View Full Version : IMPORTANT -- World of Wheels

03-20-2013, 10:17 AM
WORLD OF WHEELS -- I just spoke with Rick Finnamore at World of Wheels. As you can imagine, he is receiving a fair number of cancellations from people who don't want to take their cars out because of yesterday's storm and the salt on the roads. So if ANYONE would like to participate in the show, call me on my cell phone at 603-216-7861. Check in is tomorrow and the show is Fri through Sun.

03-20-2013, 11:57 AM
That's to bad people cancelling. Folks are told up front, rain or snow you go.
To bad my enclosed trailer is still buried in place.

03-20-2013, 12:08 PM
can't say im surprised by this.........

if they kept the show in Jan, at least people would know they HAVE to trailer their car to get it to the show.

03-20-2013, 02:12 PM
That's to bad people cancelling. Folks are told up front, rain or snow you go.
To bad my enclosed trailer is still buried in place.

George - I was speaking with Ed earlier today, what about the Project Fallen Hero car?? That's already loaded on a trailer isn't it?? Let me know what you think...

03-20-2013, 04:00 PM
Yes it's on the trailer but that trailer is somewhat buried from last storm. I don't have time for it because of being busy at work. It's certainly not detailed to my standard but showable. If someone else wanted to deal with it.

Two things to ad:
1. If folks knowing it had to be there from start and now back out because they don't want their car dirty, then remember this next year and those folks DON'T get first option next year.
2. That PFH is NOT directly part of club. It's close to being delivered, I don't wanna have to fix anything else!

03-20-2013, 04:45 PM
I wouldn't want to have to explain it to Ray Calero if anything happened to it...

03-20-2013, 05:54 PM
Yes it's on the trailer but that trailer is somewhat buried from last storm. I don't have time for it because of being busy at work. It's certainly not detailed to my standard but showable. If someone else wanted to deal with it.

Two things to ad:
1. If folks knowing it had to be there from start and now back out because they don't want their car dirty, then remember this next year and those folks DON'T get first option next year.
2. That PFH is NOT directly part of club. It's close to being delivered, I don't wanna have to fix anything else!

Yeah, I understand. I'm not concerned about detailing the car. But getting it there and back would be an issue. I don't have a truck available to trailer it, and Rick is already bringing two cars down. So, everything considered, it's probably best just leave it where it is for now. Maybe they want my Grand Am or my wife's Sonata in the show ---- NOT...

03-20-2013, 06:21 PM
Get a couple off Ed's lot.

03-20-2013, 08:11 PM
That's rediculous. I hope that the people still have to pay and they have a cx fee as well. It's New England. If your not willing to get your car there no matter what, don't enter it! It's a car, it can be cleaned!!
Unfortunately both my bosses are off the next two days so I can't make it.

03-20-2013, 08:38 PM
Get a couple off Ed's lot.

Actually tried that, and Ed called the manager for me. Problem is they have no way to get the cars there and back on such short notice...

03-20-2013, 08:45 PM
If people are willing to pay the price a flat bed ride with a aaa discount might be worth it?

03-20-2013, 09:15 PM
Actually tried that, and Ed called the manager for me. Problem is they have no way to get the cars there and back on such short notice...

A brand new car off the showroom floor wouldn't be useful anyway. The show is about customization and cars you don't see every day.

03-20-2013, 09:17 PM
I have the unlimited AAA. If someone wanted to step up and represent the club I'd be glad to take the ride in the tow truck to get their car there.

03-21-2013, 09:46 PM
Just peeked on Facebook lol. The display looks great guys takeing a ride down to see you guys with the family on Saturday nice work!

03-21-2013, 10:25 PM
Just peeked on Facebook lol. The display looks great guys takeing a ride down to see you guys with the family on Saturday nice work!

Would be NICE to see it on the Official Club Forum!

03-22-2013, 09:03 AM
Bruce, there are more people on Facebook than on this forum:)

03-22-2013, 10:35 AM
Bruce, there are more people on Facebook than on this forum:)

So... are you implying that those of us who are only on the forum are second class members? :(

03-22-2013, 10:46 AM
Bruce, there are more people on Facebook than on this forum:) Did you take a poll?
I pay dues, I'm a long timer. You all with sorta smart phones can also pull up internet on phones. Sooooooo that makes the basic internet the most common media means via club forum!!!

