View Full Version : From a New All Time High to a New All Time Low .. Down and Out for a while..

04-30-2013, 08:34 PM
Well from a new all time high Saturday at ED Day where after about 100 passes and 40K later on the Saleen I finally got the car in the 12's.. 12.97 @ 109.87, already updated the signature Sunday !! It was very cool for me to finally have a 12 second car !! http://forums.nhmustangclub.com/images/smilies/smile.png

Well here we are today, A new all time low !! Got the passenger side hit pretty good today about 5:00 pm on my way out of work.. No one was hurt at all but I'm crushed ,,, not that the car was " ALL THAT " but it was pretty clean , no more is that the case.. Seems a woman in a hurry with a kid in her car at the end of off ramp thought it would make sense to pull out in front of me. EMT was directly behind her in line at a stop at the end of the ramp where you need to cross over traffic so it made even less sense that it happened..
I actually tried my damnedest to avoid and prob saved the Nose of the car but caught the rest of the passenger side and it tore off her entire front bumper cover...
Still beside myself right now.. Saw Ian while waiting on the paperwork on the side of the road from the police, Thanks for stopping Ian and asking if I was Ok. Appreciate the concern.!

I believe she was cited ,EMT commented to me he had no idea what the hell she was doing, he saw and heard me coming, but the driver decided to chance it I guess.. BAD CHOICE all around. and just to be clear this not anything specific about " woman " , we all know guys do stupid things too !! Im just PISSED right now.!

Cant even begin to tell you how much I an NOT looking forward to even dealing with this in any way...!! I may reach out to a couple of you individually for thoughts , advise , recommendations etc.

Not very good pics but here what I got so far.

16811682168316841685168616871688168916901691169216 931694169516961697

04-30-2013, 08:54 PM
Holy crap Barry!
Well, first and most importantly no one was hurt. But it totally sucks. I know exactly how you feel. I felt sick for days after my 02 GT got t-boned. It seems like a big thing now, but you'll get it fixed and be back driving it soon. Hang in there.

04-30-2013, 09:10 PM
Sorry to hear. That totally sucks? Especially seeing it's the beginning of the season!! Hopefully all else will come along smoothly and get it fixed quickly.
Just make sure the next couple days you keep a feel out for any pain in the neck and shoulders and call your MD that day if you do feel anything to get it documented. Seen too many cases where you don't feel anything for a day or two then don't do anything and a month goes by and it's no longer the MVA's fault.
If you need anything let me know

04-30-2013, 09:39 PM

Stage 3 Motorsports has most of the Saleen Stuff.
I can have that thing back in perfect condition!!!

04-30-2013, 10:13 PM
Barry, I'm so sorry to hear about this! I know you must feel devastated. Hopefully in a few days you will be able to appreciate that the good ones are the ones everyone walks away from. Hope you are back in the saddle soon and enjoying it again. If I can help in any way just say the word.

05-01-2013, 06:48 AM
That just plain sucks to hear and see.:(

05-01-2013, 07:39 AM
WOW, that does really suck; not much else to say that hasn't already been said. But thank God no one was hurt. We can all imagine how you are feeling, but it can only get better from this point on...

05-01-2013, 07:59 AM
Wow. Thats terrible B. Glad everyone was OK.
You will be up and running very soon. These body shop guys can do everything!!! (except for ED)

05-01-2013, 08:27 AM
Thanks Guys, I appreciate all the support and yes I am very thankful no one was hurt besides " BESSIE"

Already trying to get things moving !! Time will tell ! I will keep you all posted !

05-01-2013, 08:59 AM
Barry, as we chatted yesterday.....you are OK first off and thats what most important.

I feel bad, I can only imagine the level of frustration and anger.......hopefully she has some good insurance and you can wrangle a few upgrades out of it

any idea where you are going to have the body work done?

05-01-2013, 10:48 AM
Barry, as we chatted yesterday.....you are OK first off and thats what most important.

I feel bad, I can only imagine the level of frustration and anger.......hopefully she has some good insurance and you can wrangle a few upgrades out of it

any idea where you are going to have the body work done?

Only one place to go in the area -- Prestige Auto Body in Manchester. The owner Dave, is a former NHMC member and a long-time friend of Ricks. He takes special care of club Mustangs.

05-01-2013, 01:29 PM
Barry, as we chatted yesterday.....you are OK first off and thats what most important.

I feel bad, I can only imagine the level of frustration and anger.......hopefully she has some good insurance and you can wrangle a few upgrades out of it

any idea where you are going to have the body work done?

Hey Ian thanks again for checking in on me yesterday when you saw my standing on the side of the road looks distraught ! Yes everyone being OK is a good thing. especially seeing she had a young child in the car.! Looks like the car will get painted a lot sooner that I had ever planned to have it done, only problem it kind of forces the hand on a few things I wasnt fully prepared to do at this point.. may need a new top soon as well.. we shall see !~

Looks like it may be headed to Prestige in Manchester !

Only one place to go in the area -- Prestige Auto Body in Manchester. The owner Dave, is a former NHMC member and a long-time friend of Ricks. He takes special care of club Mustangs.

