cylinder. Put plug back and try to start. If it tries, it's NOT the plug but carb issue, not getting fuel. if not trying to start, then would be a border line plug.
If carb, perhaps the float sticking when hot. carb can be rebuilt or replaced. But you should get some starting fluid to narrow down problem.

05-13-2014, 04:30 PM
Sounds like a coil issue...

05-13-2014, 09:11 PM
I think that I'll just bring it back and have them look at it under warranty.

05-14-2014, 08:47 AM
good move, put some sugar in the gas tank and maybe get a new mower out of it lol

05-14-2014, 10:09 AM
Shops maybe quite busy this time of year so be patient.

05-14-2014, 11:31 AM
FWIW, We ended up replacing the old Toro with a high end Honda with the GCV 190 engine and twin blades (and electric start for a few dollars more). Model HRX217K4VLA. Picking it up tonight. I'll post impressions after using it a few times.

05-14-2014, 01:57 PM
Shops maybe quite busy this time of year so be patient.

But if I wait, won't be under warranty. So I'll put the new spark plug in the next couple days, run it for a while and if that doesn't fix the issue than I'll bring it in.

Dennis O'Shea
05-14-2014, 02:09 PM
Where did you buy it at Good luck with it

FWIW, We ended up replacing the old Toro with a high end Honda with the GCV 190 engine and twin blades (and electric start for a few dollars more). Model HRX217K4VLA. Picking it up tonight. I'll post impressions after using it a few times.

05-14-2014, 02:25 PM
Where did you buy it at Good luck with it

Thanks! The only place in the area that had this model was HD at the Nashua Mall. They still have one more left, then the area will be wiped out.

05-14-2014, 06:30 PM
Thanks! The only place in the area that had this model was HD at the Nashua Mall. They still have one more left, then the area will be wiped out.

Will it get a roll bar with lights or vented disc rotors? lol

05-14-2014, 11:15 PM
Will it get a roll bar with lights or vented disc rotors? lol

No - just drag radials! :p

05-15-2014, 08:36 AM
I snuck over to Bruce's and got a spy shot of the new lawnmower.

It's a rightous whip. Wait till the VTEC kicks in, yo!

05-15-2014, 09:06 AM
Take it to Pete's for tune.

05-15-2014, 11:36 AM
I snuck over to Bruce's and got a spy shot of the new lawnmower.

It's a rightous whip. Wait till the VTEC kicks in, yo!

LOL! But that can't be mine! It has fake plastic caliper covers!

Dennis O'Shea
05-15-2014, 01:32 PM
And for sure its not yours Theirs nothing leaking:p
LOL! But that can't be mine! It has fake plastic caliper covers!

05-15-2014, 03:31 PM
And for sure its not yours Theirs nothing leaking:p

To the best of my knowledge I currently have nothing leaking on my car. I hope to also be able to say that a month from now, but no promises! :o

Just FYI, this has been a rough spring for me and the SF. Lots of leaky things and stuff just getting old and worn out. It is currently hitting two major maintenance anniversaries at the same time: 20 years old and 100K miles. If it holds together for the trip to Carlisle it should turn 100K on the way home. ;) :cool:

Dennis O'Shea
05-15-2014, 07:37 PM
Its Kinda like the owner:p
To the best of my knowledge I currently have nothing leaking on my car. I hope to also be able to say that a month from now, but no promises! :o

Just FYI, this has been a rough spring for me and the SF. Lots of leaky things and stuff just getting old and worn out. It is currently hitting two major maintenance anniversaries at the same time: 20 years old and 100K miles. If it holds together for the trip to Carlisle it should turn 100K on the way home. ;) :cool:

05-15-2014, 08:25 PM
Its Kinda like the owner:p

The owner is definitely over 20 years old and turned 100K a l-o-n-g time ago! :D

05-15-2014, 09:15 PM
Look at the "views" count on this thread. Way to go Todd.

We'll need to start a new thread soon, name it after Bruce.

05-15-2014, 10:23 PM
Will it get a roll bar with lights or vented disc rotors? lol

Hey! I tried it out tonight and this thing is rear wheel drive and it can pop wheelies without any help from me! I guess I got the GT-R version or something. :D

Look at the "views" count on this thread. Way to go Todd.

We'll need to start a new thread soon, name it after Bruce.

Don't do that or I'll start to think I'm some kinda celebrity - even without Leno's garage. :rolleyes:

Dennis O'Shea
05-16-2014, 09:41 AM
You said nothing about the leaking or are the depends taking care of that

The owner is definitely over 20 years old and turned 100K a l-o-n-g time ago! :D

Dennis O'Shea
05-16-2014, 09:43 AM
Hey! I tried it out tonight and this thing is rear wheel drive and it can pop wheelies without any help from me! I guess I got the GT-R version or something. :D

Don't do that or I'll start to think I'm some kinda celebrity - even without Leno's garage. :rolleyes:Don't worry we all know you to good .To let that happen Its just OLD BRUCE

05-16-2014, 03:18 PM
Thread officially jacked.

05-18-2014, 08:11 PM
So I changed the spark plug. It was a champion, I upgraded to another brand (can't remember which). Ran it in the front yard, stopped and it started right up again. So lets see if that's what it was?

Dennis O'Shea
05-18-2014, 08:46 PM
Lets hope thats all it was
So I changed the spark plug. It was a champion, I upgraded to another brand (can't remember which). Ran it in the front yard, stopped and it started right up again. So lets see if that's what it was?