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12-31-2014, 10:21 PM
Happy New Year !!

http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm81/ToplessPony94/Misc/HappyNewYear2015-smaller_zps5f23e526.jpg (http://s294.photobucket.com/user/ToplessPony94/media/Misc/HappyNewYear2015-smaller_zps5f23e526.jpg.html)

Dennis O'Shea
01-01-2015, 05:10 AM
Happy New Year Bruce

01-01-2015, 01:37 PM
Happy New Year! I bet I was the first to take the Mustang out. Drove her from Townsend to my house today. Boy was it a nice ride!
What better way to start the new year off?

01-01-2015, 02:48 PM
Safe Happy year to all.

Now, looking forward to this year, anybody have word on Carlisle Ford Nationals in regards to club having a block of hotel rooms on hold for us??? Usually nice to start reserving late Jan early Feb.

01-01-2015, 03:20 PM
Happy New Year! I bet I was the first to take the Mustang out. Drove her from Townsend to my house today. Boy was it a nice ride!
What better way to start the new year off?

Yes, and I'll bet I was the last of 2014. Drove mine over to Hampstead yesterday to have Dan do some work on the fuel system.

My car actually seems to be running well. Recently replaced the 20 year old sensors on the engine and made a new custom coil wire. I don't recall it running this smoothly since it was stock. Still have the oil sensor to do and custom make the 8 plug wires, but I was very happy with how it ran yesterday.

01-02-2015, 12:08 PM
Happy New Year ! Hope everyone has a great 2015 !

01-02-2015, 05:57 PM
Happy New Year! I bet I was the first to take the Mustang out. Drove her from Townsend to my house today. Boy was it a nice ride!
What better way to start the new year off?

I took mine out also ! I really did lol

01-03-2015, 03:41 PM
Happy New Year, everyone!!!

2nd on the Carlisle info hehehe (yeah, I'm hooked now)