View Full Version : Happy New Year
12-31-2012, 02:25 PM
Let me be the first to start this thread:
Looking back on 2012 I can say it was a good year. Yes there were some times that can be forgotten, but as a whole it was good. Spent some great times with friends, met some new friends, Jen got a new job which she is liking a lot. For the first time since I bought the house, I can honestly say that it's close to what I wanted when I bought the house. I am bless to have a job that I can enjoy every day, even though there are points that I get frustrated about, I still enjoy each day of helping people.
I hope that 2013 brings the same to everyone and keeps the joys going.
So whatever you are up to tonight, hope it's fun, safe and healthy for the entire year!
12-31-2012, 03:16 PM
happy new years guys be safe!
12-31-2012, 03:18 PM
Thanks, Todd! 2012 wasn't such a great year for me, but I was and continue to be much more fortunate than many. I will not complain, as there was much to be thankful for.
I can certainly join in the hopes and wishes for a better, happy and healthy 2013.
Happy New Year to everyone!
12-31-2012, 04:51 PM
Todd, same here. for us , not a bad year. Stayed employed, after 8 yrs of pain got hip replaced and back on my feet. Did well at the Carlisle Ford Nationals. Had minor paint damaged fixed on my vert. If I don't drive my vert over the fisical cliff, we'll all be good.
Happy New Year!
01-01-2013, 09:36 AM
Happy New Years !! May 2013 be your best year yet !
01-01-2013, 11:33 AM
Happy New Year guys and girls!! Glad I got to spend 2012 with so many awesome friends, lucky to have made alot of new friends, looking forward to next year, next Mustang season, and hopefully not losing any more bets to Jibber!!
Bring on the Steak Bombs at Cruise night with Prez, Vice-Prez, and Jr Prez O'shea!!!
Dennis O'Shea
01-01-2013, 11:44 AM
01-01-2013, 12:00 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR to a great bunch of guys an girls. Be happy, be safe, live every minute to the fullest, and don't waste time worrying about small, insignificant things that, in the long run, really don't matter...
Oh, and don't forget to respond to the post about breakfast next Sunday...
01-01-2013, 01:01 PM
Happy New Year to everyone. Hope everyone had a safe and sound night last night. I was sleeping by 10 and had my daughter wake me up at 11:55 to see the ball drop. Then went to bed again. What a great night. Lol
I hope everyones year shapes up to be a great one as well.
As for our Mustang family, I'm hoping for a great year this year. We can build off a solid 2012. We have our cruise night going good and we hopefully crack the 100 car mark this year. Mustang Mania was a huge success and the Sunapee show will keep growing I'm sure.
Seems like the club is making some great moves to add new things and to try new things to stimulate the membership base. Lots of folks have some great ideas and the upcoming Annual meeting will be surely a great season start.
Get your ideas to an officer soon as there is only so many monthes and weekends that we have to fill up.
01-01-2013, 09:02 PM
Excellent thread, 2012 was a very nice year for our family as we were all alive through it. Great to be employed and loving my job. It was a very busy year travelwise, the big trip was to the NTPA National Truck and Tractor pulls in Bowling Green Ohio with the Knox family and again up to the Uphill Tractor Trailer drag races in Quebec. The big bummer was not having our Mach for the 2nd summer and not making it to very many club events but am hoping for 2013 to be THE summer for a return behind a Mustang wheel.
The rate I have been picking up pieces and parts, if my body guy takes much longer, I will have enough spares to build another one. We wish everyone and their family a healthy and happy 2013.
01-02-2013, 09:11 AM
Happy new year guys!
01-05-2013, 09:44 AM
I'm a lil late...
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