View Full Version : Tough week

06-03-2013, 08:08 AM
So this past week was a tough one for Jen and I. First we couldn't find a place to watch the Bruin's/Ranger's game up at Lake Winni last weekend. All the places that had it had a 3+hr wait by the time we got there. Stupid NBC!!!
Then on Tuesday Jen got T-boned in the Mini by one of her former students. Someone waved the kid into traffic and she didn't look the other way and hit Jen's passanger side door. The bad part was, the person that waved the kid into traffic drove off!!
My windshield in the mustang has been postponed a few days, so it's going to be a close call for me to drive down to Carlisle but Rick and Dave (from Prestige) are going to try to get it done by Tuesday night. So fingers crossed.
But the biggest part is that Max called it quits this weekend. Started last weekend he just had enough and didn't want to do things. Then Sunday he didn't want to get up for anything.
It was hard but looking back on the last 4+ years of having him he was the best part of our lives. He loved the last cruise night that he went to. I can say that he was the quietest he's ever been on the ride home because he was so happy.
Also, after being shafted by ED the first ED Day he went to, he fought back and won "Best Puppy" 2 years ago. I'm telling the truth that every time we showed someone that award he would run over to it with his head up high, wagging his tail and made sure that they knew it was his. He honestly knew it was his!!!!
So I just wanted to say thank you to all you guys for all the support this winter with him.

06-03-2013, 08:44 AM
Sorry to hear about max. I'm a dog lover aswell we have talked,sorry to hear you lost one of the family.

06-03-2013, 08:57 AM
Sorry to hear. I know how you feel as I lost a white shepard that was only 1 yr. The 5 yr old border collie we have now is even a bigger part of our family now.

Bad things happen is 3's so going to Carlisle will be good to get out and unwind for all of us. :)

06-03-2013, 09:17 AM
Sorry to hear this news.
It brings back those never forgotten memories of losing a big part of my family when i was younger. It's never easy.

Bob Comire
06-03-2013, 09:22 AM
Sorry to hear aabout Max. Although I never had the opportunity to meet him when we had breakfast at Estabarook a while back you told me about him and I can tell he he was part of the family and will surely be missed. Enjoy your memories.

06-03-2013, 09:49 AM
Oh, man. That sucks.

Max will be missed -- he was one of the friendliest, best natured dogs I ever known.

06-03-2013, 11:28 AM
So sorry to hear, Todd. I miss Max, too. I would have to say he was the unofficial club mascot and found a place in all of our hearts. Very sad.

06-03-2013, 11:39 AM
Thanks guys. As I am home cleaning all the drool off the walls (no, really this is what I am doing) I also am picking up a lot of his toys. I found the first toy that he came home from the shelter with. It was a purple lobster. He loved that thing and would not play tug-o-war with him. It is the only toy that I never had to sew up to get a few more day out of.
Jen and I both have to agree that he was the best dog for us and eventually we will rescue another older dog from a shelter.

06-03-2013, 02:43 PM
Sorry to hear about MAX and everything else that happened last week !! Hoping you have a much better week !

06-03-2013, 04:24 PM
oh no!! Sorry to hear about Max

Dennis O'Shea
06-03-2013, 05:09 PM
Todd so sorry to hear about Max. A fighter for quite a while. But they know when its time. The hardest part is that we never want to let go.Hang in there

06-03-2013, 05:34 PM
Sorry to hear about Max; I thought he looked so happy when he was at cruise night a couple of weeks ago. Sounds like he had a pretty good life though...

Hope Jen is OK...

06-03-2013, 05:46 PM

Jen found this from ED Day

Dennis O'Shea
06-03-2013, 06:15 PM
Nice picture


Jen found this from ED Day

07 stang gt
06-04-2013, 06:41 AM
So sorry to hear about Max. We just lost our cat of 19 years a couple of weeks ago so I know how you feel. It will get better with time!!

06-04-2013, 07:15 AM
Oh man... I'm not gonna lie, I shed a couple tears... especially about his lobster.. I'm so sorry Todd!
Just like his dad, he refuses to look at the camera..

Had I known you were in the area, you coulda watched it with us!

06-04-2013, 07:57 AM
Todd, so sorry for your loss

06-04-2013, 12:45 PM
It's been my honor to have known Max. A one of a kind pup, he will be deeply missed.

06-04-2013, 01:03 PM
As i stated on FB...I am very sorry to hear. What a great dog and he will be missed!!

I am glad that Jen is ok too, that definitely qualifies as a bad week. If you guys want to meet up and head over to the tiki bar in Westford for some drinks later this week let me know!

06-04-2013, 07:48 PM
As i stated on FB...I am very sorry to hear. What a great dog and he will be missed!!

I am glad that Jen is ok too, that definitely qualifies as a bad week. If you guys want to meet up and head over to the tiki bar in Westford for some drinks later this week let me know!

Or you can meet up with us down in Carlisle!!!!

06-04-2013, 09:29 PM
Sorry for your run of bad luck Todd, hope Jen is ok. I'm sure you have a bunch of great memories with Max, a couple years ago we had to put our lil gal of 14 years to the maker, took us two years of mouning before we adopted Georgia, a beagle mix rescue from Georgia. She's not our other girl, but we love her to pieces. Good thoughts from our home to yours.....