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View Full Version : My passion is now a business

07 stang gt
11-27-2013, 07:45 AM
I wanted you guys and girls out there to know that I have decided to start a little side business. It is called "Jimmys Detailing" and as the title reads, it is just that,detailing for your vehicle. I have been doing this for a while now and mastering my craft,and did not want to mention anything until it was rolling and I had flyers and prices etc. I have purchased only the best quality products out there, NOTHING STORE BOUGHT !!!! to use on vehicles including a Porter Cable 7424 xp polisher,clay bars, waxes, sealants, car shampoo, waterless wash, detail brushes, microsoft towels etc, etc., and am ready to launch my new side business. I have been detailing all my life and with so many friends and aquaintances telling me I should be doing this as a business, I decided it was time. Over the last few months I have been detailing some customers cars with fantastic results, see pics. I just finished a 2007 Nissan Maxima that had not been waxed or washed in 3 years and for one on those years, it sat in an impound lot uncovered !! The customer litterly fell over when he saw the results.I love to hear, "OMG it has never looked this good", "this looks better than the day it was new", "are you F*&%*&" kiddin me, this is awesome", so as a result, I'm going for it. Included are some pics of some recent details I have completed, have plenty more bef/aft if anyone would like some.For whatever reason, it won't let me upload my price sheet or cover page but would be glad to fill you in as needed. My email for detailing is: carshowshine@gmail.com Prices start at $99.00 and up from there depending on the work that is need and the results you would like to acheive. I am doing the detail work in my heated garage, next to my Stang, so all is clean and well organized. So if anyone out there needs to have something done to their vehicle(s), please let me know. My motto is "Detailing for your daily driver or your garage queen" so call me if I can help you or your friends. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL !!!!!192019211922192319241925192619271928192919301 93119321921193119301929192819271926192519241923192 219201932 :D

11-27-2013, 07:58 AM
Congrats on the new business. Sounds like you put a lot of research into products. It's always good to be able to do things that you love and make money on it!!
Good luck!

11-27-2013, 08:34 AM
Your car always looks great, shows that you have the skills and desire needed. Good luck with your new business Jimmy!!

11-27-2013, 08:36 AM
very cool congrats to you...I hope it does well....it's certainly a labor of love.

If you don't mind sharing, what products do you use?

11-27-2013, 12:26 PM
Congrats , that's Awesome,.

Actually Been thinking of having my new Daily driver freshened up !! Just bought 2010 Black vehicle back at the end of Sept. and it looks like it could use some love, lots of swirl marks , dont think it was properly cared for in the past !

Where are you located, I will email for price sheet !

07 stang gt
11-27-2013, 04:36 PM
Just sent to you by email a price sheet,so call me if you have any questions.To answer Ian's question, I am using Adams Premium Products, of all different types.Different machine pads for different jobs, different waxes for shine, durability, special microfiber towels, glazes, sealants,metal polish, etc. Absolutly the best products I have used.Not the cheapest, but in detailing you really get what you pay for. I do have a product from Mothers and Meguires, but 99% is Adams. I have a Porter Cable 7424XP orbital polisher for jobs that need a machine done to it, with different 4" and 7" pads for different areas.I can also get you guys thier products as well, no shipping cost, and you can have it in a day instead of waiting !!! I am just doing it on the side, I am not giving up my job by any means, so no wet sanding, body work, etc. detailing only, to friends etc. Thanks for all you "forum guys" for your support !!

11-27-2013, 07:06 PM
I'll gladly mention your name to anyone looking for detailing.

11-27-2013, 07:58 PM
You should do great with the millions of people you know!! Good Luck!!

12-03-2013, 02:33 PM
Good luck Jimmy! You will do great.