View Full Version : The Roads

Dennis O'Shea
03-04-2015, 11:00 AM
I know it's been the winter from hell.But is it just me it seems early for the streets to start breaking up with pot holes.Yes there is a million frost heaves on the road as usual.And the plow have been on the roads way more than usual.We all have said once the salt and sand are gone or washed away.Thats when the car's come out looking at the condition's of the roads it may be longer than that.Is it just me over reacting ?:(

03-04-2015, 11:23 AM
Meh. Mother nature's slalom course.

03-04-2015, 11:24 AM
I think that usually happens around the first of March. The frost heaves usually begin in mid_February and the plows start mangling them about now. I think the timing is about normal, but the frost heaves are worst this year so the mangle factor is correspondingly worse.

03-04-2015, 11:28 AM
Any locla trucking over frost heaves will destroy roads. Some roads will post limits but.... not gonna save much. Benn soooo cold, I'm sure frost line runs deep. I'm more concerned about spring run off.

03-04-2015, 01:37 PM
its becuase of the extreme winter we have had

Today is the second day in about two months where its been above freezing, let alone 40 degree's...combine that with the snow pack, its going to take an extreme measure on road surfaces.

Expect more of the same over the next ten days as the temps start to creep closer to 40's and the sun gains strength. It's a sign of hope gents

03-04-2015, 06:47 PM
I'm looking further out and hoping most all the bugs are very dead like ticks, May flies, and mosquitoes from the extreme cold.

03-05-2015, 07:57 AM
I'm looking further out and hoping most all the bugs are very dead like ticks, May flies, and mosquitoes from the extreme cold.

usually only affects the insects when it starts getting warmer so they start their spring lifecycle and then we get a good solid freeze for several days.
The if the snowmelt results in flooding plus we have a typical wet spring, the mosquitos and ticks are going to be horrendous this year.

03-05-2015, 09:00 AM
yea to bad lots of water. Black flies need running water while mosquitoes need sitting water to thrieve.

03-10-2015, 09:28 AM
In past years I've pulled the car out about now and have taken it out for a quick spin around my neighborhood. Haha.
Not this year! I'll be lucky to have it out by April or May! Also, I Need some work done to it too before it gets going..... Oh well.

Dennis O'Shea
03-10-2015, 09:33 AM
[QUOTE=Jibber;11883]In past years I've pulled the car out about now and have taken it out for a quick spin around my neighborhood. Haha.
Not this year! I'll be lucky to have it out by April or May! Also, I Need some work done to it too before it gets going..... Oh well.[/QUOT


03-10-2015, 09:38 AM
In past years I've pulled the car out about now and have taken it out for a quick spin around my neighborhood. Haha.
Not this year! I'll be lucky to have it out by April or May! Also, I Need some work done to it too before it gets going..... Oh well.

You'll be able to take it out in time for YELLOW CLASS @ Carlisle.... IF you were going!!!

03-11-2015, 08:28 AM
In past years I've pulled the car out about now and have taken it out for a quick spin around my neighborhood. Haha.
Not this year! I'll be lucky to have it out by April or May! Also, I Need some work done to it too before it gets going..... Oh well.

that makes two of us on all fronts......going to be a while before I even bother to start it.

03-11-2015, 09:39 AM
You'll be able to take it out in time for YELLOW CLASS @ Carlisle.... IF you were going!!!

Haha. I just don't see the need to get down there this year. Don't mis understand me....It was a blast 2 years in a row attending this, but there are plenty of events still up here in the Northeast that I have yet to attend.

03-11-2015, 10:22 AM
Haha. I just don't see the need to get down there this year. Don't mis understand me....It was a blast 2 years in a row attending this, but there are plenty of events still up here in the Northeast that I have yet to attend.

Are you still concerned about "mileage watching"?

With over 3,500 cars at Calisle, I love seeing the veriety and what others are doing. Plus a mini vaca to do just car stuff.
To each his/her own.

03-11-2015, 12:49 PM
With over 3,500 cars at Calisle, I love seeing the veriety and what others are doing. Plus a mini vaca to do just car stuff.
To each his/her own.

Me, too, and I'll be there again this year. I'm glad I took my car down last year, but I actually had more fun when I didn't bring my car and have to worry about it. Looking forward to just going and enjoying without my car this year. Maybe I'd feel differently if I could trailer it like you, but that's not an option for me.