03-22-2013, 02:00 PM
Plus many people cannot go to Facebook from work. I know I had to block it for my company.

03-22-2013, 02:07 PM
Bruce, there are more people on Facebook than on this forum:)

Ian, Move back from fantasy land will you.
I'm not on Facebook either. I think I get along just fine with out it.

Dennis O'Shea
03-22-2013, 02:19 PM
Your My Idol Kevin

Ian, Move back from fantasy land will you.
I'm not on Facebook either. I think I get along just fine with out it.

03-22-2013, 06:01 PM
Here's a crazy idea, why don't we all go to W.O.W. and support the club and the guys who are giving up 4 days of their life to promote it!!

Dennis O'Shea
03-22-2013, 07:08 PM
To Long of a drive Won't be there
[QUOTE=LILBLKSNAKE;3910]Here's a crazy idea, why don't we all go to W.O.W. and support the club and the guys who are giving up 4 days of their life to promote it!![E]

03-22-2013, 08:17 PM
To Long of a drive Won't be there

You're the Junior Prez, you better get your old wrinkled ass there!!

03-23-2013, 12:26 AM
Here's a crazy idea, why don't we all go to W.O.W. and support the club and the guys who are giving up 4 days of their life to promote it!!

I was planning to go on Saturday, but it's taking longer than expected to get my car back together. Will be spending the day on that instead. Some idiot is having an event called ED Day and I want to be ready so I can drive my car there. Lots of things to do yet before that will be possible. If I only had a welder and more recent practice using one...

Dennis O'Shea
03-23-2013, 05:45 AM
I am not going to make it And probably won't be going to Dyno Day And Eds Day Sorry

You're the Junior Prez, you better get your old wrinkled ass there!!

03-23-2013, 08:11 AM
Here's a crazy idea, why don't we all go to W.O.W. and support the club and the guys who are giving up 4 days of their life to promote it!!
Have an all day family event in Conn.

03-23-2013, 08:25 AM
Is anyone going to WOW on Sunday? I live in Derry and I am looking to hitch a ride down.

03-23-2013, 10:42 AM
I am not going to make it And probably won't be going to Dyno Day And Eds Day Sorry

you should just paint your car yellow

Dennis O'Shea
03-23-2013, 12:56 PM
Car's Forsale on E-Bay have had some interest

you should just paint your car yellow

03-23-2013, 04:21 PM
Car's Forsale on E-Bay have had some interest

NICE!!! Now you can buy a FORD GT Supercar!!

Dennis O'Shea
03-23-2013, 05:18 PM
Pontiac Catalina its what I have always wanted :eek:

NICE!!! Now you can buy a FORD GT Supercar!!

03-23-2013, 06:45 PM
Pontiac Catalina its what I have always wanted :eek:

Jibber sent me this spy photo of your new Catalina

03-23-2013, 06:52 PM
Jibber sent me this spy photo of your new Catalina


03-23-2013, 08:25 PM
It's Sat and still no pics to be posted???

03-23-2013, 08:28 PM
It's Sat and still no pics to be posted???

Rick put some on face book.

03-23-2013, 09:17 PM
Rick put some on face book.

Facebook is not the official club forum. Why are they not here???

03-23-2013, 09:27 PM
It's probably easier to post up on face book for them. I'm not a fan of Facebook either but there not sitting in front of a
Computer either.

Dennis O'Shea
03-24-2013, 05:33 AM
I will have to Agree with my fellow member's Facebook is not the NHMC forum.They need to be on this site for all the members to see before the general public.Being easier is no excuse they owe it to the membership they at least deserve that much.Very sad

03-24-2013, 07:59 AM
Pontiac Catalina its what I have always wanted :eek:

I thought that was your DD already?
The Facebook thing is that Rick has one of those "Stupid Smart Phones" and I've been told that he can take a pic and put it directly onto FB. To put it on the forum you need a computer because the forum, although you can read from a Smart Phone, is very smart Phone friendly.

