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View Full Version : Mustang Maina Pictures (PhotoBucket Version)

07-09-2012, 03:21 PM
for all the non facebook members I created a photobucket album for yas!


07-10-2012, 01:40 PM
Looks like a nice turnout, sorry I missed it. These events need to be scheduled around me from now on if that's ok? :)

Looks like a couple of nice Mopars too.
As long as I live I'll never understand the Lambo door thing though. Parking areas aren't as tight here as they are in Europe. lol

07-10-2012, 02:11 PM
As long as I live I'll never understand the Lambo door thing though. Parking areas aren't as tight here as they are in Europe. lol

Me, too. I think it would be a fun project to do, but then I'd be stuck with a car with Lambo doors...

07-10-2012, 04:01 PM
my wife a HUGE lambo door fan

07-10-2012, 04:27 PM
my wife a HUGE lambo door fan

Then a good hubby would make sure she's happy! :cool:

On the other hand, I they would be doubly silly on my VERT! That third door is really big! ;)

07-10-2012, 04:36 PM
lol dunno if I can make her happy with the lambo doors tho