View Full Version : Forum calendar

08-30-2013, 09:44 AM
I have updated the Forum Calendar with some events through the rest of this season. Note the dates for the Mt Sunapee show, the Benefit Cruise Night, and our Fall Sunapee Harbor cruise.

We would REALLY like a large turnout of members for the Benefit Cruise Night. This is for a good cause. So if you haven't made many cruise nights this year (and there only a few left), why not try to make this one.

Don't forget cruise night tomorrow after Cruising Downtown Manchester.

08-30-2013, 01:11 PM
I may have missed something somewhere. What's this Benefit Cruise Night? I see when, but where and what would help me a little.

08-30-2013, 08:16 PM
Todd -- This event was first posted on Facebook; copied below is Marie's posting, I can't copy and paste the flyer for this event to the Forum, so you will have to see Marie's Facebook posting to see the flyer. But, copied below is her FB posting:

Marie Demers Lacourse uploaded a file.

September 7th cruise night to benefit the Ricky McGregor Scholarship fund
We are hoping for a lot of cars so we can raise money for this great cause!
Advanced Auto parts in Hooksett 5-7:30 pm

08-30-2013, 09:22 PM
Thanks for including us low lifes over here on the CLUB forum to this event. Haha.
FB is great and all, however, there is a large contingent of members that get there communications through the forum. I would also dare to say that a lot of the club events are attended by the members over here on the forum yet we seem to be an after thought. Not sure why.

On to the post.....I will try to make it to this cruise night. If they can get 200+ cars on a Thursday night in Candia, we should be able to break the 100 car mark.

08-30-2013, 09:56 PM
Now that I know that it's happening and a little more of what it is about, I'll do my best to make it. Never even heard about it until today. Thanks, sincerely, for mentioning it here, Randy, otherwise I wouldn't have had any idea. As Kevin said, it feels like we're in the "nosebleed section" here sometimes. :confused:

07 stang gt
08-31-2013, 07:20 AM
No facebook acct. either. Usung the forum is my best means of comunication for me.

08-31-2013, 07:28 AM
No facebook acct. either. Usung the forum is my best means of comunication for me.

Ditto same here

08-31-2013, 09:57 AM

08-31-2013, 11:20 AM
Cool, I'll see what I can do to make it. If I can't I'll make sure I contribute something. That's a tough story to take in, but unfortunately these cases happen and hopefully some day they will find a way to detect it before more people have this happen to them.

kirk perry
09-04-2013, 08:12 PM
I dont have a facebook account either, but I am going to go saturday

09-05-2013, 09:11 AM
I dont have a facebook account either, but I am going to go saturday

I will be there. Wait until all of you see Kirk's true sleeper car!!!! 5.0 badged Mustang with a nice suprise under the hood. Fantastic!!!!

09-05-2013, 09:34 AM
Thanks for including us low lifes over here on the CLUB forum to this event. Haha.
FB is great and all, however, there is a large contingent of members that get there communications through the forum. I would also dare to say that a lot of the club events are attended by the members over here on the forum yet we seem to be an after thought. Not sure why.

becuase FB gets more views that the forum does. I love the forum, but there's legit maybe 10 - 15 people who consistently use it. On FB some posts get 40 - 50 views. Not saying there aren't a ton of unregistered members who look at the forum, it just doesn't get as much traffic as you think.

09-05-2013, 10:38 AM
becuase FB gets more views that the forum does. I love the forum, but there's legit maybe 10 - 15 people who consistently use it. On FB some posts get 40 - 50 views. Not saying there aren't a ton of unregistered members who look at the forum, it just doesn't get as much traffic as you think.

What a coincidence! FB respects nothing but their own greed. This was just posted up on SmokinStangs:

Beginning tomorrow, September 6, 2013, your photos could be used in Facebook ads...without your permission- an expert from 451 Marketing explains how you can protect your profile.

The Video link:
http://www.myfoxboston.com/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId= 9271592

A lot of Facebook users are unaware of how much of their information Facebook is actually allowed to use, so I suggest you take a look at the details of all the proposed changes.

There's a handy PDF document on Facebook's page that shows all the proposed changes marked in red (the advertising changes, which are the most controversial are on page 15-18.)

If you want to comment on the policy changes (officially "the statement of rights and responsibilities" and the "data use policy,") do so ASAP by commenting here.

This might also be a good opportunity to check your privacy settings.