03-24-2013, 09:32 AM
Like Dennis said, not an excuse to abandon the forum and the members there. People who don't want FB will just drop away if they feel left out of everything.

03-24-2013, 09:49 AM
Like Dennis said, not an excuse to abandon the forum and the members there. People who don't want FB will just drop away if they feel left out of everything.

Remember, I'm one of the non-FB people. If you are part of the show, you have no time to post to the forum. It's a long few days there and its is actually a lot of work. I've hung out for one day at a time and must say, it's tiring for one day.

03-24-2013, 10:59 AM
To all those who dont use FB let me ask 1 question...

10 -15 years ago would you have thought of "posting comments, selling parts, organizing events and making new friends in a online auto forum "?? ... Lets be honest now.. People adjusted and moved forward with the times so to speak... There are still those that dont even join in the forums I am sure..

Well my $.02 is that times are still changing and social media sites such as FB are not going anywhere, if you learn to utilize social media sites to your specific needs it is a quite a powerful tool...

Like i said I have no vested interest in any of it so it matters not to me , I just always hear the debate when it comes to the forum vs FB postings about pictures and other items and its easy enough to browse FB for NHMC happenings without even having an account as far as I know..

Happy Spring All...

... SUN is SHINING, Snow is melting finally .!!

03-24-2013, 11:14 AM
Barry, there's a difference. I don't do FB mostly because I just don't trust them. They have no respect for their users or privacy. I'm a software engineer, and also the webmaster for PFH and several other things. I'm not a Luddite of anti-tech by any stretch.

However, I'm a bit puzzled. Every time I go to NHMC on FB I am met with a page that says I must log in to view the page. Is there some kind of trick that I don't know since I'm not a FB user? I can't see anything posted by the club on FB.

On the other hand, I seem to have no trouble getting to the SmokinStangs FB pages without joining, so..... what's the scoop???

03-24-2013, 12:06 PM
Barry, there's a difference. I don't do FB mostly because I just don't trust them. They have no respect for their users or privacy. I'm a software engineer, and also the webmaster for PFH and several other things. I'm not a Luddite of anti-tech by any stretch.

However, I'm a bit puzzled. Every time I go to NHMC on FB I am met with a page that says I must log in to view the page. Is there some kind of trick that I don't know since I'm not a FB user? I can't see anything posted by the club on FB.

On the other hand, I seem to have no trouble getting to the SmokinStangs FB pages without joining, so..... what's the scoop???

Hey Bruce,

I totally understand your points, I just dont worry too much personally because they can gear there advertising or what ever they want to based on my so called "personal" information or information based on FB pages and sponsored sites I visit etc. I just dont put much credence in the effectiveness they may think they have on my personal decisions..understanding the issue but possibly it could be the NHMC FB page creator may have locked down to only allow friends to view the page. maybe the privacy settings on the NHMC FB page are locked to " friends " only an not open to "Public" , so that just shows you can regulate some of the privacy you do have !! Then again I am not all that tech Savy and could be way off !!

Either way.. I just think FB isn't as evil as everyone thinks it is if used and set up properly.. I see more breaches of personal information with Credit Card Company's, Banks, and other institutions in my opinion I think FB is the least ofmyworries !! they have no real personal info that overly concerns me.. I have never been asked for a Credit card or SS# or other personal information that could affect me in a way I would be concerned with.

Again, this is just my opinion based on the world I live in, which may may align with other, but I dont begrudge anyone that doesn't use FB.

03-24-2013, 02:24 PM
To all those who dont use FB let me ask 1 question...

10 -15 years ago would you have thought of "posting comments, selling parts, organizing events and making new friends in a online auto forum "?? ... Lets be honest now.. People adjusted and moved forward with the times so to speak... There are still those that dont even join in the forums I am sure..

Well my $.02 is that times are still changing and social media sites such as FB are not going anywhere, if you learn to utilize social media sites to your specific needs it is a quite a powerful tool...

Like i said I have no vested interest in any of it so it matters not to me , I just always hear the debate when it comes to the forum vs FB postings about pictures and other items and its easy enough to browse FB for NHMC happenings without even having an account as far as I know..

Happy Spring All...

... SUN is SHINING, Snow is melting finally .!!

