View Full Version : Fingers crossed
03-19-2014, 10:10 PM
I think that I got my power steering fixed. Just changed out the pressure hose and retightened all the bolts and I think that I don't see any red fluid coming out!!! So hopefully in the next couples days I will be able to take it for a spin and double check to make sure this is true.
So fingers crossed I got it and that this weekend can be spent polishing the car to be ready for W.O.W next week.
Thanks to Rick for rebuilding my control valve and to George for some helpful hints, and a couple other people that aren't on the forum to try to get this fixed.
O, and ED for telling me how he drinks beer :confused:
07 stang gt
03-20-2014, 05:00 AM
Sounds like Thur -Fri. will be nice and around 50 deg with some sun, so take her out and see how she goes !! If you need a "better than showroom" look, I have the tools and know how to get your paint better than ever.For a small fee of course:D. Seriously, contact me if you have any issues with paint/scratch/swirl marks.I can help you.
03-20-2014, 06:54 AM
great, anything else comes up, text me. Good luck & hope for sun. Tue/Wed not looking to good for weather at this point. Have awesome time @ show, do us proud.
03-20-2014, 08:01 AM
Nice work Todd. Can't wait to see the car under the "bright" lights at WOW.
03-20-2014, 08:17 AM
Sounds like Thur -Fri. will be nice and around 50 deg with some sun, so take her out and see how she goes !! If you need a "better than showroom" look, I have the tools and know how to get your paint better than ever.For a small fee of course:D. Seriously, contact me if you have any issues with paint/scratch/swirl marks.I can help you.
Thanks for the offer. Jim C and I are going to try to hit the paint on Saturday. Put some heaters in the garage to heat the room up a little and try to get it done. And maybe, if we have time get the engine detailed by Sunday?
I will say the inside of my car has NEVER been this clean.
03-20-2014, 08:41 AM
thats awesome todd!!
except Ed doesn't drink beer, he likes girly white russians lol
03-20-2014, 08:53 AM
thats awesome todd!!
except Ed doesn't drink beer, he likes girly white russians lol
He told me how he uses funnels to drink beer. It has scared me, haven't been able to sleep since!!
03-20-2014, 10:02 AM
He told me how he uses funnels to drink beer. It has scared me, haven't been able to sleep since!!
Yea he told that story too. Glad I'm way to old to have to be around people that do that.
07 stang gt
03-20-2014, 04:28 PM
Are you using a machine on the paint or you doing it by hand ?
07 stang gt
03-20-2014, 07:26 PM
I want to help you with your detailing on your car. I am willing to donate my time and products to help your car be the best looking it has ever been. Depending on the condition of the paint,and how far we need to take it, I will clay bar the entire car and windows,do a 2 or 3 step paint correction with a machine (Porter cable 7424xp) for you,hit it with some glaze, and then I'll wax it. I will bring all my detailing stuff that I use in my detailing business that I will need, I have a portable propane heater as well that will heat the garage perfectley, I use it in my garage when I detail vehicles and it will get as warm as we need it to be. No charge to do this, I want to help you out as a club member. PM me and we will figure out the details and a time for this weekend.
03-20-2014, 08:30 PM
PM sent to you.
Thanks for the help! Maybe after this I can beat George at a show HEHEHEHE
03-20-2014, 09:20 PM
I want to help you with your detailing on your car. I am willing to donate my time and products to help your car be the best looking it has ever been. Depending on the condition of the paint,and how far we need to take it, I will clay bar the entire car and windows,do a 2 or 3 step paint correction with a machine (Porter cable 7424xp) for you,hit it with some glaze, and then I'll wax it. I will bring all my detailing stuff that I use in my detailing business that I will need, I have a portable propane heater as well that will heat the garage perfectley, I use it in my garage when I detail vehicles and it will get as warm as we need it to be. No charge to do this, I want to help you out as a club member. PM me and we will figure out the details and a time for this weekend.
