View Full Version : SmokinStangs regional event?

10-04-2013, 03:35 PM
Hey guys,
Some of us who float between the two local Mustang forums know about the 2014 re-launch of the SmokinStangs Laconia event.

I was wondering if there has been any discussions regarding the NHMC participating in this event? Since, as a club, we only meet in Febuary for our Annual Pizza Meeting it wouldn't give us much time to react and plan, as I believe the SS event is being held in June.

Just curious as it looks as if other "local" organizations, (MA and CT groups) will be taking part in it.


10-04-2013, 06:51 PM
Bob Pitard at Smokin Stangs has already approached Rick and I about this event, which by the way is scheduled for 6/27-29. We will post something soon about what's going on as far as NHMC participation is concerned...

10-05-2013, 09:27 AM
I also "float" between forums, I would like to go to the SS event.

10-05-2013, 07:25 PM
Thanks Randy.

10-06-2013, 03:35 PM
Would be good for the club so thats good to hear

10-06-2013, 09:18 PM
Yes, this is good to hear. Especially if it really moved from September because it hasn't been possible for me to attend before due to when it was held.

10-07-2013, 09:36 PM
OK folks; here's the story on the Smokin Stangs show next year; which has been schedule for 6/27 to 6/29. Bob Pitard requested the NHMC run the car show portion of the event, which is scheduled for Sunday 6/29 at New England Dragway. I talked with Rick last week about this, and we do not feel we want to commit to running yet another car show event over the course of next season. We already run four shows (Ed Day, Mustang Mania, Tasca and Mount Sunapee). In addition, you all know we run cruise nights every Saturday night, and I am hoping we can expand the "purpose" of some of our cruise nights next season.
That being said, we do want to help Bob make his show a success. So we will publicize it on our Forum and Facebook pages, and will distribute fliers at our cruise nights. For those of you of want to help with the Smokin Stangs show, please contact Bob directly to see what he would like help with. In addition, I expect we will attend some of his weekend events as a group to support his efforts.

10-07-2013, 09:42 PM
Thanks Randy.

10-07-2013, 09:50 PM
Wow, disapointing to hear.

10-07-2013, 09:56 PM
What's most disappointing to me is that the show will be at NED. Since I have little interest in drag racing, one event there a year (ED Day) is enough for me. I have little interest in another show at NED, and I was planning on skipping the NED part of the event. I was happy when it moved from Sept to June, but this kind of kills the interest in it for me.

10-08-2013, 08:17 AM
Ian - I am sorry you are disappointed. But Rick, Marie and I give up nearly all weekends in the summer months to run the 4 to 5 events which we run, cruise nights every Saturday, and other events which we attend as a club. Taking on responsibility for yet another show, especially one of the size which Bob wants to do, is not something we can do at this time. That would not be fair to Bob, and not fair to us either. We will publicize and promote Bob's event as much as we can; and I am sure that several NHMC members (myself and Rick included) will attend some of the show events to support Smokin Stangs.
That being said, we also support and encourage ANY club members who want to volunteer to help Bob.

10-08-2013, 10:00 PM
Randy, I certainly understand Ians position as well as yours, Ricks and Maries. You guys do a great job in keeping things going in the club. Everything is organized and you keep us all informed of things going on. I think everyone appreciates that.
However, In my opinion we are missing out on a great opportunity to be a part of something big in our own backyard. I'm sure the NHMC schedule has yet to be set for next year. That said, we would have some time to plan and be apart of this. Once again, You guys can't feel the pressure of doing everything! You have a club with lots of members in it that can certainly help you out. You just need to ask. I've offered to help in the past and kind of just slid into doing things. I was never "formally" asked but it was the right thing to do AS A CLUB MEMBER. I did it with a smile on my face and we got it done.
Mustang Mania and the new Sunapee show are definitely time consuming. ED day car show is really not a show that you need to manage all that much and Tasca show seems to be small as that event really is focusing on the racing end of things. I've suggested to alleviate you needing to be at cruise night EVERY night to send out a sign up sheet and have members COMMITT to setting up and breaking down. (Maybe Ian would make a cruise night if he signed up to help...Haha) This would help you guys out alot.
Anyways, Im getting off on a tangent.
Just my .02 cents. The decision has been made and I will support it. Just wanted to ensure that I was heard.

