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View Full Version : CARLISLE FORD NATIONALS Jun 3-5, 2016

04-06-2016, 09:09 PM
A friendly reminder that although event couple months away, the pre-registration date of May 2nd is closing in.

Pass along to folks on FB.
I'm looking forward to sun & fun & maybe a peek at the New Bronco.

Dennis O'Shea
04-07-2016, 10:37 AM
I guess my question can you pre buy admission passes prior to the event.If your not bring a car ? Or do you just do it there ?

04-07-2016, 11:47 AM
I guess my question can you pre buy admission passes prior to the event.If your not bring a car ? Or do you just do it there ?

Yes, you can. If you bring a car you get admission for two people as part of registering the car. Otherwise you can pre-buy just admission.

05-31-2016, 12:08 AM
ok folks, Carlisle Ford Nationals coming up end of this week. Who all is going, or knows folks going?

Me, I'm going with my son, he's using his F250 diesel to trailer my 67 GT. My brother in-law Art and his son, some may know, has a 67 Shelby he's trailer down with me using my 2009 F150 FX4.
So far weather looking good for this weekend there. I think this is my 17th or so time going. A blast to be part of it. About 3,500 Fords.

Dennis O'Shea
05-31-2016, 06:47 AM
Have a great time Safe travels

05-31-2016, 07:59 AM
Drive fast and take chances! I'll be ready for next year. Can't wait.

05-31-2016, 03:50 PM
ok folks, Carlisle Ford Nationals coming up end of this week. Who all is going, or knows folks going?

I'm in. So's Jay.

05-31-2016, 06:16 PM
I'm in. So's Jay.

Nice, I think the club prez Rick is going????

05-31-2016, 08:35 PM
Nice, I think the club prez Rick is going????
Unless he changes his mind in the last week or so, he is. I'll have to make him beef jerk this weekend for the ride back :D

06-06-2016, 08:36 AM
Good time had at Carlisle Nationals even though cloudy at best most of the time. It was announced that this year was a recorsd turn out, ~ 3,200 cars/trucks entered show. Loved my pulled pork sandwich.
Todd, start getting ready for 2017...

06-06-2016, 09:07 AM
saw the pictures over the weekend......congrats george, well deserved on the accolades!!

Even though the weather sucked, looks like a great turnout.

06-06-2016, 11:42 AM
Starting the car shortly to have it ready for next year.
I even convinced ED to come down too as one of my mechanics. Can't wait!!!

06-06-2016, 07:12 PM
Ian, thanks.

Todd, I got a ton of things going on now, I discover my open trailer suspension not right, I've got Ed's trailer to go over, & discovered at Carlisle I've got a bent clutch "Z" bar to fix.
But if I can offer advice or trailer, early on, just ask...

06-07-2016, 01:58 PM
Ian, thanks.

Todd, I got a ton of things going on now, I discover my open trailer suspension not right, I've got Ed's trailer to go over, & discovered at Carlisle I've got a bent clutch "Z" bar to fix.
But if I can offer advice or trailer, early on, just ask...

No prob. Ray said he wants to help too. So I think that I should have enough help why everyone else can start. This is why I'm starting now, so we don't have to rush too much.

06-08-2016, 09:11 AM
No prob. Ray said he wants to help too. So I think that I should have enough help why everyone else can start. This is why I'm starting now, so we don't have to rush too much.

You pulling the motor?

06-08-2016, 12:04 PM
You pulling the motor?
One of a couple things that I'll be doing.

06-09-2016, 08:38 AM
Nice!! So that means you decided you are keeping the car? I know you were thinking of selling it......

Dennis O'Shea
06-09-2016, 08:50 AM
Nice!! So that means you decided you are keeping the car? I know you were thinking of selling it......
Or did you think maybe he's keeping the engine! And selling the car?:D:p:D

06-09-2016, 10:00 AM
Car is ALWAYS for sale at the right price. Taking the engine out to put int the Mini