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View Full Version : Tomorrow's Mustang will likely adopt radical new powertrains..

09-18-2014, 06:25 PM
Downsized engines, e-turbos, hybrids and other options all under study.

Anyone see this today? Is a Hybrid possible? If not, better start buying and storing current ones. lol
Might a future Mustang adopt a similar approach? Apparently, that is another real option — though it would require a significant reduction in the cost of today's lithium-ion batteries, which would also need to become more energy-dense and compact.

09-19-2014, 08:33 AM
Porsche and Ferrari both hybrids hybrids on sale now (or soon) so the technology is certainly available for high-performance applications. I can certainly see a hybrid Mustang in a few years. And while it's not anything close to "classic muscle car" -- I would welcome it for at least a couple of reasons. 1) anything to preserve the Mustang spirit and keep the Mustang relevant in the future is a plus in my book. 2) Electric motors are torque MONSTERS so this could end up being a big boost in performance.

Porsche Panamera Hybrid

Ferrari "LaFerrari" 963HP (holy crap!) hybrid

09-19-2014, 08:57 AM
I am pretty sure in 1980, the future of car's was supposed to be their ability to fly.

until I can get into a car and drive it as far as I want and not have to worry about charging or it taking 8 hours to charge I have zero interest in electric cars.

I have a friend who works for Tesla, I have ridden in them many times....really cool cars, but the infrastructure and technology is just not there yet for me to feel confident about them. Not to mention the price point.

09-19-2014, 10:45 AM
I am pretty sure in 1980, the future of car's was supposed to be their ability to fly.

until I can get into a car and drive it as far as I want and not have to worry about charging or it taking 8 hours to charge I have zero interest in electric cars.

I have a friend who works for Tesla, I have ridden in them many times....really cool cars, but the infrastructure and technology is just not there yet for me to feel confident about them. Not to mention the price point.

+1 (from a Prius owner).

Better infrastructure and price will be required before I take that plunge. Maybe the new Tesla battery factory being built will help here.

09-19-2014, 01:59 PM
... but the infrastructure and technology is just not there yet for me to feel confident about them. Not to mention the price point....

Ask people in 1910 what they thought of the horseless carriage. You probably just quoted someone...

We are -- as were they -- on the cusp of one of those momentous leaps in the marriage of society and technology. The gas automobile, cheap commercial air travel, television, the internet... Efficient, cheap, long-range electric vehicles may be the next one.

And the current Tesla price point is so high because it's introductory technology. The next Tesla is expected to be 30-40K. Do you remember the first DVD players? $800. Now you get one included with your ginsu knives for only 3 breakfast cereal box tops.

09-19-2014, 06:10 PM
the 2015.