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09-14-2014, 02:22 PM
Canobie Lake Park Show Update -- Only one week away now; we have over 100 vehicles preregistered so far. And the look-term weather forecast is looking good. So, LAST CALL for any other preregistration !!!!

09-17-2014, 07:11 PM
Our car show at Canobie Lake Park is only three days away. We have room for others who want to attend but have not preregistered; just show up Sunday morning. Registration starts at 8:00; I will be there at 7:00 to set up. The folks at Canobie Lake will be directing traffic into the park, but we can use some help with registering show participants and directing parking in the showfield(s). Weather looks fabulous -- sunny and 80 degrees. Let's make this event a GREAT success. See you at the show !!!!

09-17-2014, 07:31 PM
Does the Park still open at the normal time of 11am?

If so, will we be directed inside the park during the registration time?

09-17-2014, 08:04 PM
YES and YES....

07 stang gt
09-18-2014, 05:41 AM
Weather looks great for Sunday. Randy, my family is planning on going to Canobie for the day, coming in a seperate vehicle. Is Canobie giving us two tickets as we enter or only one if only one person is in the car entering the show? Planning on meeting them outside the gate to give them my other ticket if we do get two tickets upon entry, is that ok to give my other ticket to my family? Sorry for so many questions so early in the morning !!!!

09-18-2014, 08:58 AM
Perhaps Randy will jump on and answer this, but in the meantime....

You'll need one ticket for yourself, the other ticket is for a passenger. Why don't you have one of your family ride with you, so you both get in with the "free" tickets, and then meet up with the rest of the fam inside the park?

07 stang gt
09-19-2014, 05:55 AM
Thats the plan now. Was going to get there early and help but now will be coming with my youngest son and since the park doesn't open till 11:00 I will shoot for 10:00.Car show times 11 to 3 ?, NHMC club members parking area or open parking ?

09-19-2014, 06:55 PM
The park does not open to the public until 11:00. We are to have show vehicles enter the park between 8:00 and 10:00. Our show field is inside the park, down near the lake. The situation we need to avoid is having show cars driving to the show field once there are other park patrons inside and walking around. So my suggestion to others has been to get to Canobie Lake prior to 10:00 with the two people who will get the two free tickets. Then have the others from your party show up at 11:00 or later and make plans to meet up with them at that point.

09-21-2014, 05:54 PM

Props to everyone who braved the early rain to set it up and make it happen.
Kudos also to everyone who attended, taking their "babies" out on a potentially nasty day to make this a success for the NHMC!

09-21-2014, 07:40 PM
I want to express my THANKS to ALL who showed up for today's event. This was our first year at Canobie Lake Park for this show, so there was some uncertainty about how successful the show would be. Considering the early morning weather, I think this show was a great success. Canobie Lake was a great host and I am really looking forward to going back next year. FYI -- they have only one other car show all year at the park, and they have had that one show for 35 years straight. Now we will start another streak !!!!

09-21-2014, 08:38 PM
Glad it was a success. Post up some pictures if you can.

09-21-2014, 08:44 PM
Glad it was a success. Post up some pictures if you can.

Now save your mileage for next years show!!!

09-21-2014, 11:11 PM
Now save your mileage for next years show!!!

Says a guy who didn't show up... :confused:

Yes, it was a good show and a fun venue, even if my car did arrive as "rolling wounded". Thanks to Rick, Randy, Ken and the rest who drove out there anyway in a downpour and had faith that the show would go on. They were proven to be correct and the weathermen wrong. Thanks again!

09-22-2014, 07:48 AM
Says a guy who didn't show up... :confused:

Yes, it was a good show and a fun venue, even if my car did arrive as "rolling wounded". Thanks to Rick, Randy, Ken and the rest who drove out there anyway in a downpour and had faith that the show would go on. They were proven to be correct and the weathermen wrong. Thanks again!

Had to celebrate my 1st grandson's b-day! Had nothing to do with mileage.
Been to dyno day WITH car as well as last weekend's ALS support show, WITH CAR,saw a few faces, but NOT many.

09-22-2014, 07:56 AM
I think you guys need to square off in the "flame suit rotunda"!!!! Instead of hi jacking this thread.....

09-22-2014, 08:44 AM
Kevin, ton's of pictures all over FB

Glad you guys thought the show turned out well...congrats.

09-22-2014, 07:35 PM
I think this show was a big success for our club this year. From the comments I've heard and seen on Facebook and the Forum, everyone had a GREAT time. This despite the heavy rain early in the morning. What a great location for a car show. Already trying to line up a date for the show next year.

09-22-2014, 09:10 PM
Kevin, ton's of pictures all over FB.

And as you know pics on FB may as well not exist for those of us who refuse to play Zuckerberg's privacy shell game. ;)

07 stang gt
09-23-2014, 05:50 AM
And as you know pics on FB may as well not exist for those of us who refuse to play Zuckerberg's privacy shell game. ;)Iwill second that. I had to make the call at 8 am if I was going and it was pouring rain at that time, so I gave it a last chance call at 9 am, still sprinkling and the roads were wet so decided not to go.I knew we couldn't get in the park past 10 so had to call it a day at that time. Hopefully next year.I have a major renovation going on in my home so there was plenty to do.

09-23-2014, 06:54 AM
Same here jimmy I was there in my truck to help set up a 7 but headed home at 9:30 to get my car but it just wasn't happening

09-23-2014, 08:50 AM
A few pics:





Cool Saab..
With a Mustang 5.0!


For Jibber and Ryan -- Look sunny day!

