View Full Version : Winter time car wash- in your garage !!
07 stang gt
01-17-2015, 12:44 PM
Thought I would post up some pics I took today of how you can wash your vehicle in your garage, no hose, no scratches on your paint, in your warm garage. This can be accomplished on a vehicle that has some dirt and salt, not if it's heavily soiled.As you guys know, I only use Adams Premium Products on my vehicles and my customers vehicles as well, and they have a product called Rinseless Wash that I used on my 2002 F150 today. It is a concentrated formula made to mix with water in small amounts (16oz bottle to use before detail spray at car shows etc.) or can be mixed in a 5 gallon bucket to wash your vehicle when you have limited water supply(as in the winter months) or live in a condo,appt. etc. that does not allow washing of vehicles.I start with 4 oz of rinseless wash, mixed in a 5 gal bucket of warm tap water from the kitchen sink. I also fill a second bucket with warm clean water to use as your "rinseing" bucket. I presoaked my F150 with a solution of Rinseless Wash and water in a spray bottle, and heavily sprayed one panel at a time. This actually "pulls" the dirt off of your paint so you are not inducing any scratches, then with a presoaked microfiber towel that is soaking in the 5 gal bucket of Rinseless Wash, you wash each panel of the vehicle, removing all dirt etc, leaving behind a scratch free paint surface that shines like crazy.Some of you that have bought from me, Waterless Wash for your Mustangs,Rinsless Wash is a concentrated version of it, but needs to be mixed before use, and also has small amounts of wax in it to give it a little more of a shine than Waterless Wash. I find that Rinseless Wash has a little better lubricity to it, slicker is better when you aint got a hose !! Took less than an hour in total to wash, dry, wipe down rims and apply tire dressing and give it a final wipedown with detail spray. Here are some before/during and after pics. I carry all of the Adams products I used on my truck as well as all their waxes, glazes, sealants, microfiber towels, etc. with NO shipping charges and no waiting !! Here are some pics: 27212722272327242725272627272728272927302731273227 332734
Dennis O'Shea
01-18-2015, 10:08 AM
Question left a couple of bottles of adams products in my garage. And they froze solid are they no good now.Or will they come back after they thaw out?
07 stang gt
01-19-2015, 05:25 AM
Depends on what product froze. What froze? Products like Detail spray should be ok, but if you have some liquid wax like Buttery Wax, it will seperate and form a clear liquid at the top (oils), you can try mixing it up in the bottle and see if the liquid seperates again, if it does, its time to replace it.Bring it in the house and let it come up to room temperature. Let me know what froze and I can help you better.
01-19-2015, 08:07 AM
Do you have a drain in your garage? This would be a good idea....but im just not crazy about dumping all that water on the floor with no where for it to go
01-19-2015, 11:42 AM
Most garages are sloped and you don't even notice. A good garage floor will not pool water. Ie ice and salt melting from your car....
Dennis O'Shea
01-19-2015, 04:43 PM
[QUOTE=07 stang gt;11602]Depends on what product froze. What froze? Products like Detail spray should be ok, but if you have some liquid wax like Buttery Wax, it will seperate and form a clear liquid at the top (oils), you can try mixing it up in the bottle and see if the liquid seperates again, if it does, its time to replace it.Bring it in the house and let it come up to room temperature. Let me know what froze and I can help you better.[/QUOTEJimmy talked to tech support at Adams .They were very helpful Said just bring it in and thaw it out.Any separation he said just shake it vigorously.And it should be fine
07 stang gt
01-20-2015, 05:53 AM
Do you have a drain in your garage? This would be a good idea....but im just not crazy about dumping all that water on the floor with no where for it to goNo drain in my garage. I would say that a couple of gallons end up on the floor, easily pushed out the door with the floor squegge I have or the shop vac, no issue at all.There can only be so much water that ends up on the floor considering you are not using a hose to remove the water from the vehicle. I use an Adams microfiber waterless wash towel for removing the rinseless wash leaving no liquid on the paint, followed up with Adams detail spray, using that towel and a very plush Adams microfiber polishing towel for a quick buff.I attached some pics so you can see the before/during/after of the buckets with rinseless wash in the blue bucket and clean water in the green bucket,as well as a couple of pics of the waterless towel. It has a waffle weave to it, allowing liquid to be pulled into the towel, leaving no residue and no scratching of the paint like chamois,cheap microfiber towels, etc. do.As you can see, there is no dirt on the waterless towell after drying the entire truck meaning all the dirt went into the bucket not on the towel, ie no scratches !! The idea is to let the microfiber wash mit soak in the rinseless wash bucket and upon removing it, letting a majority of the rinseless wash drain from the mit back into the rinseless wash bucket so there is not much waste. When you are done washing the panel, you dip the wash mit into the clean bucket, removing the dirt etc. you have on the wash mit. There is an enormous amount of lubricity with rinseless wash, actually pulling dirt away from the paint so no scratches are induced to the paint. Very economical and no scratches and a beautiful shine left behind !! Believe me, I would rather be washing outside, but...Although I have no issue doing that when it gets above 40 deg.!! 27352736273727382739
01-20-2015, 09:17 PM
Can I use this stuff on the under carriage?