Full details and story via Journal Sentinal / JSOnline:

09-05-2013, 11:35 AM
More info talked about on FOX 25 this morning, 9/5.

and http://www.myfoxboston.com/video?clipId=9271592&autostart=true

09-05-2013, 03:21 PM

do you make a living from the pictures you post? Are all of your pictures copyrighted?

Only the people NOT on facebook are the ones who are upset about this. Most people know, understand and accept the fact that posting pictures on any social network means they are going to be shared, stolen and used other places.

Not a big deal

09-05-2013, 03:42 PM
No, I don't expect to profit from any pictures I post, but I don't expect anyone else to profit from them either without my permission. Even if I don't want to be paid, no one else has the right to use them "without so much as a by your leave".

09-05-2013, 03:57 PM
becuase FB gets more views that the forum does. I love the forum, but there's legit maybe 10 - 15 people who consistently use it. On FB some posts get 40 - 50 views. Not saying there aren't a ton of unregistered members who look at the forum, it just doesn't get as much traffic as you think.

The whole reason for my post was to say that the PERCENTAGE of the users on the forums who attend NHMC events IMO is higher than the PERCENTAGE of those that use FB. (even if you subtract the dual users like yourself, ED etc.)
True, the audience of FB will be far larger than that of the forum because once you sign up as a FB member you will automatically "see" all club stuff. Not that the people who see this stuff ever come to anything.
If FB is so huge and everyone on it is in the club and in the know.... Then why is cruise night terribly attended? Maybe it's true that those on FB with a 1000+ contacts are those that really have no friends, are socially inept and this whole game called FB is BS. Just a thought.

If the club continues to ignore the forum folks, then it will become just an FBNHMC for the cyber masses and maybe then you can FB PM yourselves and call it a "cyber show" and see how that one goes. Haha. You might get over 100 cars then.

09-05-2013, 06:03 PM
Certainly don't mean to ignore those who use the Forum or anyone for that matter. In most cases, things of interest are posted on both Facebook and the Forum. The Charity Cruise Night event this Saturday is the ONLY event I can think of where something went on Facebook and not the Forum. I tried to post the flier for this event on the forum, but it simply would not upload. There are people who like FB, and those who don't. But we will continue to post things on both if at all possible.
I don't think this is the cause of low turnout on cruise night. Not sure what it is, but I posted "reminders" nearly every week on both the Forum and Facebook about going to cruise night. But you are right Kevin; it's always the same 10-12 members who show up somewhat regularly. We did away with Cruise Night three years ago because of this same type of attendance problem. Because of the resulting complaints, we brought it back. I can't help but wonder why those who complained about NOT having a cruise night now don't show up.
We have only four cruise nights left this season, the last one being 9/28. So perhaps we can see a nice increase attendance to end the season.

09-06-2013, 07:25 AM
Because of the resulting complaints, we brought it back. I can't help but wonder why those who complained about NOT having a cruise night now don't show up.
We have only four cruise nights left this season, the last one being 9/28. So perhaps we can see a nice increase attendance to end the season.
Randy, for me my car has been "out of service" all summer. Also some have said the location is a bit to far north. Have said "best spot was Home Depot". Can't please all but that's some feedback.

kirk perry
09-06-2013, 07:36 AM
I have also heard if it was further south we might have more people going

09-06-2013, 08:04 AM
Home Depot was a good location as we were able to draw more people from southern NH and MA. But Hooksett is a bit more central for our members in NH. One of the problems with Home Depot was that we had no place to store the sound system, so it had to lugged back and forth every week, where now Advance Auto lets us keep it in their store. Our current location also offers what I think is a big plus -- 20% off your purchase at Advance Auto.
If Candia can consistently draw 130 cars on Thursday nights (over 200 at their charity cruise event), I would think we should be able to consistently draw 70-80 cars on a Saturday evening.

Any other recommendations to increase cruise night attendance??

09-06-2013, 08:25 AM
...I don't think this is the cause of low turnout on cruise night. Not sure what it is, but I posted "reminders" nearly every week on both the Forum and Facebook about going to cruise night. But you are right Kevin; it's always the same 10-12 members who show up somewhat regularly. ....

In the nearly 10 years I've been a member, we have had several Cruise Night locations:
Londonderry (BK) - consistently over-filled the lot
Derry (Ben Franklin) - 100 cars regularly
Manchester (Henry's Autobody) - rarely more than 50 cars
Londonderry (Home Depot) -- nearly always 75-100 cars, occasionally hit 200
Litchfield (Mel's) -- rarely more than 50-75 cars
Hooksett -current location -- 50-60 cars.

