View Full Version : World of Wheels, Boston, MA

03-02-2013, 08:35 PM
For those of you participating in this years show, you should have received your entry acceptance in the mail earlier today. My guess is that everyone's assigned check in time is between noon and 3:00. Perhaps we can all meet up and drive in together; I hope to get there early afternoon as I've got a lot of cleaning to do once the car gets in and settled. Should be a GREAT weekend...hopefully the weather will cooperate...

03-02-2013, 08:50 PM
You guys will be fine.

I will be there on Saturday to listen to all the people there who will ask you all kinds of questions about your cars. Then they will tell you about some guy they know that has a tune and exhaust running over 800 hp getting 40 mpg and blah, blah and more blah.
Then after your sick of those goofballs, I will tell all the little kids to go over and touch them and lean on them and all that good stuff. :)

03-03-2013, 07:53 AM
I still love the people that tell me they had one just like mine except it was a 1961, or my favorite the infamous and rare 1956 version.
I'll be down one of the days and I'm sure that Jen will make some goodies for everyone, that's if Rick doesn't take it and hide them again this year. Maybe I'll even make some jerky too.

03-07-2013, 10:04 AM
I still love the people that tell me they had one just like mine except it was a 1961, or my favorite the infamous and rare 1956 version.
I'll be down one of the days and I'm sure that Jen will make some goodies for everyone, that's if Rick doesn't take it and hide them again this year. Maybe I'll even make some jerky too.

oooOOooooO make it Sunday please?? :)

03-07-2013, 01:20 PM
I will make it down one day to hang out with the crew as well, hopefully this year Ed's face doesn't blow up so we can actually stay and hang out :)

hahah love ya bud!!

03-07-2013, 06:47 PM
I still love the people that tell me they had one just like mine except it was a 1961, or my favorite the infamous and rare 1956 version.
I'll be down one of the days and I'm sure that Jen will make some goodies for everyone, that's if Rick doesn't take it and hide them again this year. Maybe I'll even make some jerky too.
Not said at the WOW, but once I had a guy point to the shaker and tell his kid that it was a supercharger!!!

03-07-2013, 08:20 PM
Not said at the WOW, but once I had a guy point to the shaker and tell his kid that it was a supercharger!!!

OOO!! OOOO!!! OOOO!! Kind of like the V6 turbo Cobra that Randy bought!!!!

Dennis O'Shea
03-07-2013, 08:37 PM
Oh Todd you can get into big trouble with that comment. Its kinda like saying That Red Is Slow

OOO!! OOOO!!! OOOO!! Kind of like the V6 turbo Cobra that Randy bought!!!!

03-08-2013, 06:24 AM
Oh Todd you can get into big trouble with that comment. Its kinda like saying That Red Is Slow
No, that's what some guy was telling his son last year. It was the special edition V6 Turbo Mustang.

03-08-2013, 08:03 AM
My all time favorite was the GT V6- He says Ford made a mistake and accidently put a V6 into a car with GT badges. (Or he could have possibly bought the GT badges for 25.00 each???)

03-13-2013, 08:22 AM
Who is representing the club this year at WOW?
It must be finalized by now.

Dennis O'Shea
03-13-2013, 02:28 PM
Your not thank God
Who is representing the club this year at WOW?
It must be finalized by now.

03-13-2013, 07:23 PM
We only have five in this years show -- Rick (bringing Marie's 2006 GT convertible), Jimmy Mirras (his blue GT, 2008 I think), Mark Proulx (his "Firemen Tribute" Fastback), Keith Douglas (his Parelli Jones), and myself (2003 Terminator).

REMINDER to those with a car in the show -- once the car is in it's spot, the battery must be disconnected, and the gas tank cap must be taped. And you need something placed underneath the car to catch any fluid drips. Also, your gas tank can have no more than 1/4 tank of gas. If you show up with more, they will (or are supposed to) not let you in until the gas level is down to a 1/4 tank or less...