View Full Version : Ok with fall around the corner sad to say,

08-20-2014, 09:32 PM
Well TODAY the new Old Farmers Almanac was released.
Now not sure which one from last year, Farmers Almanac or Old farmers Almanac, (the 2 slightly different by diff publisher). But the one I posted last season that most barked at predicted a cold & snowy winter, think safe to say yes we did. I also went on to say a warm fairly dry 2014 summer. Safe to say all the little ponds and streams near me are dried up.

Now for what it's worth the 2014-2015 prediction.

My take is even if it's 50% correct, it's gonna be another New England pain winter.
I'd better get stacking wood even if some what accurate. Oh well. DON'T SHOOT the messenger

08-20-2014, 11:04 PM
You're just full of fun, George! :eek: I think I'll be a contrarian this year and say we get no more than a foot of snow all winter, and it all melts in a day!

:) :p :) :p

08-21-2014, 10:58 AM
I think I'll be a contrarian this year and say we get no more than a foot of snow all winter, and it all melts in a day!

:) :p :) :p

I'm with Bruce

08-22-2014, 07:32 AM
Just bought 5 pellets of wood pellets yesterday bring it!!

07 stang gt
08-24-2014, 06:53 AM
Installing a new pellett stove and the sleds are ready to go. Bring it on !!!!

08-25-2014, 08:30 AM
lol at the farmers almanac...it was soo wrong this year. We did not have a warm and dry summer and we are going to have the warmest week of the entire summer this week.

08-25-2014, 11:10 AM
lol at the farmers almanac...it was soo wrong this year. We did not have a warm and dry summer and we are going to have the warmest week of the entire summer this week.

Diff between "warm & hot". We had a lot of 85-90 days, I'd call warm. Not much for 90-95, hot.
So I'd say we had a good "warm summer. Was NOT wet by any means. Most pounds and streams near me are almost all dried up. So was not wet. We had many many nice dry weekends so all and all a nice "warm summer.
Last winter was pretty much as they said it would be. Sucky.
So lets see when the "Farmers Almanac comes out end of this month and see if it matches the "OLD Farmers Almanac just out. WHATEVER the case, no one but Todd will have their cars out this winter. Heck saw Jibber at show yesterday, he didn't even have his car out. So hot or cold many still hardly driving their cars.!!

08-25-2014, 11:24 AM
WHATEVER the case, no one but Todd will have their cars out this winter.

AHEM! My car is out every winter a few times, except for last winter when the brake system was apart for much of it.

08-25-2014, 12:03 PM
The weather summer facts. Temps

However June/July was little below average on rain. Maybe location does matter too. Some maybe wetter.

08-25-2014, 06:29 PM
no one but Todd will have their cars out this winter.

Actually, I'm hoping to have the engine out of the car this winter, and while the engine is out I will work on the regulators for the windows (if I don't decide to do that earlier). So no using the heater for me this year.

08-25-2014, 11:26 PM
Actually, I'm hoping to have the engine out of the car this winter, and while the engine is out I will work on the regulators for the windows (if I don't decide to do that earlier). So no using the heater for me this year.
Change windows to power windows.

08-26-2014, 07:45 AM
Change windows to power windows.

No, just one more thing to go wrong. Manual with this car is the only way I'm going!

08-26-2014, 09:13 AM
No, just one more thing to go wrong. Manual with this car is the only way I'm going!

LOL -- looks like manual went wrong too. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/fighting/poking-with-stick-smiley-emoticon.gif

08-26-2014, 12:53 PM
LOL -- looks like manual went wrong too. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/fighting/poking-with-stick-smiley-emoticon.gif

It's 47 yo. Your parts are going wrong too :p

09-30-2014, 11:36 PM

Third driest, as I've said, at least in NH been dry. Good for us folks cruzin.
Now what happens next several months? Mother Nature make it up? Staying dry for to long has it's own problems.

Car season about over, need something to chat about. lol

10-01-2014, 08:39 AM
I hope not...with about a month left in the car season I have some foliage cruisin I want to do

10-01-2014, 09:25 AM
I hope not...with about a month left in the car season I have some foliage cruisin I want to do

Ya, I think fall the best to go cruzin around to look at the sites.

10-15-2014, 10:21 PM
2630Ok for those looking for a little more scientific 2014/2015 winter forecast, this posted today.

Basically still cold & snowy. May not be quite as bad as last year but....

10/20/14 US forecast also out.

01-25-2015, 07:19 PM
Well technically this winter has been 1 degree colder this year over last, based on data report last week.
Now looking at some snow Tue 1/27/15, then maybe snow this Fri & again on superbowl Sunday.

I'd say 2015 winter outlook back in Oct 2014, dialing right in...

