View Full Version : Who's got the itch?

03-02-2013, 09:13 PM
Never thought we would get to March.
I can't wait to get going.

7 weeks to Dyno day at Petes!!!!

03-03-2013, 07:39 AM
Neighbor had his '78 vette out yesterday, and there's a guy a couple streets over that has an early GTO that was out as well the other day.
I thought about taking the dash off yesterday, but I watched the Bruins and took a nap instead.

Dennis O'Shea
03-03-2013, 08:43 AM
I Have an Itch most of the time But I can't scratch it in public

03-03-2013, 10:27 AM
I Have an Itch most of the time But I can't scratch it in public

Are you sure about this? I have caught glimpses of you at our cruise nights standing next to my car with your hands in inappropriate places. Didn't look like you were scratching though and you had this huge smile on your face.

03-03-2013, 03:10 PM
Less than 3 weeks until World of Wheels...

Dennis O'Shea
03-03-2013, 04:17 PM
Oh Sure tell the world

Are you sure about this? I have caught glimpses of you at our cruise nights standing next to my car with your hands in inappropriate places. Didn't look like you were scratching though and you had this huge smile on your face.

03-03-2013, 05:33 PM
Less than 3 weeks until World of Wheels...

Hope I'm wrong but I can't see the roads being that great in 3 weeks...

03-03-2013, 05:55 PM
Three weeks? I figure late April. I hope to be wrong.

Going to fire the GT up next weekend regardless. She's been napping since October. Time to fire the motor and let her warm up.

Dennis O'Shea
03-03-2013, 06:17 PM
Heard on the weather channel that this could be the snowiest march on record

Less than 3 weeks until World of Wheels...

03-03-2013, 08:22 PM
Heard on the weather channel that this could be the snowiest march on record

It's ok, he's got wide tires. And I heard that he was thinking about converting the Cobra to a 4X4 to compete with the Raptor

03-04-2013, 07:22 PM
It's ok, he's got wide tires. And I heard that he was thinking about converting the Cobra to a 4X4 to compete with the Raptor

Not needed, I just installed studs in the rear Nittos. Burnouts now literally tear up the street...

03-05-2013, 08:47 AM
You may need the studded tires for the heavy wet snow coming 2nd half this week.

03-05-2013, 08:02 PM
It's gonna be rain

03-05-2013, 09:55 PM
It's gonna be rain

OK then, you come shovel my rain. And bring me hot food if the HEAVY wet RAIN knocks my power out.

03-06-2013, 07:59 AM
They said one foot last time too, and i got an inch.
Same with this one.
I can't afford a snow day from work if I want to go to Carlisle!!!

03-06-2013, 09:05 AM
lol Todd, i love your absolute hatred for weathermen

03-06-2013, 08:55 PM
lol Todd, i love your absolute hatred for weathermen

Not a hatred. Just if any of us did our job 25% right we'd be fired!!! It's all hype. I actually know a meteorologist that works for a company that cleans up the maps that we watch on TV. The last storm she said that the storm was never going to give us a foot of snow here, but the media puts this hype on. This is why I don't listen to the weather or the news.
And don't forget, I'm the guy that WANTS snow!!! So I hope they are right and we get a foot!

03-07-2013, 06:49 AM
This is the weekend for me. Changing all the fluids, belts, plugs, wires, etc.

Now if Mother Nature will cooperate and drop some liquid instead of this frozen crap....

03-08-2013, 08:11 AM
little more than an inch out there now Todd!

03-08-2013, 08:45 AM
It's gonna be rain
OK Todd, where were you this morning to shovel my RAIN? lol
Good news it won't last long. I still got a foot on ground from before.

03-08-2013, 11:22 AM
Got another 8" of the white hate last night and this morning. Early Spring my %&^$

03-08-2013, 11:28 AM
Got 6" right now, but by tomorrow at this time it will be all melted!! It's supposed to be 45-50 out tomorrow.
Drove to work to see one patient. Sat around for a couple hours so I don't have to take any more time off.
I still say that it's great out there. Watching the stupid people in the BMW's break before heading up a hill then not able to make it put some big smiles on my face today, a few times too!!!

03-08-2013, 01:45 PM
[QUOTE=chachee52;3685]Got 6" right now, but by tomorrow at this time it will be all melted!! It's supposed to be 45-50 out tomorrow.
Folks gotta remember when they 40,50,60, that's NOT for the whole day. Mostly couple hrs when it hits the days high, say 1-3pm, then drops down. In my yard most a good foot & half of snow. Two days @ 60 degrees won't get rid of it! Just today WMUR has Derry receiving another 10" plus.
The time of year I hate is mud season.

03-08-2013, 02:13 PM
I picked up another 14" in Salem NH between yesterday and today.. Not happy was hoping to have the Saleen out in the next week or so, that doesn't
look like it will happen at this point,., car is all snowed in..

And to think the deck was totally clear the day before yesterday !!


03-08-2013, 05:56 PM
The time of year I hate is mud season.
I've had mud in my back yard for a good three + weeks now. Even snowblowing the back yard for Max today it was all mud under the snow. The ground only froze for a couple weeks. My lake was only safe for a couple weeks, there is open water on the south/east side of the lake now. I haven't seen anyone one it for about a month now.