03-11-2015, 06:33 PM
Are you still concerned about "mileage watching"?

With over 3,500 cars at Calisle, I love seeing the veriety and what others are doing. Plus a mini vaca to do just car stuff.
To each his/her own.

Don't talk to me about "mileage watching"..... I've driven more miles over the past 5 years with my car than most of you here on this forum have... Especially, you George!!!

Yeah, I get the whole mini vaca thing.....just cars.....the variety..... As I said, it was a ton of fun the past two years. AND I WILL go back in a year or two....Just not this year.

*****How did a post about the roads get into a discussion about Carlisle? Haha*******

03-11-2015, 09:44 PM
Don't talk to me about "mileage watching"..... I've driven more miles over the past 5 years with my car than most of you here on this forum have... Especially, you George!!!

Yeah, I get the whole mini vaca thing.....just cars.....the variety..... As I said, it was a ton of fun the past two years. AND I WILL go back in a year or two....Just not this year.

*****How did a post about the roads get into a discussion about Carlisle? Haha*******

Last thing first, you have to drive on the roads to get to Carlisle. The anticipation of nicer days to come beyond sucky roads.

Now mileage, Remember this you said:

Fortunately or Unfortunately there are a few factors that come into play.

1. I Might have a buyer for my car. We have 27k on the table but i'm asking him for 30..... We'll see how that unfolds. I know 27k is strong number but I'm not in any rush to sell and I still like the car. But at 30 I can like another car too. haha.
2. Got Hagertys insurance this year with a agreed upon "not to exceed 3000 miles a year" I'm getting close to that number due to drive to Carlisle in June.
3. with the above stated..... I have one more event planned this year. I currently plan on heading up to the Littleton NH show on 9/28. That will pretty much be the end of my year with the car. Normally don't do anything in October.... but if Littleton show gets cancelled due to rain I will most likely do something then.

So who was holding back on mileage last year??? Hmmmm
I drive my car where ever, when ever, I don't watch mileage, with my Hagerty I don't have to. Last couple years limited because I yanked out my transmission and rebuilt it myself. Plus now working an extend hr 2nd shift, can't make most shows during week. But didn't cut my driving season short like you did last year.....

Dennis O'Shea
03-12-2015, 06:29 AM
Don't talk to me about "mileage watching"..... I've driven more miles over the past 5 years with my car than most of you here on this forum have... Especially, you George!!!

Yeah, I get the whole mini vaca thing.....just cars.....the variety..... As I said, it was a ton of fun the past two years. AND I WILL go back in a year or two....Just not this year.

*****How did a post about the roads get into a discussion about Carlisle? Haha*******
I just wanted to know opinions on the road conditions. I guess this thread has been jacked.If I had done this the Moderator would have been all over this in this situation very quickly.But in Georges case he "Knows People"Thats the difference.I thought there was a thread started for Carlisle .I could be wrong lord knows it been pointed on more than one occasion.:p

03-12-2015, 08:41 AM


03-12-2015, 08:56 AM
Haha. Sorry Dennis.
Nice picture Ian.

George is full of shit. He completely ignores the factual comment i made about miles driven over the past 5 years because he knows that he can't come close to me.
Isnt that the point. Why bring up comments that I've made in the past. Even though I still stand by them... Georges arguement doesn't hold water.

03-12-2015, 09:08 AM
noun: instigator; plural noun: instigators

a person who brings about or initiates something.
"he was not the instigator of the incident"
synonyms: initiator, prime mover, motivator, architect, designer, planner, inventor, mastermind, originator, author, creator, agent;

03-12-2015, 09:29 AM
Think Kevin needs a hung.... didn't sell his car last year and now gonna have to drive it when ROADS ARE BETTER. No swearing in my posts, I'm ok. I don't wanna ruin the post. Over the past several years I average ~ 2-3k a year. Do the math & see if you've hit same total driven.

Come on spring... Lots melted yesterday on the ROADS!!! Dennis, hows was that for topic???

03-13-2015, 09:32 AM
This thread Stinks to high heaven.

You guys need to change your diapers!!! I'm out.....

03-13-2015, 07:33 PM
Great ride today to Bradford junction in the stang. Met Dennis in candia and we went for it. his car was my twin by the time we arrived covered in salt lol. Kevin I even caught air twice!