It'll be interesting to see how your process differs from mine. Sounds like we both have the same approach, but undoubtedly use different products, etc. I'm always open to learning new methods.
I've done Todd's paint a couple of times -- it's in good enough shape that it only needs mild correction. Although maybe you can figure out what to do with his trunk lid. It's got a really weird fade/smear. I've never gone at it with anything extra aggressive because the thickness of his paint could be an issue.
03-20-2014, 10:09 PM
Although maybe you can figure out what to do with his trunk lid. It's got a really weird fade/smear. I've never gone at it with anything extra aggressive because the thickness of his paint could be an issue.
That is under the paint and will never get it out by buffing until Jen gets a job that pays a lot so I can repaint the entire car.
07 stang gt
03-21-2014, 05:36 AM
Hope I did not step on anyones toes!! A lot of the paint correction is in the products being used and the pads and machine you are using, depending on what type of paint correction it needs, and what type of steps that need to be done to get it perfect.If possible the car should be strip washed to get off all of the old wax, sealants,glazes, off the car, then a clay bar should be used on the paint to get all the contamination off and then start the paint correction process, 2 or sometimes 3 different steps.It all depends on how perfect you want it to come out and what type of shape yor paint is in. I do not use any Meguiras,Armorall, etc.anymore, any over the counter detail products for that matter, on any of my or my customers vehicles. They are all sitting on my shelf, free to someone who wants them.I have swithched to using only professioal detailing products bought online, not cheap at all, but you get what you pay for.I use all high end products like Adams Premium Car Care products, so much I became a dealer for thier products through my detailing, and I can not explain to you guys how much easier and better these products are to use compared to the over the counter stuff.We will post some pics for you guys on the forum, before and after, and you be the judge !!!
03-21-2014, 07:18 AM
PM sent to you.
Thanks for the help! Maybe after this I can beat George at a show HEHEHEHE
I let you have ALL of last year to do your thing because my car was out of service!!!
Dennis O'Shea
03-21-2014, 07:50 AM
I wanna come watch
03-21-2014, 08:27 AM
Hope I did not step on anyones toes!!
No toes stepped on, Jimmy -- You undoubtedly know more than me! I'm an experienced amateur, you're doing this professionally!
Looking forward to seeing how the Adams stuff works -- never used it. I normally use a combination of high-end products (Klasse, P21S, Poor Boys, Sonus) and some Meguiars OTC stuff. After testing on my '90 and Todd's '67 I found that Meg's products seem work better on "old" paint than the "high end" stuff I had. On my '03, though, the high-end stuff worked better.
Todd, the smear -- maybe it wasn't that. Wasn't there some other defect that wasn't coming out with the light correction we were using?
03-21-2014, 08:51 AM
one of my goals this year is to do a paint correction on my car. I was thinking of doing the Meguiars 105/205 combo, sealed with Zaino and topped off by Pinnacle Souveran
if not, it will be my winter time project next year
07 stang gt
03-22-2014, 06:13 AM
Ian, both good products but the Adams stuff is easier to work with and the cutting pads they have, the best out there. I use foam and microfiber pads depending on how much correction needs to be done with the paint and depending on the hardness of the clearcoat. I have meguiars 205 as well and I think the Adams cuts better. I think some of it comes down to what your comfortable working with and when you find something that works, USE IT. I stumbled on the Adams product through a friend of mine, hopped online to thier website, watched some videos, did some research, bought some product from them to try,and every product I bought was better and easier to use than what I was using before, so I got hooked. I look forward to taking care of my vehicles and other peoples because it is so easy to work with and the shine of the product is amazing! Key word there is EASY. Most people do not like to detail because it is very tedious and time consuming. You have to have OCD if you detail cars I think and waxing it so it just looks "OK" doesn't work for me. I like it to be perfect so when people pick up thier car the "OMG" factor kicks in, thats what makes it worth it.
