View Full Version : Jibeer vs Old Man O'Shea

02-19-2013, 07:35 AM
There's been some wild talk about Jibber vs O'Shea at Ed Day. Should we settle this once and for all?
Who's in favor of a "Yellow vs Black" or "Terminator vs GT" grudge match at Ed Day?

What payment/punishment/humiliation should the loser have to submit to?

02-19-2013, 08:39 AM
won't ever happen, would require old man o'shea to run the car past 40 mph lol

02-19-2013, 10:18 AM
Jibber is more afraid to race than Dennis.

02-19-2013, 12:57 PM
As far as I know, both cars need, but don't have, a roll cage/bar. One run down the track would be all they would get. Unless of course they back out of it at the end. If I were a betting man, I'd have to go with the yellow Jibber-Machine...

02-19-2013, 03:44 PM
At least I drive it more than Ten Miles A season Like some people I Know

I'll have you know I put on over 800 miles in 2012, taken the day I put the car away

wouldn't be much of a race, if Jibber could get the car to hook it would out run dennis's car anyways. He puts down more power and weighs less..........

02-19-2013, 04:59 PM
wouldn't be much of a race, if Jibber could get the car to hook it would out run dennis's car anyways. He puts down more power and weighs less..........

But Dennis has Black Paint! LOL!

02-19-2013, 07:17 PM
But Dennis has Black Paint! LOL!

Wait. .... Lets talk about colors. Isn't BLACK the combination of ALL the colors put together??? Hence black would be heavier, correct??? Just stating obvious. :rolleyes:

02-19-2013, 07:20 PM
Wait. .... Lets talk about colors. Isn't BLACK the combination of ALL the colors put together??? Hence black would be heavier, correct??? Just stating obvious. :rolleyes:

Plus black absorbs heat, thus making it heavier. No difference, that yellow terminator would cross the line first. Then track officials would tell both of them no more until they had a roll cage..

02-19-2013, 07:29 PM

02-20-2013, 09:16 PM
Mr O'Shea and I have settled this dispute on numerous occasions on RT101. We don't kiss and tell so the results are between him and I and will be kept private.

Sorry guys.

02-21-2013, 06:44 AM
I'm not mentioning any dates or locations, but both gentlemen were in the same car when they passed me on the wrong side of the road, in the breakdown lane

Dennis O'Shea
02-21-2013, 07:21 AM
That was On Route 114 going to Goffstown And yes it was from the break down lane At 60mph it was dumb on my part But it sure was fun

I'm not mentioning any dates or locations, but both gentlemen were in the same car when they passed me on the wrong side of the road, in the breakdown lane

02-21-2013, 08:05 AM
Mr O'Shea and I have settled this dispute on numerous occasions on RT101. We don't kiss and tell so the results are between him and I and will be kept private.

Sorry guys.

So in other words, the pimply-faced teenager driving the '96 Civic with a fart can and wing blew your doors off.......

Dennis O'Shea
02-21-2013, 08:52 AM
Were does that come from?

So in other words, the pimply-faced teenager driving the '96 Civic with a fart can and wing blew your doors off.......

02-21-2013, 09:02 AM
Mr O'Shea and I have settled this dispute on numerous occasions on RT101. We don't kiss and tell so the results are between him and I and will be kept private.

Sorry guys.

throwing up the BS flag on this statement..........

02-21-2013, 07:12 PM
800 miles in a year? I'm new here so I don't want to ruffle to many feathers, but really? I drive more than that and my pony is 47 this year!

Of course I do not race her at all. Unless my neighbor with that Roadrunner wants to go again.

Dennis O'Shea
02-21-2013, 08:12 PM
Jay I am really starting to like you and we haven't even met

800 miles in a year? I'm new here so I don't want to ruffle to many feathers, but really? I drive more than that and my pony is 47 this year!

Of course I do not race her at all. Unless my neighbor with that Roadrunner wants to go again.

02-21-2013, 09:41 PM
my 2013 already has 3400 miles, the GT did 2400 this year and the COBRA did 24 miles

02-22-2013, 06:31 AM
I had the pleasure of having dinner with Carroll Shelby a few years ago. My car is no Shelby, but the first thing he asked was "Do you drive it?"
"Yes Sir" was my reply. His smile was big and we had a great time. "These cars are meant to be driven and enjoyed." was how we ended the dinner

I will never forget that dinner and his words. So I drive my mustang as much as I can. After all someday she'll be passed on to another generation.

And I don't have a "do not touch" sign. I let kids sit in her at every show or cruise.

02-22-2013, 09:00 AM
I had the pleasure of having dinner with Carroll Shelby a few years ago. My car is no Shelby, but the first thing he asked was "Do you drive it?"
"Yes Sir" was my reply. His smile was big and we had a great time. "These cars are meant to be driven and enjoyed." was how we ended the dinner

I will never forget that dinner and his words. So I drive my mustang as much as I can. After all someday she'll be passed on to another generation.

And I don't have a "do not touch" sign. I let kids sit in her at every show or cruise.

Wow. Not many people around here can say that they've had dinner with Mr. Shelby.
Interesting perspective on his line of questioning.

We have talked about this in many a forum threads. Everyone has a different opinion on it which is totally cool.
I personally don't drive my car in the rain unless I get caught in it. I avg about 1500 miles a season in my car. I don't think it will ever be worth big money at auction however, I will say that my motives are somewhat financial in nature.
The cost of brakes, tires and general maintainence goes up the more you drive a car. I don't want to incure those expenses on a car that the wife is still not fully thrilled about. Also having a kid in college is a drain on the green as everyone either knows about or will know at some point in their lives.