The Derry/Londonderry locations ALWAYS pulled more cars. There's something about going north of Exit 4 that kills the attendance.

I don't see the 20% discount as having any impact on draw. Not that it's not a generous discount or that people don't want to save money, but unless you're regularly buying big ticket items, it just doesn't add up to that much money.

Other than moving back to Derry/Londonderry -- I don't have any suggestions.

09-06-2013, 09:25 AM
I don't see the 20% discount as having any impact on draw. Not that it's not a generous discount or that people don't want to save money, but unless you're regularly buying big ticket items, it just doesn't add up to that much money.

Other than moving back to Derry/Londonderry -- I don't have any suggestions.

I agree. I've been saying this for years.

09-06-2013, 09:33 AM
In the nearly 10 years I've been a member, we have had several Cruise Night locations:
Londonderry (BK) - consistently over-filled the lot
Derry (Ben Franklin) - 100 cars regularly
Manchester (Henry's Autobody) - rarely more than 50 cars
Londonderry (Home Depot) -- nearly always 75-100 cars, occasionally hit 200
Litchfield (Mel's) -- rarely more than 50-75 cars
Hooksett -current location -- 50-60 cars.

The Derry/Londonderry locations ALWAYS pulled more cars. There's something about going north of Exit 4 that kills the attendance.

I don't see the 20% discount as having any impact on draw. Not that it's not a generous discount or that people don't want to save money, but unless you're regularly buying big ticket items, it just doesn't add up to that much money.

Other than moving back to Derry/Londonderry -- I don't have any suggestions.

Add to that location list was Walmart (old location) on Londonderry/Derry line.

Also to Randy's comment: If Candia can consistently draw 130 cars on Thursday nights (over 200 at their charity cruise event), I would think we should be able to consistently draw 70-80 cars on a Saturday evening." , is the debate some folks may want/have to spend weekends with family vs kids sports during week nights. Numbers speak for themselves.
I've asked before what about Walmart in Salem, although some members bit north, there are a lot of car guys/gals in Salem area. a thought.

Maybe it comes down to we have to mix up cruz locations say every 5 yrs or so to satify folks from diff locations.

09-06-2013, 09:57 AM
The whole reason for my post was to say that the PERCENTAGE of the users on the forums who attend NHMC events IMO is higher than the PERCENTAGE of those that use FB. (even if you subtract the dual users like yourself, ED etc.)
True, the audience of FB will be far larger than that of the forum because once you sign up as a FB member you will automatically "see" all club stuff. Not that the people who see this stuff ever come to anything.
If FB is so huge and everyone on it is in the club and in the know.... Then why is cruise night terribly attended? Maybe it's true that those on FB with a 1000+ contacts are those that really have no friends, are socially inept and this whole game called FB is BS. Just a thought.

If the club continues to ignore the forum folks, then it will become just an FBNHMC for the cyber masses and maybe then you can FB PM yourselves and call it a "cyber show" and see how that one goes. Haha. You might get over 100 cars then.

Take a deep breath lol and your point is heard, the club isn't going to ignore the forum..BUT cruise night's terrible attendance is a totally different subject and has zero to do with this.

there's a few reasons why, and none of it has to do with FB or the forum. In my opinion the biggest two are location and frequency. The location is not ideal and the fact the cruise night happens EVERY saturday is a bad thing. That saying "keep them wanting more" comes to mind. The reason cruise nights like Skips and Mann's are so well attended is because they only happen once or twice a month.

This should be a discussion that is touched on this winter. In my opinion, there is no need for a weekly cruise night, should change it to bi-monthly

09-06-2013, 10:04 AM
I think we need to decide on the goal we are trying to accomplish.

Are we trying to achieve a big cruise night with lots of attendance? If so then it doesn't matter who attends, just that lots of cars show up.

Are we trying to achieve someone's idea of fairness and locate centrally to a group of club members that may or may not show up regularly? Then we probably give up attendance from those in MA and in the Amherst, Nashua, Hudson, Londonderry, Derry, Salem area (which has a lot more concentration of car folks IMHO).