01-31-2015, 09:22 AM
Hope the snow stops in time for the club Pizza Party coming up.
Weather posted 1/31/15:

Find Eric Fisher on Twitter and Facebook WBZ

Phew…it’s been a busy week. Our Executive Weather Producer Terry Eliasen put together a great blog on the ‘numbers of the blizzard of 2015′ that you can read here. The snow deficit is gone, we had some more flakes to end the week, and now there’s plenty more to talk about in the days to come. Winter around here can be funny like that. The switch gets flipped and we rock out an active weather pattern that accounts for a large amount of our seasonal snow. The crazy thing is – if we can manage close to a foot with the next storm – we’ll have topped our average for an entire season in Boston already! It’d likely go down as one of the snowiest 10-day periods on record. Most got a half foot last weekend, another 30″ or so with the blizzard, another few on Friday, and possibly another 6-12″ Monday. That’s ~50″ in 9 days! And it doesn’t even include the possible storm on Thursday. Oof.

01-31-2015, 09:34 AM
Actually, I'm hoping to have the engine out of the car this winter

Get the truffles and beef jerky ready. George and I are going to kick this project in gear!!!

01-31-2015, 10:47 AM
George, you really enjoy being a storm crow! :p But I find it amusing, since you do it so well.:D

On the other hand, myself and several friends took bad falls in some of these storms and have been hobbling around with canes and crutches and missing work, so I wouldn't mind if this storm pattern broke up yesterday. "Just wishin' and hopin'"... :rolleyes:


01-31-2015, 03:05 PM
Snow I don't mind even though I don't snowmobile anymore. I hate the cold. Sad to say this coming week is gonna be VERY cold all week. I have two working snowblowers but still don't mind doing some shoveling for the cardio aspect.

02-05-2015, 08:43 AM
Another one on the way? Yahoo!

02-05-2015, 10:35 AM
http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm81/ToplessPony94/Misc/WinterSucks.jpg (http://s294.photobucket.com/user/ToplessPony94/media/Misc/WinterSucks.jpg.html)

02-05-2015, 01:26 PM
I think I am going to buy a snowmobile...I seriously need a hobby during the winter to keep me entertained.

02-05-2015, 07:00 PM
I think I am going to buy a snowmobile...I seriously need a hobby during the winter to keep me entertained.

Used to have two of them for many years, before and when I first got married. Then kids came along.....
Maybe you have started that thought a bit earlier. lol

02-05-2015, 07:03 PM

Maybe there's hope we'll get to take our cars out again before August!!!

02-06-2015, 08:38 AM
If we get the projected foot of snow this sunday-tuesday, we will have surpassed our snow average. Doesn't that mean we can be done with snow and get right to Spring?

02-06-2015, 08:58 AM
I think I am going to buy a snowmobile...I seriously need a hobby during the winter to keep me entertained.

I've thought this same thing.... But, I simply can't justify the expense of this hobby. I've had friends that have done this for years and they would tell me that it would cost them anywhere from 500-$1000 bucks a weekend depending on where they went. (Hotel, food and beverage and gas etc.) Plus, I believe the price of a sled these days is upwards of 8-10k and whatever else you need to spend to get suited up....

These guys were passionate about it though and I certainly get where they are coming from. These same guys think I'm crazy that I spend money on my car.... Of course they have Harleys. Haha.

02-06-2015, 11:03 AM
Kevin, like all sports or hobbies, you can spend as little or as much as you want to get into it. On snowmobiles, You can own the latest machines, get one for every family member, travel way up north, stay at nicer hotels and drop a lot of $$$$. Or if you're handy, own a not new sled, go just on day trips, maybe once in awhile stay over, and only exspense that day is few $$$ for gas. That's what I used to do, just do day trips. Once a season maybe find decent place to stay over or with friends. Living in NH you don't have to travel that far to ride. Some weekends just ride trails around the area. Or many places in NH that have "pull off areas" where you can park, unload and ride, NO cost.
Like skiers, you have the initial equipment start up costs. Skiers too can have big equipemnt cost if really into it. I just like to unload and go with my sleds. But since I don't like waiting in lines as you would if a skier, I like to just go, buzz around and make my own fun. As far as food, with snowmolbiles you can pack and carry own food or stop at a place you sometimes come across while riding. I like that freedom, part of why I live in NH.

To each his/her own. My machines long gone but kept my nice aluminum 2 place snowmobile trailer. Comes in hand time to time basically zero cost to own.

Final thought, if not sure you'd like snowmobiling, like skiing or cars for that matter, you can rent them. Find a place on line to go rent sleds for a day or weekend and try it all out. Some maynot realize but snowmobiling can be very physical riding as well, again how much effort you wanna put into it.

07 stang gt
02-07-2015, 05:35 AM
I will definetly say you got to have a winter hobby !! We have snowmobiles and love the day trips as well as going up north. I am less than 10 minutes from the state trails over in Freemont, all groomed trails that lead all the way to Pittsburg NH if needed.Last weekend we rode from Freemont to Concord NH, if I cant drive my stang, this is the next best fix!