There are alot of guys who will mark on the calender when the last snow storm was.
Then will figure out how much rain it will take to wash the salt off of the roads. 8.5 storms dropping 6" of rain should do the trick.
Oh don't forget that they will also hope for the Moose and Deer to get out there and lick it up off of the roads to help in this process. These people will talk to fish and game officials to ensure that this natural event has happened.
THey will work with local Dept of public works to get the street sweeper schedules so they can also plan when that process will be completed in a 50 mile radius of their home.
So once May rolls around they should be good to go but only if the local gas station has run out of winter blend gas. They will only run the summer blend through their cars because... well I really don't know why.... but it sounds good.
The list goes on and on. I don't have much time so I will leave it there.

At least this is a starting point for you to go by Jay.. Perhaps someone else can continue the methods of the NON-Drivers.

02-22-2013, 10:02 AM
I usually put about 2K miles on my car in the typical season. Last year I was horribly busy so it was more like 200, but that's an anomaly. I just didn't have time to get to many events. I do drive my car, but not usually to work. I'm just not comfortable driving it on the roads I use to commute when everyone else is out there cutting people off trying to get home 30 seconds sooner than the next guy. I drive it to work a few times a year because people at work like to see it, but I take back roads on those days that take twice as long for the commute. My car is quickly approaching 100K miles, but that's mainly because it was my daily driver year round for the first 5 years - I'm the original owner. I wish I had a commute these days where I was more comfortable driving it.

02-22-2013, 10:14 AM
Dennis, next time you are down in my neighborhood, I'd be happy to do some spirited driving with you. I'd love to see how much faster i am than you :)

As for my mileage, yes, I only drove it 850 miles last year. Last year was also the first FULL summer of me owning my own home with a pool. Car took a back seat, guess where I was? Previous years I had two mustangs and had more fun beating the shit out of the fox.

Everyone enjoys their cars in their own manner. I get just as much enjoyment driving my car on the weekends in the nice weather than the guy who puts 20,000 miles on their car in a year. My car also looks like a car with low miles as well :) I take extreme pride in that

02-22-2013, 12:09 PM
Hey Guys - we all buy these cars, and put a lot money, work and sweat into them. Some buy the cars solely as an investment and never drive it; and that's OK. Others buy these cars and drive them all the time, and that's OK too. But there is common theme among all of us regardless of how many miles are driven and regardless of the vehicle's color is. We all love MUSTANGS. And we need to accept and respect all others in this great hobby, whether the car is driven or not, and whether its black, yellow, red, white or pink (well, maybe not pink). Just my opinion...

02-22-2013, 01:15 PM
I totally agree that some drive and enjoy, some store away and enjoy. To each his / her own.

I thought it interesting that Shelby himself wanted his cars to be driven. It drove him nuts that they were put away and not openly used.

So here I am, driving a 47 year old car as much as I can. Usually 2,000 miles or more a season. She runs great, gets 18 MPG, and so many more smiles to the mile than my daily driver.

02-22-2013, 02:40 PM
Mass is the last place i will go to unless I really have to To Many people and to much traffic Way to many Dumb Asses on the road

says the guy who lives in the state where insurance is optional ;)

02-22-2013, 02:48 PM
Lol shits getting real lol http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q680/ryguy208/4f5dac2be9bd17ef06e3c4b9fbf92e9f_zps6a2c1831.jpg

02-22-2013, 06:17 PM
It doesn't matter if you like racing, Car shows, burgers, Idiots in yellow bird suits . We have it all at ED DAY 2013

02-22-2013, 07:07 PM
It doesn't matter if you like racing, Car shows, burgers, Idiots in yellow bird suits . We have it all at ED DAY 2013

ED, I think you just promised to show up in a bird suit at ED DAY!!! :) :) :)

02-22-2013, 11:11 PM
Just NOT his B-day suit.

02-23-2013, 07:34 AM
Sorry, I'm new here. What is ED day? Sounds like you all need to take a little blue pill. LOL.

Dennis O'Shea
02-23-2013, 09:13 AM
Eds Day is a big charity Event put on by one of our member's.It is in its eighth year its held a New England Dragway this year its on April 27 They have 4 car teams and they each have a charity that they are racing for.Its set up as bracket racing There is also a car show we have a BBQ Also there's a raffle and some great prizes.It kinda kicks off the season If you can make it It would be a great way for you to meet a lot of the members of the club Just keep watching there will be all kinds of info as the date approaches Hope this answers some of your questions

Sorry, I'm new here. What is ED day? Sounds like you all need to take a little blue pill. LOL.

02-23-2013, 09:59 AM
Nuts. We'll be out of town. I have zero interest in trying my 47 year olds abilities in 1/4 mile times, but it does sound like a great time.

02-23-2013, 10:21 AM
Nuts. We'll be out of town. I have zero interest in trying my 47 year olds abilities in 1/4 mile times, but it does sound like a great time.

I'm not a drag race kinda guy either (love road course though!) but it is a heck of a lot of fun. I've raced the last 4-5 years, though I won't be racing this time. It's the only time all year I'm at the dragway, but it's fun because of the people. BTW, what Dennis didn't say is that we try to have a group of 16 teams of 4 cars each, so it goes a good number of rounds after the practice/qualifying runs. The practice runs are often matches among close friends, so it really is a lot of fun.

P.S. LilBlkSnake is the inter-galactically famous ED who is responsible for this.