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07 stang gt
02-13-2014, 06:00 AM
I am going to change the coils on my 2007 mustang and looking for any advice as to what brand to use.4.6/3V, no supercharger, but all the other bolt ons, so do not need to go real crazy. Been looking at Granatelli, MSD,Accell, etc.45,000volts-65,000volts? Any thoughts,experiences??:confused:

02-13-2014, 08:54 AM
yes, stick with ford.

All the aftermarket stuff is garbage, I have never seen a positive report on aftermarket coils.

Why are you replacing them? Do you need to or just want to?

02-13-2014, 10:01 AM
yes, stick with ford.

All the aftermarket stuff is garbage, I have never seen a positive report on aftermarket coils.

Why are you replacing them? Do you need to or just want to?

I don't know about reliability of Ford car ign coils but the ones FORD used in trucks in the late 90's & early 2000's SUCKED! A very common problem.
Anyone that has one of these trucks (me and know of others) all had to replace ALL of them over time as they just kept failing. Went with aftermarket Standard Ignition products and ~ 75k miles later just fine and half the cost. So when did Fords ign coils improve who knows.

02-13-2014, 11:12 AM
I have not heard good things about MSD or Granatelli 4.6 coils. I do know someone who seems to be happy with the Accel coils, but that's just one data point. I have heard many, many people say stay with Ford.

I run an MSD Blaster coil in my 94 with the dizzy any it's great, but coil packs/coil-on-plug are a different ballgame.

02-13-2014, 08:02 PM
Stock.as Ian also stated nothing but trouble with after market. Save the Money

02-13-2014, 08:06 PM
Both my 97 and 94 have had MSD everything with no problems ever. I would ask Pete at Performance Dyno what he suggests!!!

07 stang gt
02-14-2014, 05:55 AM
Now I am even more confused.Great to get eveyones thoughts though! Priced some new coils and even with my price they were $399.Priced some MSD coils on American Muscle,$349, some 65,000 volt Pro Series Granatelli coils at $459, so not much of a price difference but more voltage than the Fords for the same price ??!! Reason for the change is, at about 4000 rpm I have a very slight "skip" in the motor, only happens about 75% of the time, brand new plugs. Only thing that was not changed when I put the new motor in back in 2012. Runs real strong with no problems whatsoever all the time, just at that particular rpm, and it doesn't happen all the time, you notice a very slight skip. So my good friend and a Ford mechanic of 25 plus years and an owner of some beautiful Mustangs, 429 Cobra Jet, 07 Shelby, (been friends forever and he lives across the street !!) said it was where we should start.He did all of the install work and does all my work on my mustang. It might be only one coil but instead of chasing the problem I am going to replace them all.

02-14-2014, 08:38 AM
hrmmmm.....throwing a $400 part at a problem seems like an expensive risk. If that's not it......what next?

throwing the car on the dyno and or getting a datalog is the only REAL way to see what's going on.

07 stang gt
02-15-2014, 05:52 AM
Had it at Petes dyno,Pete said some bad gas was probably the culprit and did not want to push it, but it did not skip on that particular day. Since then, speaking with a bunch of different Ford mechanics I deal with and my buddy across the street, all have said plugs or coils. Only thing that was not replaced on the new motor was the coils, taken from the old motor.It is probably only one coil, and I could pull the plugs and at look at each of them and figure out which one is bad,but I wanted to replace all of them anyway so I figured I would buy a whole set, that should eliminate them problem. If not I will return the coils and take it from there. The motor is under warranty if there are any other issues but highly doubtful.

02-18-2014, 08:50 AM
oooooh yeah, that right i forgot you had replaced that motor. See, that makes a little bit more sense now

Glad you got the car on the dyno