02-09-2015, 08:07 AM
Tim was trying to tell me I'd be crazy looking at used sleds....but after seeing the costs of new vs. used...I think I'd be crazy to buy new. Hopefully next winter I'll pick up a used sled and trailer. If need be, i can always unload it....

02-09-2015, 09:07 AM
2766My 67 in my trailer, be awhile before it comes out.

Hope it stops snowing before World of Wheels comes along. Be tough for folks to get cars there.

02-10-2015, 08:08 AM
yikes, gonna need a front end loader to pull that outta there lol

02-10-2015, 09:51 AM
Ya I know. But for now a great security measure with snow.

02-23-2015, 08:55 AM
Lets hope for a nice warm summer!!!

ok, for those that believe science is better than Old Farmers Almanac. Maybe not so this year. Printed in yesterdays NH newspaper:

A worker clears snow and ice dams from the rooftops of the Amoskeag Mill yard Apartments in Manchester earlier this month. (David Lane/Union Leader)
Almanac vs. NOAA: Almanac wins

February 21. 2015 7:59PM

A worker clears snow and ice dams from the rooftops of the Amoskeag Mill yard Apartments in Manchester earlier this month. (David Lane/Union Leader)
Almanac vs. NOAA: Almanac wins
New Hampshire Union Leader

This winter has been just mean, featuring cold, biting temperatures, howling winds and the state getting hit repeatedly with one snowstorm after another.

It's like Mother Nature is mad at us.

Back in autumn, it was the old-school Old Farmer's Almanac, which is based in Dublin, and not the National Weather Service's computer models that correctly predicted New England would slog through a colder-than-normal winter.

"winter is expected to be another cold one in the eastern half to two-thirds of the nation," the Old Farmer's Almanac said. Meanwhile, on Oct. 16, the National Weather Service predicted "warmer-than-average temperatures in the Western U.S., extending from the West Coast through most of the inter-mountain west and across the U.S.-Canadian border through New York and New England."

When winter started in December, it sure looked like the National Weather Service was going to be right, according to its reports for Concord, where the NWS keeps official statistics. December was 4 degrees warmer than average and was the 15th warmest ever, according to the NWS.

But things took a bitter turn in January, according to the NWS.

"The average temperature for January was 18.3 degrees, which was 2.3 degrees below normal. This was the coldest January since 2009," the NWS said in its report for January.

So far, according to a preliminary report for February, this month has been far colder than normal, with just one day, Feb. 10, recording an average temperature higher than the month's average of 23.2 degrees. The temperature has averaged 11.9 degrees in February, which is more than 11 degrees below normal, according to the report.

And the next several days are going to be bitter again, with a high temperature of 14 degrees and a low of -7 degrees predicted for Monday in Concord.

"It certainly does not look like this upcoming week we'll see any appreciable warm-up," said James Brown, a meteorologist with the NWS office in Gray, Maine.

The warmest day in this week's forecast is expected to be today, with a predicted high temperature of 34 degrees for Concord.

And this winter follows last year's winter, which was snowier and far colder than normal, with temperatures in the single digits recorded in mid-March.

But the almanac didn't get its winter prediction completely right, as it predicted below normal snowfall for New England this winter. The NWS does not provide a prediction for snowfall in its seasonal forecast.

Nope. Concord, which has totaled nearly 80 inches of snow so far this year, is well above its average snowfall of 61 inches, according to the NWS. It started with a Thanksgiving snowstorm that dumped more than a foot of snow on Concord. December saw below-average snowfall, but Mother Nature sure made up for it after the New Year.

January had 25 inches of snow in Concord, which was 7 inches more than average, and February has already had just under 40 inches of snow, with more falling Saturday night into today.

"We're certainly going to see several inches," Brown said.

This is after the last two winters also had much higher snowfall than average, as 83.4 inches fell in 2012-13 and 80.4 inches fell last year, according to the data.

The last winter to have less snow than average was 2011-12, when just 48.1 inches of snow was recorded, according to the NWS.
- See more at: http://www.unionleader.com/article/20150222/NEWS11/150229820#sthash.2EcEDmmD.dpuf

02-23-2015, 09:21 AM
This is all I have to say in response:

if we get anymore goddamn blizzards, I'm gonna get all stabby....

02-23-2015, 10:03 AM
We'll make sure we all stay away, cause a chance of more storms, Sunday/Monday and maybe mid next week.

Hope after that temps rise, storms take a break. We do need slow melting.

07 stang gt
02-24-2015, 05:17 AM
This is all I have to say in response:

if we get anymore goddamn blizzards, I'm gonna get all stabby....Now that is funny !!!:D