Do we really want to give up half or more of the attendance over a sound system? If the sound system is the big issue, maybe we need a newer, smaller, lighter sound system. Technology has advanced and I've been to cruise nights where the whole sound system was an iPod, a small amp and a couple of shoebox sized speakers, and it sounded great. My personal opinion is that I don't care about the music much. I find it inhibits conversation to some extent in the areas where it is loud. But we do need the PA system aspect in any case.

Draw is a curious thing. Once it falls below a certain level, even those who are committed show up less often because they always see the same few people and familiar cars. It becomes a self-fulfilling thing.

09-06-2013, 10:19 AM
In my opinion the biggest two are location and frequency. The location is not ideal and the fact the cruise night happens EVERY saturday is a bad thing. That saying "keep them wanting more" comes to mind. The reason cruise nights like Skips and Mann's are so well attended is because they only happen once or twice a month.

This should be a discussion that is touched on this winter. In my opinion, there is no need for a weekly cruise night, should change it to bi-monthly

Ian, I respectfully disagree. Holding cruise night less often would decrease my attendance, not increase it. Sometimes I can make it, and I can when I do. When I don't, the reason is mostly that other things in life get in the way. I attend every time I can actually do so. If there's something else happening that prevents it, I don't go, and that won't change by holding it less often. Obviously, if I can make it on a Saturday when there is no cruise night, I won't be there. Actually, if I have to keep track of which is an on week and which is an off week, I'm less likely to go if it ends up being a last minute decision. Nothing about every other week will make me show up more, only less.

As for location, well, yes.

09-06-2013, 11:24 AM
Bruce...totally cool no worries. You are 100% right on the sound system though, no need to lug that big thing around.

All I can tell you, is this is how us younger folks feel and part of the reason you don't see a ton of the new generation NHMC members showing up. Any given saturday night of the summer theres a billion cruise nights to choose from.

09-06-2013, 04:20 PM
I love a weekly cruise night if someone wants to go they go.. If you don't go you don't go.highly doubt that location by a few miles is going to change things. It's the same core group of people in hooksett every week, there are some members that have only been , 1 or even zero cruise nights this year. I don't think is location,it's due to cars being down,family commitments,or just a lack of general interest. Of course this is just my 2cents...

09-06-2013, 07:55 PM
Personally, I don't mind the new location.
Is it just a completely unheard of expectation for a CAR CLUB to actually DRIVE somewhere???
Crazy thought????
My attendance hasn't been great at cruise night with Outlaw Racing, but the few times I did go I really enjoyed the cooler temps on the 30 minute or so ride home, occasionally with that yellow nuisance Jibber :) xoxo

09-06-2013, 10:39 PM
In my opinion the biggest two are location and frequency. The location is not ideal and the fact the cruise night happens EVERY saturday is a bad thing. That saying "keep them wanting more" comes to mind. The reason cruise nights like Skips and Mann's are so well attended is because they only happen once or twice a month.

So the mutil-hundred cars that used to show up at Kimball's every week and Target in Nashua (don't know how that show is this year) is a fluke? Kimball's at their other locations other than Westford pull in a large number of cars every Friday night. So the frequency thing just doesn't fly.
As for location. It's right on a main road with lots of site to the public, it is centrally located and a great cruise for those who like to "cruise" in their cars. It's easily accessible from 93 and 101. So the question of why can't really be answered. Is it because it's only been two years at this location and the crowds just haven't come yet? I know this summer for me was a) really busy, and b) the weeks I wasn't busy the weather was just not great for cruising.
This debate will go on for years.

09-06-2013, 10:48 PM
I really like where it's held and the ride I take to and from around the lake..

09-07-2013, 07:15 AM
Perhaps it's only been a few yrs in Hooksett (wasn't it longer but diff location and a year club took off?)
If you want a larger crowd, location WILL play a part of that, that's a given. Nashua is a city and its location is easy to draw cars, some don't mind a 1/2 hr drive, some do. Kimballs Westford also in a heavy population area, easy to draw cars, lots of old cars. Don't know how many Tilton draws, I'm sure not the 600-800 Westford drew, I've been there.
I like seeing classic cars when I go to shows. So as Bruce stated, what's clubs purpose, "large draw from general public or club members? I'd think a large draw in general will help our clubs finances, $$$ is very important. If majority of folks like current draw of cars (don't think attendance will vary much more) at it's current location (published in car mags such as WHIPS WHEELS), then ok. But if we wanna see "larger draw of cars" in a shorter time frame, then changing location would do that. Again remember a larger crowd = more $$$ for club! Also a diff variety of cars.

