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View Full Version : Cruisin Downtown Manchester -- UPDATE

07-17-2012, 07:56 PM
Hey Mustang Club Members:

I've been in touch with Norm Lavigne, the guy heading up the Cruisin Downtown Manchester show. For those of us who will help direct traffic and park cars, the registration cost is $25, NOT $35. However, I have to let him know well ahead of time who, and how many of us, are willing to help out.

I also have to let him know how many spots to reserve. So spread the word to other club members who may not see this on our forum. I can't make cruise night this coming Saturday, but I will have registration forms at the next cruise night on 7/28. Registration forms can also be downloaded from the Cruisin Downtown Manchester website.

For those who are going to help out and park cars, get a registration form and return it to me NO LATER THAN 8/05. You can either give me your registration form AND CHECK at cruise night on 7/28 or mail them to my home address -- Randy Hoidahl, 6 Judith Lane, Derry, NH 03038. But regardless, I need them by 8/05.
For those who are not going to help out at the show, but still want to park with other club members, get a registration form and return it directly to Cruisin Downtown Manchester with your check for $35. THEN LET ME KNOW BY 8/05 THAT YOU WISH TO PARK WITH THE OTHER CLUB MEMBERS.
If you do not either get your registration form and check to me by 8/05, or let me know by 8/05 that you have sent your registration directly to Cruisin Downtown Manchester, I cannot guarantee a parking spot with other club members. So 8/05 is the drop-dead date, whether you wish to help park cars and direct traffic, OR, if you just want to park with other club members.

Any questions; call me on my cell phone at 603-216-7861.

07-17-2012, 09:31 PM
I will be there to help, I'll come straight to cruise night on the 28th to pay you after I get out of NE dragway

Dennis O'Shea
07-18-2012, 11:56 AM
I'LL send you mine this week

07-22-2012, 01:35 PM
Im going to help out too, I gave Dennis my application & check

07-26-2012, 08:27 PM
I posted on the Camaro club fb page to c who was attending and..... crickets! No one I guess. Well at least I can hang out with my stang step brothers lol

08-09-2012, 09:18 AM
For those club members who gave me their registration forms, they have all been sent in. There are another 3 to 4 who are sending in their registration forms directly. All included, we have 15 members showing up early to help direct traffic and park cars. We can hold a few additional spots for other club members who may show up, but if Elm Street fills up as fast as it has in past years, we may not be able to hold them for long.

IMPORTANT - For those of us meeting up early to drive in together, we are meeting no later than 7:00 at the Dunkin Donuts on South Elm Street. We will drive in together as a group at that time. We do NOT have to go to the registration tent to check in. They will send someone down to us for check-in. If you have not preregistered and/or do not drive in with the group, you will have to check in at the registration tent on North Elm Street.

Let me know if you have any questions...

08-09-2012, 02:53 PM
can't wait its going to be a blast! Now are they going to send us down goodie bags with the dash plaques? I know they where only giving to the first 500 ppl

Dennis O'Shea
08-09-2012, 03:33 PM
Kevins Dash plaque is going to say "YELLOW SUCKS"

08-10-2012, 07:14 PM
Kevins Dash plaque is going to say "YELLOW SUCKS"

Why so hostile??

Dennis O'Shea
08-10-2012, 09:11 PM
You know I LOVE YOU

Why so hostile??