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View Full Version : Dates to Remember

01-24-2015, 03:27 PM

2/08 – Club Pizza meeting, Prestige Auto Body, Manchester, NH, noontime
2/14 – Club breakfast get together, Intervale Pancake House, Henniker, NH, 8:30am
3/15 – Club breakfast get together, TBD
3/27-29 – World of Wheels, Boston, MA

Also, we have locked in the date of 9/20 for our Second Annual Canobie Lake Park Fall Harvest Car Show....

01-24-2015, 03:54 PM
Um 2\5 is a Thursday. I think that you originally stated the 8th. Just checking

01-24-2015, 05:09 PM
Dates have been corrected....

Dennis O'Shea
01-24-2015, 07:52 PM
Um 2\5 is a Thursday. I think that you originally stated the 8th. Just checking

Todd Its what's called a senior moment :D

02-11-2015, 08:36 PM
REMINDER -- Breakfast Get Together this Saturday 2/14, 8:30 am at Intervale Pancake House in Henniker, NH (located at the entrance to Pats Peak Ski Area)....

02-11-2015, 09:19 PM
FYI, was just at Pat Peak this past Sat. Great place to do snow tubing.

02-12-2015, 09:30 AM
REMINDER -- Breakfast Get Together this Saturday 2/14, 8:30 am at Intervale Pancake House in Henniker, NH (located at the entrance to Pats Peak Ski Area)....

Amy and I are planning to be there.

02-12-2015, 01:15 PM
I was planning to come but Jackson needs to go get tutoring to stop biting ED in the crotch.
Have some extra bacon for me.

02-12-2015, 02:21 PM
Regretfully, I think I will stay home and nurse the leg for the long weekend. Hopefully I will see you all in March.

07 stang gt
02-13-2015, 06:16 AM
Detailing a Mustang going into WOW in March on Sat., can't make it:(, but I will post pics of the results of the detail:o

02-13-2015, 10:35 AM
IF snow doesn't stop falling and melting doesn't start soon, they'll be no place to park for World of Wheels. As if crappy weather doesn't stop, I'd guess a few not making it.

At this rate 1st cruz night be in June as parking lot snow piles will be huge and still melting.