09-07-2013, 08:51 AM
Perhaps it's only been a few yrs in Hooksett (wasn't it longer but diff location and a year club took off?)
If you want a larger crowd, location WILL play a part of that, that's a given. Nashua is a city and its location is easy to draw cars, some don't mind a 1/2 hr drive, some do. Kimballs Westford also in a heavy population area, easy to draw cars, lots of old cars. Don't know how many Tilton draws, I'm sure not the 600-800 Westford drew, .

But remember, the other Kimballs are in Jaffery NH. Not central and not very populated and I hear they pull in a big crowd. But again, it's been there for years and people from all around know about it.

09-07-2013, 09:03 AM
Lots of GREAT thoughts; we should talk more about this for next year... ... ...

Dennis O'Shea
09-08-2013, 06:47 PM
My Only comment on this is First location Candia is way off the beaten track but they average over 120 cars every week So thats not the reason. Randy does a great job promoing it on FB and the Forum. And who see's it the Same old group. Why I see it not doing anything. There's no promotion about the cruise night other than what Randy does and what little word of mouth That the few member's do. First you need to get on board with a group or a charity charge a dollar per car and give the proceeds to a charity or group AKA The Food Bank in Hooksett keep it in the community The biggest thing I see is No promoting it. Get some Flyer's made telling what you are doing Should have given them out at WOW,Eds Day,Mustang Mania,Ford Fest at NE DragWay I think Ed could have gotten some given out at his races all this summer .All the Car shows early in the season like Memorial Day there all kinds of events Etc.If a member is going to another cruise AKA Manns Arnie's Candia Etc.Ask for some flyer's and either stuff them in cars or leave them on the main table. They never have a problem with that.I have heard but Dennis its in Whips Wheels WOW. If you want it to be sucessful Its going to take effort from not just from Randy but from you guys. Its a club thing it not Randy's Saturday night criuse night Last time I looked it was NHMC cruise night Its failure is a reflection on the club and you as member's. There's an old Saying "ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS
You can't assume that people know what going on if you Don't get the word out there
Just my thoughts

09-08-2013, 08:43 PM
Any given saturday night of the summer theres a billion cruise nights to choose from.

Not really.... Maybe car shows....but not cruise nights..... I believe we have the only cruise night on Saturday night.
Seasons almost done. Lets do as Randy suggests and have a good discussion/debate this winter. We can discuss location, night and frequency at that time.
Since it is a "club" sponsored event, we should set it up where different "teams" of members "sponsor" a night. You would sign up for a specific night with another member, get there early and setup everything and be responsible to take it down. That way not the same people are doing all the work and people won't get burnt out.

09-08-2013, 09:48 PM
Hey Guys -- I don't mind at all setting up cruise night, I actually look forward to it...and if I can't make it, Rick or Keith are always there to set up. I'm just trying to figure out why we don't have more club members showing up, other than the 10 to 12 of us who do show up consistently. Both Advance Auto and USA Subs have more than once expressed their appreciation for us hosting our Saturday cruise night; and there's a lot to be said for being wanted (after what we went through at Mel's Place, Walmart and a couple other places). My opinion, for what it's worth, we stay where we are for another year. Maybe we can be more proactive publicizing our cruise night -- could have club members pass out cruise night fliers at different events they attend (as Dennis suggested), and maybe we have different charity events throughout the summer (last nights event for the Ricky McGregor Memorial Scholarship Fund was a big success).
We have a great group of members in our club, and I think our cruise night event has a lot to offer. What other cruise night gives 20% off at an auto parts store and 10% off at a great sub shop (maybe next year we can persuade The Tap Room to participate as well). And some attendees have stated we have the BEST cruise night music around. So let's have some constructive suggestions to increase attendance at our present location. Maybe there are some things we can do to boost attendance; maybe there isn't. But we should strive to make our the cruise night the best one around; that one that everyone wants to attend.

09-09-2013, 05:02 AM
I love the cruise night where it is and your 1 hell of a dj sir. ^^

09-09-2013, 09:02 PM
I like the music that you play.
The location is good enough and central to the state of NH overall.
Of course I would like a venue further south, but the distance from home really never has dissuaded me from going.
With a quick search on the internet through NH.com, I found it easily (so it isn't a secret from the internet).
http://www.nh.com/nh/events/exhibits/50869/nh-mustang-club-cruise-nights (http://www.nh.com/nh/events/exhibits/50869/nh-mustang-club-cruise-nights)
I know that many people end up with other obligations on Saturdays (including me) and that makes it difficult sometimes.
Overall I prefer Saturdays because I need to get up very early during the week for work.