07 stang gt
01-21-2015, 07:24 AM
Sure you can, and if you want to get the wheel wells to stay black, I have an Adams product called Under Carriage Spray that works awesome !! You spray it in your wheel wells, let it sit, and it takes that ugly looking grayish look of the plastic, at turns it black, like it was meant to be. Here is a couple before and after pics of what the under carraige spray looks like on a couple of different cars I detailed.No greasy feel to it and you can knock the shine down as well if needed. The shiney look in the wheelwell of the Cobra was not knocked down, I wanted it to soak in the plastic as much as it could since it had NEVER been taken care of before.I dont use it on everyones car, but when I do,they really notice it right away. It makes that mostly neglected area, look great. Its all about the details !! Anyone with the club that is going to WOW with thier car in March, that is one place the judges look at !!2740274127422743
01-21-2015, 09:46 AM
how does the under carriage product differ from their VHT spray? I had planned ot detail my engine in the spring with VHT...wondering if under carriage would do the trick.
07 stang gt
01-21-2015, 04:03 PM
how does the under carriage product differ from their VHT spray? I had planned ot detail my engine in the spring with VHT...wondering if under carriage would do the trick.Do not know what you mean, no VHT spray that I know of. There is VRT that is a tire dressing (not a spray) that can be used on rubber, interior etc. There is also In and Out Spray that comes in a can to get in areas that are are pain in the butt to get to that you would like to turn black.Let me know what your talking about, I have both for sale if needed.
01-22-2015, 08:37 AM
Sorry, I was confusing my brands....what i meant was In&Out Spray vs. the under carriage spray
01-22-2015, 09:52 AM
Sorry, I was confusing my brands....what i meant was In&Out Spray vs. the under carriage spray
I have the In&Out spray. It really seems to want to be wiped off with a rag. I got it hoping to use it on wire loom and it doesn't do well for that - too hard to wipe off in the "ripples". Haven't tried it in the wheel wells, etc.
01-22-2015, 12:37 PM
well my understanding of the in&out spray is you don't wipe it spray on and leave it.
01-22-2015, 03:51 PM
Can you use the In and Out spray to turn a McDonalds into an In N Out Burger?
I'll have mine Animal Style....
01-22-2015, 04:17 PM
Mmm I'll have that ^^^^
01-22-2015, 04:41 PM
well my understanding of the in&out spray is you don't wipe it spray on and leave it.
I think that's not what it says on my bottle... will check later tonight.
Dennis O'Shea
01-22-2015, 06:11 PM
I might have missed something First we are talking about your daily driver? Next there has not been a day over freezing for any period of time for aver a month.So that means cold and freezing in your garage Some of us do not have the luxury of heat. And I would imagine that's most of us. I am quite fussy about keeping my Daily Driver Clean So Mine goes to the Car Wash Oh yes it does !It does get the undercarriage washed and I never leave the comfort of a heated vehicle Just my opinion.:p
07 stang gt
01-22-2015, 08:21 PM
Sorry, I was confusing my brands....what i meant was In&Out Spray vs. the under carriage spray2 completley different products.Under Carraige Spray is for wheel wells only. It is supposed to be sprayed on,left to dry by itself.Thicker liquid, sprayed out of a spray bottle where as In and Out spray is an aerosal sprayed out of a can, used to get in tight areas where it is not feesible to use VRT. Here is a before and after pic I took of a foglight surround that would have been very difficult to get apply a liquid product to spread evenly, but with the In and Out Spray, a uniform and perfect coverage to blacken the plastic.It works perfect in areas under the hood in tight areas as well.27452746 I love to use it in front grill areas, especially Mustang with a honeycomb grille. So easy with a spray, next to impossible with a cloth !! Here is a some pics a NHMC members mustang I detailed last year, using In and Out spray on his grille.2747274827492750 I have cans of In and Out Spray in stock, NO SHIPPING COST AND SAME PRICES THAT ADAMS HAS ON THEIR WEBSITE and no waiting four five days to get your product and your supporting a NHMC member. I stock anything you guys need from Adams, microfiber towels,Detail Spray,Car Shampoo,correcting pads and polish,Brilliant Glaze, plus much more.Plus I can refill your refillable bottles of product as well.For example, buy a 16oz bottle of Detail Spray for $12.95, being a club member I will refill for $10.00.
