View Full Version : Worlds-first-hydrogen-powered-haul-truck

10-07-2022, 06:45 AM
Bruce your hope of Hydrogen is coming

10-07-2022, 06:06 PM
Thanks George! Not necessarily my hope, but what I think makes sense. My reasons are:

Hybrids (which I own now) still use gas.

EVs take too long to charge and there isn't the infrastructure to support them (charging stations) and the investment for home charging is quite significant.

Hydrogen can be delivered in parallel with gasoline during the transition by adding it to current gas stations and the fill-up would take about the same amount of time as gasoline does. Hydrogen has the advantage of having water as it's only byproduct; when burned it produces plain old H2O.

Logically it's a winner whether I or anyone else likes it or not.