Just came from Dave's shop, quite the operation he has there.. He took time out of his very busy schedule to talk with me personally and go over the car and other related matters for close to an hour this morning., Quite honestly he really put my mind at ease about a lot of things.. I also like the fact he very much understands our obsessions with our cars..!

Preliminary outlook is 5-7 K. but cant be certain until he dives into it to see if anything excessive happened behind the scenes so to speak..

I actually found a few more bits of damage, minor as it may be that I didn't originally see , so now looks like the entire Passenger side will require paint as well as some of the drivers side where it appears there is a little wrinkle in the quarter panel and wheel well from the transfer of energy during impact.
Well jsut waiting to here from the offenders INS CO. , my agent ( Amanda) informed me that the other party hadn't even notified there Ins Co yet.. go figure.!!

Well for now I am somewhat in a better frame of mind, time will tell how long I can keep myself in check though, especially on nice days like this ..!

And the SAGA continues !

05-01-2013, 03:22 PM
good to hear, I bet that's gotta be a huge burden off your mind

time to start consuming lots of:

05-01-2013, 07:20 PM
Well jsut waiting to here from the offenders INS CO. , my agent ( Amanda) informed me that the other party hadn't even notified there Ins Co yet.. go figure.!!

And the SAGA continues !

I got hit from behind on the highway this past winter with my DD. The other person never did call her insurance. My insurance, after calling twice to see if anything was filed, had to file it and her insurance company had to call her to find out what the deal was. It's not uncommon from what my agent was saying. They person resonsable hopes that you just don't do anything about it so they don't report it.
Good luck with it.

Dennis O'Shea
05-01-2013, 07:36 PM
Wow that really sucks thank God she has Insurance Hopefully its a good one.Glad also that no one was hurt Hopefullt the damage is not to bad and it get fixed in a timely manner

05-01-2013, 08:17 PM
Bummer!!! Not to sound repetive, but glad no one was hurt and sounds like the car is gonna be in good repair hands...Good luck....

05-01-2013, 09:37 PM
Again!! thanks all for the support and good wishes, believe it or not, actually readings everyone's comments does help ease things a bit.

I am sure things will get easier and Bessie will be tooling around again sometime soon !

07 stang gt
05-02-2013, 05:55 AM
That just plain sucks!!! I cover over 80 Ford dealers in New England and NY and have many connections with owners/sales mngrs./parts, service/ etc,. so if there is anything I can do to help or lead you in the right direction, let me know. Keep your head up, it will get better. I spent a month and a half last summer without my stang so I know how you feel.

05-07-2013, 12:19 PM
Well I just heard a nasty rumor that they have considered the car a total loss?? Not exactly sure how that is .. I have a funny feeling they are valuing the car as a 2001 Mustang GT Convertible , and not as a 2001 Saleen Convertible.. waiting to hear back from the claims guy today to discus after I explained to the original case manager.. ..

And go figure the woman that hit me still hasn't made a statement to the Ins Co so they cant assign the liability as of yet. without confirmation of being cited on scene or admitting fault,/. I went to the Chelmsford Police Dept just now got a copy of their report for $5 and it jives with my statement as well as the witness statement and the report clearly displays she was cited so that should be enough I would think for the Ins co to accept liability , I guess legally she has up to 30 day with her insurance company,?? That's just nuts.
I could subrogate the claim but really dont want to do that but that may have to come back into play if something doenst happen soon.

I'm trying to remain positive but time will tell if I can continue on that path !

Dennis O'Shea
05-07-2013, 12:55 PM
Hang in there it will all work out

05-07-2013, 06:57 PM
the VIN number at least based on my Saleen and Insurance does not map to a 'Saleen' it maps to a plain old GT convertible.

Either way, I found a place where you can pick up replacement rear rims... New Old Stock.


Pick one up :)

Good luck man, I think I would have gone Ape shit.

05-07-2013, 07:52 PM
the VIN number at least based on my Saleen and Insurance does not map to a 'Saleen' it maps to a plain old GT convertible.

Either way, I found a place where you can pick up replacement rear rims... New Old Stock.


Pick one up :)

Good luck man, I think I would have gone Ape shit.

Thanks J , Keep this link in your back pocket !!! May need to tweak depending on your model year.


Hang in there it will all work out

Thanks Dennis , its starting to work out !

Just as I figured. they had it valued as a GT convertible and not as a Saleen..BIG DIFFERENCE, it has been adjusted, car is not totaled any longer ... They have also accepted responsibility !

working on the next steps now !!


05-07-2013, 08:15 PM
Barry -- the problem is that Saleen Mustangs have GT VIN numbers (as the mods are done "after-the-fact). When the car left the factory, it left as a GT, and that is what the insurance company is looking at. Avoid having them " total" the car or assigning it as a "constructive total loss". If that happens, the car will then have a salvage title which will dramatically decrease its resale value...