03-22-2014, 08:10 AM
Quess is not only how do you make it look good NOW but how do you keep it that way after you drive it there with the current dirty roads?19941993
07 stang gt
03-22-2014, 08:30 PM
I will help him when he gets in Boston, should clean up pretty easy with the products I put on his car today and I have some "rinseless" and or "waterless" wash I will use on it with when he gets in the show that will remove minor dirt etc. without scratching the paint.A different issue if it snows.
03-24-2014, 09:28 AM
one of my goals this year is to do a paint correction on my car. I was thinking of doing the Meguiars 105/205 combo, sealed with Zaino and topped off by Pinnacle Souveran
if not, it will be my winter time project next year
Ian, both good products but the Adams stuff is easier to work with and the cutting pads they have, the best out there.....
I'll say this: I was impressed by the Adam's products. I watched the majority of the work on Todd's car from beginning to end. And the amount of "effort" Jimmy had to put in to the correction was far less than what is required with the Meguiars or Sonus products that I've used. That's not to say it wasn't time consuming, it took a long time -- but I could tell that the Adam's products just "cut" better and with less physical effort. When you all see Todd's car at WoW, I think you'll be amazed.
I'm definitely going to be ordering some Adam's products from Jimmy and try them out on my own. I'll also probably hire Jimmy to do a full correction on the Cobra this year.
03-24-2014, 10:07 AM
very cool, good to know. Hopefully I make it this weekend to check it out.
Jimmy, you are an adam's dealer too? I have a couple of things I wanted to order before the season started.
03-24-2014, 02:14 PM
very cool, good to know. Hopefully I make it this weekend to check it out.
You can always stop by to check it out too. You know where I am.
07 stang gt
03-25-2014, 06:09 AM
Thanks for the kind words. I am an Adams dealer, so you can look on the Adams website, see what you need and like, and I will get it for you. Cool thing, get it right away, and no shipping costs !! Usually a $9.95 min. ship costs so it definetly saves time and money on what you buy. My distributor eats the shipping costs.Will get an order together after WOW and get a bunch of stuff. Microfiber towells, glaze, wax, car wash are the big sellers.Get on and check out some videos of thier products. Good stuff. PLEASE do not think I am here to sell you guys anything, use what your comfortable with. I had never even heard the Adams name before and believe me I was skeptical to say the least. They dont make every detail product out there and some I do not use, but I will say, amazing shine and very easy to use !! I was hooked and the results blow away anything I have used before.
03-25-2014, 01:36 PM
Ian, both good products but the Adams stuff is easier to work with and the cutting pads they have, the best out there. I use foam and microfiber pads depending on how much correction needs to be done with the paint and depending on the hardness of the clearcoat. I have meguiars 205 as well and I think the Adams cuts better. I think some of it comes down to what your comfortable working with and when you find something that works, USE IT. I stumbled on the Adams product through a friend of mine, hopped online to thier website, watched some videos, did some research, bought some product from them to try,and every product I bought was better and easier to use than what I was using before, so I got hooked. I look forward to taking care of my vehicles and other peoples because it is so easy to work with and the shine of the product is amazing! Key word there is EASY. Most people do not like to detail because it is very tedious and time consuming. You have to have OCD if you detail cars I think and waxing it so it just looks "OK" doesn't work for me. I like it to be perfect so when people pick up thier car the "OMG" factor kicks in, thats what makes it worth it.
Ok, what would you recomend then for a basic paint correction? Looks like this might be a good alternative to the 105/205 combo:
07 stang gt
03-25-2014, 09:10 PM
That is what I used on Todds car, I did use a microfiber pad as well as the foam pad. Blows away the 105/205 combo. Thats what Todd and Jim were using before on his car and I think both of them will attest the Adams was far superior.
03-26-2014, 08:46 AM
ok cool, thanx. Maybe that's the route I'll take
07 stang gt
03-26-2014, 07:34 PM
ok cool, thanx. Maybe that's the route I'll take I can get whatever you need without the shipping involved and if you would like to try anything of Adams I have or use, before you buy it, let me know, you are more than welcome to use it first.
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