09-10-2013, 01:00 PM
I have so much to say...but I'll refrain until the time is right

there is just so much bad info in this thread when it comes to the reality of cruise nights

09-10-2013, 04:37 PM
I have so much to say...but I'll refrain until the time is right

there is just so much bad info in this thread when it comes to the reality of cruise nights

Your funny.
I would suggest you either start a new post or share your thoughts here.
I get the impression, from Randys post, that the decision has already been made for next year.

You've never been one to mince words or bite your tounge. Why start now?

09-12-2013, 05:16 PM
NO, no decision made; as I stated "...in my opinion..."

09-12-2013, 06:43 PM
NO, no decision made; as I stated "...in my opinion..."

Ooops. My mistake. Sorry.

09-13-2013, 03:04 PM
Well mostly becuase I didn't attend a single event this year, so im sure my opinion on this matter means nothing, but I also want to respect the wishes of the club.

my last point on this....from Mann's on Monday I grabbed a whips wheels, I took a pic from a totally random saturday night....look at all the cruise nights to choose from:


NHMC cruise night is NOT the only game in town on a saturday night. I don't think we should move the day of the week and time.....but I still think location and frequency are hurting attendance.

just my .02 cents

09-13-2013, 03:31 PM
How many of those are held in the evening? Dude, you gotta proof read when you come in with a Perry Mason Picture as evidence. LOL!
Did you look at the details? One is held every other-Skips, Cars and coffee-Corvettes, 1972 and older models..........

09-14-2013, 08:34 AM
Three in NH including ours -- but the other two are not only in the morning, but are only single events...

09-16-2013, 09:20 AM
I picked a random saturday night. There are still 3 other saturdays worth of cruise nights on different pages :) In Sept, the sun is down by 7:15........so an afternoon cruise night is the best its gonna get.

09-16-2013, 01:16 PM
I picked a random saturday night. There are still 3 other saturdays worth of cruise nights on different pages :) In Sept, the sun is down by 7:15........so an afternoon cruise night is the best its gonna get.

There's nothing like a nice Fall cruise at sunset. Top down, grab a bite to eat, and head home at dark. This is why I have head lights.

09-16-2013, 09:24 PM
There's nothing like a nice Fall cruise at sunset. Top down, grab a bite to eat, and head home at dark. This is why I have head lights.

There's nothing like a nice Fall cruise at sunset. Top down, sweatshirt on, nip in the air. This is why we have heat. :p :D

09-17-2013, 07:55 AM
Only TWO cruise nights left for this season; let's end this season with good turnouts !!!!

09-17-2013, 10:33 AM
I won't make the last one this year. My step-daughter is getting married at 5pm (convenient!) that Saturday. But I DO plan to be there for the next one this coming Saturday with a surprise. No, I'm not telling. :cool:

09-17-2013, 07:34 PM
I won't make the last one this year. My step-daughter is getting married at 5pm (convenient!) that Saturday. But I DO plan to be there for the next one this coming Saturday with a surprise. No, I'm not telling. :cool:

with ED? .

09-17-2013, 08:28 PM
with ED? .

ED may or may not decide to grace us with his presence now that racing is done and he's back from Aruba, but as far as I know he won't be arriving with me. But with ED, anything is possible.

09-18-2013, 08:22 AM
ED may or may not decide to grace us with his presence now that racing is done and he's back from Aruba, but as far as I know he won't be arriving with me. But with ED, anything is possible.

Ed who? Looks like rain may ruin your plans Bruce. :(

09-18-2013, 09:52 AM
Ed who? Looks like rain may ruin your plans Bruce. :(

We don't need no steenking rain, but I will show up even if it rains unless it's canceled. ;)

09-18-2013, 11:09 AM
Ed who? Looks like rain may ruin your plans Bruce. :(

Rain should hold off 'til late Sat nite or early Sunday according to 2 locals.


09-18-2013, 03:47 PM
Rain should hold off 'til late Sat nite or early Sunday according to 2 locals.


Thats what they were reporting 2 weeks ago. However, the Sky was as black as O'SHeas car was. Got caught in it pretty good on my way home.
Funk that.