07 stang gt
01-22-2015, 08:36 PM
I have the In&Out spray. It really seems to want to be wiped off with a rag. I got it hoping to use it on wire loom and it doesn't do well for that - too hard to wipe off in the "ripples". Haven't tried it in the wheel wells, etc. You are spraying to much of it if it needs to be wiped off. It is supposed to be sprayed in short bursts as not to allow to much product to be used in one spot. If using it in ares around where plastic and paint are close to each other, it can easily be wiped off with no leftover residue. VRT is to be used on your spark plug wires and other plastics as well. Here are ome pics of a corvette engine bay I did last year using a combination of In and Out Spray and VRT dressing.27512752275327542755
01-22-2015, 09:17 PM
Haven't used the In&Out much yet. I didn't try it on the wire looms because of the instructions on the can:
"Spray 10-12 inches from surface in quick spurts. Do not spray any closer or in longer, continuous sprays. Wait 10-15 seconds before wiping, rubbing or buffing."
I guess it doesn't say you have to wipe or buff, but that's what I thought it meant... Live & Learn, I guess. :p
01-23-2015, 09:02 AM
thanks for the clarification jimmy...that makes sense.
Looking forward to getting my car up to you this spring time, I'll be placing an order for some products at the same time.
07 stang gt
01-24-2015, 05:46 AM
thanks for the clarification jimmy...that makes sense.
Looking forward to getting my car up to you this spring time, I'll be placing an order for some products at the same time.Sounds good to me. Looking forward to taking your cars appearance to the next level ! It's a passion for me to detail vehicles and I love doing it. Especially since I am my own boss, no time limits per job, only quality time spent on one car at a time. Why don't you call my cell at 603 819 1549 or shoot me a pm and we can set up a time.I am already booking in April and May, so sooner the better, so you can pick when you want to get it done. You can drop it off and leave it overnight and pick up late next day or you can stretch it out and leave it fior two three days if needed.Whatever works best for you.It will ALWAYS be parked inside so dont worry about that !!!:)
01-24-2015, 11:58 PM
Hey Jimmy! I was working in the garage Saturday afternoon and I wound a new use for In&Out spray!
I was cleaning up some corrosion on a light socket on my wife's car and replacing the bulbs with LEDs while I was in there. The official procedure for doing this involves taking off the entire bumper cover and grille among other things (thanks, Subaru!) and removing the headlight housings. Probably a whole afternoon's work doing it by myself.
Well, screw that! In&Out spray to the rescue! All I did was pull a total of 12 of those push-in fasteners: (
In the picture below the red box shows the socket I was trying to get to on both sides. All I really needed was a screwdriver, very long nose pliers and In&Out spray! LOL! (
07 stang gt
01-26-2015, 06:54 AM
Hey Jimmy! I was working in the garage Saturday afternoon and I wound a new use for In&Out spray!
I was cleaning up some corrosion on a light socket on my wife's car and replacing the bulbs with LEDs while I was in there. The official procedure for doing this involves taking off the entire bumper cover and grille among other things (thanks, Subaru!) and removing the headlight housings. Probably a whole afternoon's work doing it by myself.
Well, screw that! In&Out spray to the rescue! All I did was pull a total of 12 of those push-in fasteners: (
In the picture below the red box shows the socket I was trying to get to on both sides. All I really needed was a screwdriver, very long nose pliers and In&Out spray! LOL! ( I told you that was some incredible stuff !!!
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