05-07-2013, 09:07 PM
Barry -- the problem is that Saleen Mustangs have GT VIN numbers (as the mods are done "after-the-fact). When the car left the factory, it left as a GT, and that is what the insurance company is looking at. Avoid having them " total" the car or assigning it as a "constructive total loss". If that happens, the car will then have a salvage title which will dramatically decrease its resale value...

Hey Randy,

You are Absolutely 100% correct about how most Ins co's would look at it strictly as a GT because its after the fact mods.. Unless you have collectors Insurance for stated value it can be an issue for sure.. As chance might have it because of the type of Garage / storage I use not being an actual "Stick Built" garage I cant even get the collector Ins. go figure.!!

I also totally agree about avoiding any classification of "totaling" the car.. Luckily I think that I am actually past that aspect at this point, I was fortunate enough to have the "total loss" reclassified. Based on the information I was able to provide regarding it being a numbered car that is listed in the Saleen Registry as well as sending them the NADA information on the car they reassessed the damage to value ratio. I think they use a 70% threshold so there is a big difference in the 9K on paper its worth in excellent condition as a GT with 145K vs a good Average condition Saleen worth about 20K on paper, I am not sure how far they could have fought it, even though I am sure they could have attempted to do so and made it difficult on me.

In the end I am sure this accident can and will most likely affect the long term value and not that the car will ever be worth anything significant in a monetary sense but it has a lots of sentimental meaning to me so it honestly could have been much worse all around ! I am a bit bummed it wont have a clean car fax any longer , but Very happy to not have to worry about "salvage" title. I guess someday when I am too old and cant drive any longer and I give it to my granddaughter she will have to deal with that !! LOL. It's already been promised to her !!! She love my car !!

Wonder if the VIN issue is also the same with Roush Mustangs., I would have to think so ..

05-07-2013, 09:40 PM
its starting to work out !

Just as I figured. they had it valued as a GT convertible and not as a Saleen..BIG DIFFERENCE, it has been adjusted, car is not totaled any longer ... They have also accepted responsibility !

working on the next steps now !!

That's great to hear, Barry! Very good news! Keep us informed and best of luck with the rest!

05-08-2013, 06:42 PM
Glad you're ok Barry, shame you don't know any insurance agents :)

05-08-2013, 09:39 PM
Glad you're ok Barry, shame you don't know any insurance agents :)

Thanks, Hahahaa . no kidding ...:)
Dropped the car off tonight to Dave at Prestige Auto in NH ! And it begins !

05-08-2013, 10:08 PM
Thanks, Hahahaa . no kidding ...:)
Dropped the car off tonight to Dave at Prestige Auto in NH ! And it begins !

Nice, I'll have to take a look at it when my car goes there to have the glass fixed soon.

05-09-2013, 09:36 AM
good news barry.....thats great to hear. Sounds like there is some real positive forward movement

05-09-2013, 09:48 AM
Glad to hear car is in the shop Barry.... Time for you to buy some new
sunglasses before it rolls out all shiny like new!!!

05-09-2013, 02:08 PM
Thanks Guys, I hope all will be right soon and I can drive the car in the not so distant future,,

Especially seeing they gave me a 4 door Mazda 3 that sounds like the wheel bearings are toast and I can barely hear myself think so I have to crank the stereo so I dont get annoyed. .!! I already called the rental agency and I think I got the default answer, we have nothing else available on the lot currently and the icing on the cake was when they said the manager told them all the Mazda sound like that !! I even called another location and it seems when I first called they had cars available until I told them I needed to return the one they already rented me from another location that had nothing to replace it with..!! What ever happened to the "CUSTOMER" is always right and you go out of your way to hep them out ! Seriously what the hell is going on with people !!

Nice, I'll have to take a look at it when my car goes there to have the glass fixed soon.

Todd, Snap some pics of it when you go there if there is any work goign on if you can , ask them if you can take a peek!!! I need to get some photos along the way somehow !! I feel like I dropped my kid off at the hospital for Surgery and the surgery is going to take weeks !!! going to be a very long month I have a feeling !!

05-09-2013, 02:56 PM
You could always drive to within a mile of the rental agency, let all the oil out, then drive it the rest of the way! Bet they'd find something else! ;)

05-18-2013, 05:35 AM
Hey Guys, Just wanted to post up a quick update !!

First of all the rental car matter was addressed and they put me in a different car.. Not a mustang but better than what they originally gave me !!
Rolling in a 2013 Subaru Legacy !! LOL.!!!

As far as the repairs on the Saleen , I actually just met with the body shop team yesterday to go over the plans for the car. The damaged area of the Car has been broken down and analyzed to ensure there was no hidden damage. Seems like everything checked out structurally so that good. Actual prep and repairs should begin next week . Actually discussing a few additional things that will be done finish wise as well as looking into matters for a new top be be done during this process as well. Car really needs it and seeing the back seat and associated interior is pretty much stripped out it probably makes sense to see about having it taken care of at this point.!

The top wasn't n my plans for this year but neither was having the car in the shop for paint.. ! I will update as soon a I hear more !!


05-19-2013, 03:52 PM
Good News Barry!!!

05-20-2013, 04:14 AM
looking good barry....some good progress