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View Full Version : John Deere starting problem

09-22-2014, 08:12 AM
Having a problem starting my JD riding mower.
2 cyl, 18hp engine, cranks and cranks and cranks, but won't start. Battery is bad, so I have to start it on a charger/booster -- but it's been that way all summer and has always started.

Changed plugs and air filter.
Pulled plugs and held them against chassis while cranking, could see spark.
Smell gas from carb.
Occasionally pops/puffs from carb.

What am I missing?

09-22-2014, 11:10 AM
If you pull plug and spray starting fluid right into plug hole. Install plug back & try to start. It should try to fire for a second. If so then bad fuel or carb plugged up and not delivering fuel. IF it doesn't try to start with starting fluid, then an ignition problem. Bad coil etc. Also if no spark, could be bad key switch or something related. You think you turned on be. However if with spray tries to start, that rules all that out.
If plug all wet of gas, after cleaning it and cranking, then bad gas. If plug is dry, bad carb.

I'd go with plugged carb. We'll see.

09-22-2014, 11:12 AM
Occasionally pops/puffs from carb.

What am I missing?

Could it be flooding out? Try jumping it from a car in case the charger is getting weak?

Let us know how it turns out.

07 stang gt
09-23-2014, 05:58 AM
I have (had) the exact problem on my 12 year old John Deere. I replaced plug, fuel lines, etc. and still would not fire, just kept turning over and over but wouldn't start.Had spark, new battery, finally gave up in frustration and bought a new machine. Did not want to stick money into an older machine, so replaced ot with a new Husqavana.I have my old machine still, deck is still good, new belt- rear tires-etc, you are more than welcome to it for spare parts if you want it.

09-23-2014, 08:30 AM
Well, I picked up some starter fluid last night, but other things got in the way and wasn't able to f with it. I think George is on the right track with the carb. When I pulled the old plugs to replace them they were dry.
Other than replacing oil and filters, I haven't done any maintenance to this machine since I bought it in '06 or so. Obviously needs a battery, probably plug wires and I'm guessing points -- I doubt it has an electronic ignition. I may just call up Rosencrantz in Derry and have them come get it and do a full maintenance on it. 'Course it would be good to get it to run at least once first so i can cut the lawn -- it's about 6" tall.....

09-23-2014, 10:04 AM
You may also need it to deal with all the leaves. Carb parts are cheap if shop rebuilds it. Just paying hour or two for labor.
How I know, I maintain:
Pressure washer
leaf blower
weed wacker
2 snow blowers
lawn mower
log splitter
roto tiller
chain saw

09-23-2014, 10:26 AM
That's quite a list George! I thought I had a good amount, but I only maintain:

Pressure washer
snow blower (1)
lawn mower
roto tiller
chain saw

My blower and whacker are electric. :(

09-23-2014, 09:09 PM
YAY! It started.

Was talking to someone and they said the JD's are know to wash all the oil out of the cylinders if they flood badly -- as often happens when having trouble starting. That causes the compression too be too low to fire up.
He said to sniff the dipstick -- if it smells like gas, that's probably it and to pour a teaspoon of oil into each cylinder and then try starting.

I sniffed, and it was real gassy -- so poured in some oil and it fired right up -- smoked like a chimney though... My neighbors probably thought it was on fire! :) Ran it till it stopped smoking and all seemed good.

Got to change the oil now though -- I have to imagine the the oil is pretty much ruined.

09-24-2014, 12:34 AM
Great, now don't neglect routine maintenance for so long again.
I always say take care of the machine, & it'll take care of you!

My next question would be why flooding badly? A guess you had old gas in it? And trying to start it, it floods.

09-24-2014, 08:54 AM
Great, now don't neglect routine maintenance for so long again.

Well said. Snap out of it Jim!!!!

Glad you got it running.