10-09-2013, 08:04 AM
Kevin / Ian -- are you guys attending the Sunapee Harbor cruise on Sunday? If so, maybe we can talk more about this issue then... ... ...

10-09-2013, 08:16 AM
I don't want to start a big thing. I appreciate the clubs stance. As for helping with shows, I'll just add that at the Sunapee show there was less than a handful of people that came to volunteer to help, and at the Bud show there was less than usual too (I thought, I could be wrong on that). The Tasca show might be small, but you still have to be there starting at 7am until 4pm both days and do things, that's a long weekend!! Not to mention all the behind the scenes things that I don't know about.
My .02 cents, we are a club, we know we have shows that need help volunteering to set up/park/patrol/etc, should we really need to be asked?
Anyway, like Jibber said, just wanted to get that out there. I don't want a big thing on this reply but I understand not doing another show.

10-09-2013, 09:42 AM
Kevin / Ian -- are you guys attending the Sunapee Harbor cruise on Sunday? If so, maybe we can talk more about this issue then... ... ...

Unfortunately not.... I've already posted that up in the Sunapee thread.

My .02 cents, we are a club, we know we have shows that need help volunteering to set up/park/patrol/etc, should we really need to be asked?
Of course you do. It's called planning. A simple EMAIL sent out to EVERYONE in the club asking for support for a specific event is, IMO, important and valuable. Your 100% correct. We are a club and there is no reason why EVERYONE shouldn't be helping out at least once during the "driving season". In my mind, you send out a request list to ALL members. People volunteer for a specific event (You don't need 50+ people parking cars) and then once you get the first go around of responses you publish the list and say thank you to the volunteers or ask for more help based upon who has signed up vs. what you think you need for that specific event. (Eg. We need 3 more people to help park cars at Mustang Mania show....)
The way things go down now is really not effective as there is NO committment and feeling of responsiblity from members, other than from a few like yourself, who shoulder all the burdens along with the board. (Rick, Marie and Randy)

10-09-2013, 10:43 AM
To make it work, there needs to be an incentive. It's too easy to let the dozen or so of us that give time to the club, keep doing so without anyone else helping out. Because no matter what, the events always go on -- there're never any major events that get cancelled because of not enough help. Those people who DO help, just make it work, even if understaffed.

So how to create incentive?
Raise the dues by $5. Then if you volunteer for and show up to help out at an event, you get a 5$ discount the next year.
Or make a special "exclusive" club Hoodie or jacket that's only given to volunteers. (would have to be "cooler" than the normal ones)
Or have some sort of volunteers-only event or function. A Thank You party/banquet/BBQ, etc.
Or something......

etc., etc., etc.

10-09-2013, 01:14 PM
I got this off topic, I'm sorry. Don't think that we need to start another "shoulda/coulda/woulda" thread.
Bak to the original topic. I hope the Smokinstangs event goes well. It you be nice to have another event in the area. And if I'm around that weekend I'll probably make it up to see what's going on. In the past Jim and I have stopped by for the show part without our cars because there was also a steamboat show on the lake that we went to. By that time of year we needed a break from cars, and what's the next best this than cruising around in a convertable? Cruising around on a nice sunny day in a boat watching Friggin' cool steamboats!!!

10-09-2013, 03:19 PM
I won't be in attendance this Sunday, but I'd be glad to talk more about it at any time. You ( "you" being Randy ), Rick, Marie do a fantastic job running the club, and I appreciate very much all the of work, time and effort that goes into it. That goes for everyone else who helps out as well. I also firmly believe it's not fair how much of the responsibility falls on such few people for the club.

However, I agree 100% with what Kevin mentioned above. Unless I am missing something, overall attendance has been on the decline over the past 2 - 4 years at the events. While this is something that is happening region wide, it's still sad to see. With an overall club size of 200 people, there's no reason why NHMC can't pull better numbers at certain shows.

An event like SmokingStangs one would be nice to help promote the club to new members and also have a change of pace.

At the end of the day, I am a proud member and will support whatever decision is made. This post is Just my .02 cents.

And before anyone accuses me of causing trouble.....this is the internet, it's meant for meaningful discussions. My intentions are not to offend anyone but just get my opinion out there. I'd be happy to have this conversation with anyone face to face as opposed to the forum.

Sorry for the long post

10-10-2013, 11:11 AM
Ian - no offense taken; suggestions are always welcome and your input is appreciated...