In general YOU NEEDED the internet to get to FB. So internet is main driver. There are now secondary outlets to get to FB but driven by internet! So some of us that don't either trust FB and or don't want to see/read about " oh I'm going shopping now, or just cut my grass", to those people, Get a life. I know that's NOT everyone BUT I don't need that media outlet! What basic things are in place today are just fine. I don't need another account of something.
Some day CARS will be obsolete but.... until then.......

03-24-2013, 05:27 PM
The guys at W.O.W are there for 4 days straight. I'm sure once they get home and wind down we will see some pics.

Dennis O'Shea
03-24-2013, 06:52 PM
You make it sound like its work they just sit around and B.S And answer questions when somebody ask them Tuff work Whew I was there last year it can get very boring

The guys at W.O.W are there for 4 days straight. I'm sure once they get home and wind down we will see some pics.

03-24-2013, 08:38 PM
The guys at W.O.W are there for 4 days straight. I'm sure once they get home and wind down we will see some pics.
Remember, I've been there, done that... twice

I'll only cut them some slack if they take home some trophy hardware.

03-24-2013, 09:17 PM
Remember, I've been there, done that... twice

I'll only cut them some slack if they take home some trophy hardware.

I don't condone stealing

03-24-2013, 09:18 PM
You make it sound like its work they just sit around and B.S And answer questions when somebody ask them Tuff work Whew I was there last year it can get very boring

And they have no computer there and by the time they get out of there they probably want to spend time with their families. I'm sure Rick or Randy will have some pics up

03-25-2013, 06:34 AM
This is the first year in a long time that I did not make it down. Too many things popped up and were on the "wait" list for family events.
I hope everyone had fun!!

Dennis O'Shea
03-25-2013, 08:09 AM
I am not talking about Computer's I am talking about your statement on what hard work it is.If thats hard work I want that job And as far as Four photo's Seen them already on facebook And the pictures that are on there.Are pictures of everyones cars seen them all at cruise night WOOPEE!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

And they have no computer there and by the time they get out of there they probably want to spend time with their families. I'm sure Rick or Randy will have some pics up

03-25-2013, 08:44 AM
Facebook is easier to access from a phone than a forum. There is no debate about that. Anyone who is not on there, I can understand and feel your pain about not being able to see pictures. We have a core group who do access the forum, BUT there is a MUCH bigger group that access Facebook. It's just the way it is.

Ed and I were at the WOW show on Saturday from about noon until 4pm. Was good to hang out and see the guys.

Recap of the show: Smallest show in years, least amount of show cars EVER and they had a ton of cancellations. It was by far one of the smaller turn outs. The show floor could be walked in an hour. Only about a half dozen pictures were taken by Rick...most of which were of the members cars.

03-25-2013, 08:47 AM
However, I'm a bit puzzled. Every time I go to NHMC on FB I am met with a page that says I must log in to view the page. Is there some kind of trick that I don't know since I'm not a FB user? I can't see anything posted by the club on FB.

On the other hand, I seem to have no trouble getting to the SmokinStangs FB pages without joining, so..... what's the scoop???

It's a privacy setting we have. The NHMC is a private group that's run by 3 people. Unless you are a member, you won't be able to see anything at all. I am one of the admins and have the ability to accept or deny people as they request access. We do not have out page set up so that the whole world can see our pic's.

03-25-2013, 08:59 AM
Ian, I think it's the general frustration that the club seems to have abandoned it's web site (the event schedule posted there is still the schedule from last year) and the forum that we just finally got a year ago. Many people do not want FB for valid reasons. There are phone apps that make it easy to access forums from phones if we choose to support them. SmokinStangs does. There are ways to let non-FB members to access the FB pages, but the club chooses not to allow it. We feel like we're being shut out. That needs to change or those members who feel shut out will leave. Tryiong to force people to join FB against their will will not work. A better plan is needed.

03-25-2013, 11:25 AM
I don't think its a matter of "not allowing it"....I think its more a matter of which outlet is accepted by more people

At the pizza meeting, there was mention by a few people of not even being able to access the forum for various reasons. As a result, those people gave up trying to access it and don't see it as a viable place for info. No offense, but the demographic of NHMC does not cater to younger people...so if someone has a hard time logging on....guess what? They give up and never come back.