A 1993 Cobra reflected in a 10th Anniversary Cobra


09-23-2014, 08:51 AM

A rare picture of Todd. He hates having his picture taken. I probably stole his soul....


09-23-2014, 10:10 AM
I look forward to next year as location an venue sound great. And close by for both NH & MA folks.

09-23-2014, 10:21 AM
Thanks for the pics Jim! I really like the reflection picture and the last one in the first post with Todd's car at the front! I'm glad we both decided to chance it - lots of fun!

And +1 to George's comment, too!

07 stang gt
09-24-2014, 05:36 AM
Thanks for the pics Jim! I really like the reflection picture and the last one in the first post with Todd's car at the front! I'm glad we both decided to chance it - lots of fun!

And +1 to George's comment, too!Nice shine !!!Someones got a good detailer !!!:p

09-24-2014, 09:01 AM
Pictures came out great.

Some follow up question/comment.
Was the park busy with customers? ( with fall sports and school back in session I didn't think they drew large crowds)
At first I wasn't envisioning where the cars would be. After seeing the pictures.... The spot is great!!!

09-24-2014, 11:11 AM
Here is a condensed version of my pix. My new iPhone I found out takes burst shots? Hence many of the same pix. Also. the other 200 pix were of the Park and the Park Rides.

If the link does not work in the forum, let me know.



09-24-2014, 07:14 PM
Here is a condensed version of my pix. My new iPhone I found out takes burst shots? Hence many of the same pix. Also. the other 200 pix were of the Park and the Park Rides.

If the link does not work in the forum, let me know.



Just read this, NEW iPhones already need s/w update which was sent out. But they now say that new update is NO good.

Affect you?

09-25-2014, 08:46 AM
yes, iphone has taken burst shots since iphone 5. Pretty cool option

09-25-2014, 08:16 PM
Looks like apple removed iOS 8.01 on their own. I am still at 8.0.

I was in 6.x with my iPhone 4s. So I was behind a few major versions.

There are some bugs in iOS 8, like not being able to text pictures, etc. but they are fixing those as we speak!

09-26-2014, 12:42 AM
Looks like apple removed iOS 8.01 on their own. I am still at 8.0.

I was in 6.x with my iPhone 4s. So I was behind a few major versions.

There are some bugs in iOS 8, like not being able to text pictures, etc. but they are fixing those as we speak!

also few bending in pockets:
It is further embarrassment to Apple after some users posted comments about bends in the bodies of the oversize iPhone 6 Plus when carried in trouser pockets.

On the MacRumors forum of Apple users, one iPhone buyer noted that, after carrying the handset in a front pocket for 18 hours, "I saw the reflection of the window in the iPhone slightly distorted."

The user posted a picture of the bent phone, and dozens posted similar complaints on Twitter, using the hashtag #BendGate.

More than this, need new link.

09-26-2014, 08:49 AM
Pictures came out great.

Some follow up question/comment.
Was the park busy with customers? ( with fall sports and school back in session I didn't think they drew large crowds)
At first I wasn't envisioning where the cars would be. After seeing the pictures.... The spot is great!!!

The park crowds were very tolerable.

With little ones who did not do the newer Roller Coaster or that sky launch ride (reverse bungee!), the lines especially in the morning were very short. Most of the smaller rides, they could stay on the the ride for multiple runs, without getting off (there often was no one in the ride queues).

After lunch, the crowd picked up a it.

Great time to go, weather was not too hot, and overall not very crowed.

I have heard that in the peak summer days, many get into an overcrowded Canobie Lake Park and then fight long lines to get on any rides.

No problem with that at the end of the season! and the weather may have helped out a bit also.

Maybe a suggestion for the club and the park to cross announce or promote the event? I saw many families see part of the Car Show near the kiddie rides, and all said they did not know a Car Show was in the Park on that day. One lady said her husband would have come if he knew there was a Car Show at Canobie Lake Park. NHMC announced it, but Canobie might also want to mention it on there website or something. They might even have gotten more people to come for the day who normally would not, especially for those who are interested in cars!

A great time!

09-26-2014, 08:54 AM

also few bending in pockets:
It is further embarrassment to Apple after some users posted comments about bends in the bodies of the oversize iPhone 6 Plus when carried in trouser pockets.

On the MacRumors forum of Apple users, one iPhone buyer noted that, after carrying the handset in a front pocket for 18 hours, "I saw the reflection of the window in the iPhone slightly distorted."

The user posted a picture of the bent phone, and dozens posted similar complaints on Twitter, using the hashtag #BendGate.

More than this, need new link.

Have you seen/held the iphone 6+ yet in person? If you have, you'd understand how stupid this whole "bendgate" issue is.

I seriously LOL at anyone who carries the iphone 6plus in thier pocket and thinks it's NOT going to bend.
It's a freaking tablet....wake up. All these reports and hysteria over bendgate is absolutely rediculous. Use your head and realize it's not your average phone and is going to bend/break if you put it in your pocket.

09-26-2014, 10:27 AM
NEW Page needed for APPLE!
I DIDN"T Write the stories or start any web sites.

Don't get underwear in a bunch....:)

09-26-2014, 11:17 AM

09-26-2014, 12:17 PM
not attacking you george, I just think its funny how much news this story has gotten........

and im done :)

09-26-2014, 04:42 PM
not attacking you george, I just think its funny how much news this story has gotten........

and im done :)

A beer for each of us at xmas party or whenever!!!!
I know you're good. Just a discussion ....... about canobie I think??? lol