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View Full Version : Liberty Tree Mall cruise night.

05-08-2014, 08:23 AM
After three failed attempts to get this Cruise night going this year due to all the rain we've had, Tom (Mr03Mach1) and I ventured down to the event.
What a beautiful night for a cruise night.
We estimated that there were about 200+ cars there last night. Lots of Mustangs just like Mr. Oshea and I experienced on Tuesday night at Arnies in Concord.

Let the cruising begin!

05-08-2014, 08:38 AM
Excellent, glad to hear things are picking up again at that cruise night

I'll try to make one at some point this summer

05-08-2014, 08:45 AM
Some MoM guys were there ... I used to be a regular, but now living in NH, it's quite a bit longer of a drive than the 15 minutes it used to be from Stoneham ...

Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to this Saturday, hope the weather cooperates ...

Dennis O'Shea
05-08-2014, 11:01 AM
I looked for you guys never saw you What a great cruise night tons of really cool car's I am for sure heading back there soon Talked to some really nice people.And the weather was perfect Heading to Candia tonight should be a good one if the weather holds

05-09-2014, 08:53 AM
Some MoM guys were there ... I met Paul there. Seems like a great guy. He took a picture of my car. haha.

I looked for you guys never saw you What a great cruise night tons of really cool car's I am for sure heading back there soon Talked to some really nice people.And the weather was perfect Heading to Candia tonight should be a good one if the weather holds

The place was so packed I'm not surprised you didn't see us there. We didn't get a chance to walk around.