Let's face it, the forum supports a small, core group of NHMC'er's. The club has 200 members, there's maybe 15 of us on here.

Unitl that changes and the forum becomes more popular, this is going to be a battle that is always happening. I will make sure I do a better job of communicating on both fronts so no one is left out :)

03-25-2013, 12:47 PM

03-25-2013, 01:04 PM
Ed where's the pics of the trannies lol

03-25-2013, 01:21 PM
LOL, please......i had just forgotten about them

03-25-2013, 01:42 PM
Thanks ED!!! Randy, your car is looking GREAT!

03-25-2013, 03:03 PM
Ed where's the pics of the trannies lol

I got them to join the club. I was telling them about this White car and how badass it is...... They are all in..... They want to meet you bud.

03-25-2013, 03:46 PM
Photo shoot with them in Motörhead this summer!!!

03-25-2013, 05:04 PM
Photo shoot with them in Motörhead this summer!!!

Only if they're posing on Jibber's car

03-25-2013, 05:22 PM
Anyone win hardware????

03-25-2013, 06:50 PM
Ian, I think it's the general frustration that the club seems to have abandoned it's web site (the event schedule posted there is still the schedule from last year) and the forum that we just finally got a year ago. There are phone apps that make it easy to access forums from phones if we choose to support them. SmokinStangs does.

I have to agree with the website not being updated. I tried to look at what time the pizza meeting was and it was last years dates. I think that at least the web site should be updated to help with show turnouts.
As for the SmartPhone apps, I've used the one that SmokinStangs uses and to use it you ahve to pay for an upgrade. The free one just lets you look and I must say, it's a pain in the ass to use. So my statement and Ian's is still true that posting pics right to FB from a phone is still A LOT easier than using that app for forums.

Dennis O'Shea
03-25-2013, 06:51 PM
Its a Secret you had to have been there to know what happened

Anyone win hardware????

03-25-2013, 10:48 PM
I have to agree with the website not being updated. I tried to look at what time the pizza meeting was and it was last years dates. I think that at least the web site should be updated to help with show turnouts.

Yes, plus I just noticed that there is not a single picture on the web site from the ENTIRE 2012 season, and it seems like the Officials page is out of date, too. That, combined with no current event schedule is not going to help us get new members.

03-26-2013, 06:20 PM
The guys at W.O.W are there for 4 days straight. I'm sure once they get home and wind down we will see some pics.
Now that a couple days gone by, bonded with family, got 2 nites sleep........
Any trophies or pics?

Dennis O'Shea
03-26-2013, 06:56 PM
I am just wondering why no info at all Can't figure it out either

Now that a couple days gone by, bonded with family, got 2 nites sleep........
Any trophies or pics?

03-26-2013, 09:51 PM
OK, lets get a couple of things straight:

1. Photos are much easier to upload to FB than to the Forum, as Ian indicated.
2. Regardless of what Dennis says, this show is a lot of work -- 4 days, 4 trips back/forth to Boston. And if anyone thinks differently, they are welcome to participate, or just come help out.
3. Stop bitchin and moanin about whether to use Facebook or the Forum. Some like FB, some like to Forum. I try to post announcements and things of importance on both.
4. I actually prefer FB because there is so much crap posted on the Forum. Just look at this post -- 7 pages of comments, most of which is not worth the time it took to write.
5. As far as photos are concerned, I took a lot and they will be posted, WHEN I have the time to do it. It's been two days since the show ended, so give me a fuc---- break.
6. I, for one, am disappointed that only a handful of members showed up to support our participation as a club in this event.

OK, enough venting on my part. But if anyone doesn't like the way something is done, why not be part of the solution instead of making useless noise about it!!!!

03-26-2013, 10:41 PM
Im sorry we all dissapoint so many people all of the time , you think we just sit around at WOW , for one thats not true , for another i had to take several days off to do this , i can not afford this but i did it ! it also cost each one of us out of our own pockets to go do this to drum up memberships for the club , between all of the trips down (gas and parking not to mention the entrance fee ) we all spent around 200 bucks out of our own pockets with a smile on our face , most of the people complaining didnt even show up ! yes i took pictures with my phone and put them on FB ,thats what i know how to do ,i dont know how to post the pictures from my phone to the forum , why couldnt somebody with a camera that knows how, show up an help us by taking pictures !its so easy for people to be criticle!