09-18-2013, 04:22 PM
Thats what they were reporting 2 weeks ago. However, the Sky was as black as O'SHeas car was. Got caught in it pretty good on my way home.
Funk that.

I'm seeing a possibility of 0.06" of rain in the evening. Be there!!! :p :cool:

09-18-2013, 05:16 PM
Thats what they were reporting 2 weeks ago. However, the Sky was as black as O'SHeas car was. Got caught in it pretty good on my way home.
Funk that.

2 weeks ago it was going to be "chance of afternoon showers".
This weekend is NOT being setup as the same.

Of coarse it's New England and anything could happen, earthquake, locust, rain...

09-18-2013, 09:16 PM
I'm working Saturday. Painting a Junior Dragster!!!

09-18-2013, 09:19 PM
I'm working Saturday. Painting a Junior Dragster!!!

Enough excuses! Racing is over. Be there!!! :p :cool:

09-18-2013, 09:41 PM
Enough excuses! Racing is over. Be there!!! :p :cool:

Your just jealous because you didn't use that excuse this year and he thought of it first :-)

09-18-2013, 11:16 PM
Your just jealous because you didn't use that excuse this year and he thought of it first :-)

No, I've been to about half the cruise nights this year. We need our village idiot or we may need to find a new one. Nominations will be open if we don't see ED Saturday!

09-24-2013, 11:52 PM
Thats what they were reporting 2 weeks ago. However, the Sky was as black as O'SHeas car was. Got caught in it pretty good on my way home.
Funk that.

Kevin, I was out of town visiting my son.
How was my forecast of no rain last Sat nite 9/21?

09-25-2013, 09:24 AM
Kevin, I was out of town visiting my son.
How was my forecast of no rain last Sat nite 9/21?

You were close....about 1 - 2 am a thunderstorm rolled through

09-25-2013, 09:35 AM
Can't wait until Dyno Day. Putting my car on to see what its got before it comes back all nice and prettied up in the Spring.

09-25-2013, 09:56 AM
Can't wait until Dyno Day. Putting my car on to see what its got before it comes back all nice and prettied up in the Spring.

Is this the start of a build thread? Details, please!

09-25-2013, 11:45 AM
Kevin, I was out of town visiting my son.
How was my forecast of no rain last Sat nite 9/21?

Whats your point Don Kent? It did not look good most of the night. Ask anyone of the 12-15 cars that were there what they thought.

Why don't you worry about getting your car fixed instead of hanging on a weather forecast conversation..... Clown.

09-25-2013, 01:16 PM
Is this the start of a build thread? Details, please!

No building thread, just a wodden box with a wild dog in it. hehehehe

09-25-2013, 01:41 PM
No building thread, just a wodden box with a wild dog in it. hehehehe

OK, put a treadmill in the box and have the dog contribute to your dyno effort! ;)

09-25-2013, 03:45 PM
Whats your point Don Kent? It did not look good most of the night. Ask anyone of the 12-15 cars that were there what they thought.
Don't care about nite before or nite after, I said show time would be good.
Why don't you worry about getting your car fixed instead of hanging on a weather forecast conversation..... Clown.

Maybe it's what my next job will be. hehehe
Busy fixing other family member cars first. Then need to find full time job.
Do we need to hung? take it waaaaay to seriously.
Give you one when we go out for breakfasts.

09-25-2013, 05:23 PM
I miss a couple weeks to go racing and the whole place needs Prozacs!!!

09-25-2013, 05:35 PM
I miss a couple weeks to go racing and the whole place needs Prozacs!!!

A couple weeks? I haven't seen you since ED Day! We need a village idiot we can count on!


09-25-2013, 08:10 PM
A couple weeks? I haven't seen you since ED Day! We need a village idiot we can count on!


That's what happened when he gets hitched.

09-26-2013, 09:12 AM
Maybe it's what my next job will be. hehehe
Busy fixing other family member cars first. Then need to find full time job.
Do we need to hung? take it waaaaay to seriously.
Give you one when we go out for breakfasts.

I'm only busting your sack man. Jeez. You one of those guys that can dish it out but can't take it? Your still a clown though.

A couple weeks? I haven't seen you since ED Day! We need a village idiot we can count on!


+1..... Bruce, He got your donation at ED day and now he is done with you. That's how ED rolls now that he is a chartered member at NED. ED Loves NED.

09-26-2013, 09:37 AM
Kev, we still need to do breakfast like last year at some point.