As for the new schedule it will be up soon , we have had some growing pains with the forum and the server , its being worked on !

We have had people in the past that were supposed to be responsible for putting pictures on the web site , once again things that fell thru ! as i always say anyone that wants to step up we can always use the help !

if you have a complaint call me ! dont always put it all over the forum !

also last time i checked the forum and FB both use the internet !


Ive been doing this for along time !

nhmc pres Rick Lacourse

PS.. thanks to those that did show up to support us , Ed, Ian , Jibber , Amy, Joe , Mike , Marie , Jess , and im sure i missed a couple that i didnt see ,

Also thanks to those that brought there cars , Randy , Jim, Kieth, Marie , Rick ,Mark P signed up but my bad i didnt get the car done ,

Jim got first in class , Kieth got second ,
i got first in my class, Marie got best in class ,
Randy got second we did good

sorry for my rant

03-26-2013, 10:45 PM
Ryan was there to help also , thanks Ryan

03-27-2013, 06:52 AM
Jeff Newey and Camaro Bruce showed up. They might have been missed though because part of the show they were in costume for the DRAG racing display

03-27-2013, 07:09 AM
Photos are up on Facebook. As far as putting them up on the Forum, I spent an hour last night (late) uploading them to the Forum, but for whatever reason they weren't accepted. So for all of you who don't like FB, you can either view the photos there or not at all...

03-27-2013, 07:21 AM
Ian was correct, the turnout on Saturday was considerably less than in prior years, but the turnout on Sunday was just the opposite. The place was packed. Approximately 15% to 20% of those who preregistered cancelled because of the snowstorm (and salt on the roads) from earlier that week. But the WOW staff did a great job to fill every one of those slots at the last minute.

03-27-2013, 08:38 AM
yes i did forget jeff and bruce , thanks for coming by guys , i think they made a weekend of it ,had pictures all over FB !

i think a couple of members came by while i was out of the both hanging out with my daughter , sorry i missed you ,

03-27-2013, 10:37 AM
Rick, Randy and the rest. I can't speak for others who are upset about FB thing, but I know how much work WOW is for you guys. I know I appreciate all that you do for the club, even though like most of us I probably don't even know everything that you do. I never had any intention of criticizing any individuals. What I have a problem with is a situation, not an individual.

I don't know who decided that the NHMC FB page should be a members-only page and I don't care who decided that. Again, I'm not looking for someone to crucify for any reason. The issue is that a members-only page forces people to join FB or they can't view it. I think 95% of the issue would go away if that could be relaxed. Are we hiding something over there? If not, then who cares if the world can see it just like they can see the club website and this forum? Maybe a setup where only members can post over there? That would be fine with me - I have no interest in posting on FB.

The problem occurs when someone posts on the forum that something is "available on FB" but only some people can see it. If it's your own car project or whatever, that's your right and I respect that. If it's club business or events, I (and I believe others) have a problem with that. It makes some members second class members. Can't we fix that? It doesn't sound difficult. Clearly I can't fix that or I would do so, so it doesn't seem reasonable to expect me to be "part of the solution" on this one. This will be my last post on the subject. It will either get fixed or it won't from here forward. If there is some way I can help in fixing it, please let me know - I'll be happy to help.

As far as supporting the club at WOW, I had every intention of being there. As the saying goes, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." What was supposed to be one day of working on my car over a month ago has turned into 5 days and it's far from done yet. I spent all last weekend working on it trying to get ready for the season this year, and more than half of the previous three weekends. I'll be doing the same again Friday and Saturday of the coming weekend and it will still not be done, but I do hope I will at least be able to get it to the welder. In the current state it is not drivable and could not pass state inspection (and, yes, April is my inspection month).

So, no, I didn't make it to WOW this year. Sincere congratulations to all who won, I'm certain it was well deserved. Thank you for the effort you put in representing the club!